It's Time for Us to Have The Conversation About Fox
It isn't a news org - it's a Republican organization PRETENDING to be a news org
The revelations cascading out from the Fox Dominion trial are a game changer, a before and after moment in US politics.
We’ve learned:
Fox executives and talent knowingly lie to their viewers, and lied about the election being stolen from Trump in 2020 (which helped fuel the Jan 6th insurrection).
Rupert Murdoch directs his staff to help Republican candidates win their elections
Rupert Murdoch gave Jared Kushner and the Trump campaign access to Biden campaign ads before they aired in the 2020 election. Pure, unadulterated Trumpian cheating.
At its core, what is most disturbing about what we are learning is that Fox is not just not a new organization, it spends every day PRETENDING to be one. Yes the stories they tell may be lies and untruth, but the entire network itself is a lie, a fiction, theater, the Wizard of Oz, Trump’s orange hair, George Santos’ resume.
Since publishing this piece I dropped a major Twitter thread on what all this means. You can find it here.
It is time for us to stop playing along with the charade, to once and for all to pull the curtain back from the Wizard and treat Fox like what it is - a right wing propaganda channel, GOP TV, and not a news org. And this goes for the local Fox “News” affiliates across the country too. They are all part of a deeply corrupt scheme to mislead the American people, sow discord in the US, advance right wing politics.
I’m not exactly sure how all plays out. But other media organizations, including the White House Correspondents Association, need to have conversations now about what this all this means. Fox has been treated like a news org by fellow journalists, but that has to end now. For now we know treating Fox like a news org makes you part of their big lie, it makes you become complicit in misleading the American people. Certainly a Democratic Party wide boycott of Fox has to be discussed and considered now.
One of the reasons I am growing my presence here, on substack, is that Elon Musk has become a partner in Fox’s efforts to lie and mislead. He has become part of this effort to poison our discourse, and at some point we have to stop helping him make money and keep spreading rancid pro-Russia, pro-MAGA right wing proproganda.
Trying to help pro-democracy forces and the center-left navigate our new media landscape, to get louder, to become info warriors ourselves is a major part of what I am going to do next as I transition from NDN. Here’s a video of me below talking about the urgency of us starting to challenge the right’s information superiority. We have a lot of work to do friends, but I am confident that together we can do make great strides in taking back our discourse from the red wavy, Wizard of Ozy right in the coming months.
Godspeed, S