Happy Saturday All! A Big Thank You, Light Day Today
Been a great start, thanks for being part of the early crew
A light day today. Dumped a lot of new stuff on all of you these first two few weeks and just want to take it easy this weekend.
Have added a few H/C events to the schedule, and some grassroots events too. Remember we keep a live schedule of all upcoming subscriber and paid subscriber events here. The live schedule is also accessible on the navigation bar on the main H/C site.
Don’t forget to watch our monthly political briefing this week. I’ll be doing my normal overview of the current political landscape, take a few questions and then welcome Ben Wikler, the dynamic and very capable WI Dem Party Chair, to do an update on the all important April 4 Supreme Court race there. You can RSVP for the event, and learn how to do give and volunteer here. I’ve given and will be doing at least two GOTV call shifts later late next week. Hope you will too. You can catch the event live Tuesday at 1pm ET or watch it whenever it is convenient. Going to be a good one.
Continue to value the insights and recommendations I’m getting from all of you as we build this new community together. Keep it coming, and thanks again for being part of the early days of this exciting new adventure!
We close with some words from Thomas Jefferson, below. If only our Supreme Court could spend a little more time with these powerful insights, and the notion of “barbarous ancestors.” We would all be a lot better off.
Keep working hard - Simon
Excellent quote on how 🤔 the party on the right wants to keep our laws and rationales from over 200 years ago for judicial decisions stuck in the mud and stone of shortsightedness claiming that is what America 🇺🇸 wants, like a modern day Handmaid's Tale. That is why until the SCOTUS Is expanded to 13 justices ⚖️ to reflect the 13 federal appellate districts, the GOP will have a stranglehold on the SCOTUS. Same with the gerrymandering being perpetually skewed to keep their minority in power. The 435 representatives cannot remain the same since 1911.
To accurately reflect today's population 🤔 would require over 1600 representatives to accurately reflect the same % as when the 435 limit was set in 1911. That's how 🤔 America 🇺🇸 will need to deal with the gerrymandering problem 🙄
I watched the 4min short you recently posted & it was tantalizing. I have a research degree, so I loved the stats!
I’ve been thinking about how adaptation is the key to survival and the GOP has decided that they would rather try to hammer their constituents’ amygdalae to provoke fight, flight or freeze responses and short circuit their executive functioning. This provokes their fears and hampers their ability to adapt to their changing environment.
There’s a great Star Trek TNG episode where the crew of the Enterprise starts to de-evolve after a T-cell becomes airborne & activates their introns. In 2015, the “Trump cell” was released and it created a permission structure for people to act on their most primitive impulses. The GOP continues to promote their crusade against adaptation so they can increase their power and wealth at the expense of societal progress.