My March Political Briefing w/Special Guest WI Dem Chair Ben Wikler

Was a great event today. Ben was terrific, inspiring. Hope you can help the WI Dems in these closing days. We also had a great political discussion at the end. Enjoy.

Here’s the recording of my monthly political briefing from earlier today, Tuesday, March 28th. I kicked it off with some thoughts about the current national political landscape, and then Ben joined for an inspiring update on the critical Supreme Court race in this critical state. Hope you will watch - we all have a lot to learn from Ben, one of the best state party chairs in the county.

If you would like to provide financial or volunteer support in the final week head to the Wisconsin Dem Party site. Lots of info there. Was great to see people giving and volunteering live during the event today - thanks everyone! This election in Wisconsin really really matters - as Ben so powerfully explains.

Remember to keep checking back on our Upcoming Events page as new events are getting added all the time, including two new paid subscribr events in April.

Some things we touched on during the discussion today:

My “Two Elections” post-election memo

Our new “Get to 55”/”Strive for 55” project and analysis

Getting Louder

Learning How To Say Its Not Okay - some thoughts on how we have to start talking about the historic awfulnes of MAGA and the Republicans

The Republicans Have A DeSantis Problem

Thanks again all, and keep working hard - Simon
