Biden Gains Ground In Three New Polls
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Happy Sunday all. I don’t often post on Sundays, but had some encouraging news to share so sending along a quick one.
Encouraging New Biden Polls - There are now three new polls showing modest movement toward Biden:
New York Times - Biden gains 2 points since April/May
Yahoo/YouGov - Biden is up 46-44, a gain of 2 points. “After Trump felony conviction, Biden leads for 1st time in months"
CBS News/YouGov - Biden gains 3, has 1 point lead in the battleground states
It has been our core argument here for many months that as voters engaged, and came to understand the choice of Biden successful and good President vs. Trump the ugliest political thing we’ve ever seen, things would improve for us. It’s been my view that it was likely Trump’s thundering guilty verdict would move the election a bit towards Biden, but that it would take a while as voters needed time to process the news. So while most of the polling this first-week post-felony verdict continued to find a toss-up race with little movement, that we now have a series of polls showing Biden making gains is notable and encouraging.
Murdoch’s team went into overdrive defending Trump this week. The intensity of their efforts suggests they are seeing this movement and erosion in their internal polling.
We have a long way to go in this election, and a lot of work to do, but we take the wins when they come here at Hopium and this movement towards Biden is welcome news. If nothing else these polls should now definitively move the national media narrative from “Trump is leading” to “a close, competitive election with Biden showing signs of momentum.”
A Bit More - If you need a bit more today, I send along the following for your reading, listening, and viewing pleasure:
My new, comprehensive video presentation on the 2024 election
Make June Count by supporting our top candidates and states
The Economy Is Strong, Joe Biden Is A Good President, and With Democrats, Things Get Better
Meet Jane Kleeb and George Whitesides
Trump Is A Bad Man, A Serial Criminal - His Agenda Is Even Worse
Upcoming Events - I’ll be in Seattle Tuesday, and more
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You can watch and share the new, powerful Biden “Flag” TV spot:
Catch me talking to Lawrence O’Donnell on Thursday about the importance of bringing “the choice” to voters this election:
Keep working hard all. Proud to be in this fight with all of you - Simon
That CBS poll shows a massive 17-point swing towards Biden amongst Independent voters! If this is accurate, and given all the good work from Hopium and good patriots in other ground-Ievel organizations, I expect this change to soon be reflected in new swing-state polls showing Biden with a measurable advantage. (This links directly to Interactive Polls’ Tweet, while bypassing Xitter.)
The polls are good news. I suspect (hope) that Biden's lead will continue to improve as we get closer to November. But Biden needs to get out in front more, touting his successes, hammering home Trump's lack of fitness for any office and uniting his coalition around that fact. If he stays low key it will simply give credibility to the WSJ's hit job. Dems should come down a little from the high road and make their case over and over and over.