Thurs 1pm ET - Hopium Paid Subscriber Political Briefing and Hangout
We also welcome NC Dem Chair Anderson Clayton Tue, Nov 28th
We gather again this Thursday at 1pm ET for our monthly get together of Hopium paid subscribers. We will be in Zoom meeting mode so camera on for anyone who wants to engage with others in our spirited community. You can register for our discussion below.
I also want to use the comments section below and our discussion on Thursday to begin talking about how the Hopium community should approach 2024. Let’s use the get to 55 mindset to drive our conversation, think of expansion, growth, and continued opportunities to take away geographic and demographic from them - as we’ve been doing all throughout 2023.
In the meantime, fill free to dive into my commentary about our encouraging 2023 performance below:
My Latest Analyses
Video Presentation - My 2023 Election Recap With Sam Cornale of the DNC
Podcasts/NPR - NPR’s On Point, Deep State Radio with Simon and Tom Bonier, The Guardian’s Politics Weekly America, Unreasonable Podcast - “Hopium Addiction”
Words/News/Magazines - You can find me in Ron Brownstein’s Atlantic essay, Republicans Can’t Figure It Out, in this very smart Financial Times piece, Will US voters believe they are better off with Biden?, in Jennifer Rubin’s new Washington Post column, A wasteland: Political coverage ignores the threat to democracy and this new USA Today story, How Did Democrats Win Big Despite Biden’s Bad Polls? Also Be sure to read Tom Bonier’s new NYT op-ed, American Elections Are About Abortion Now.