Note - this post has been updated with some additional resources since it was first published on June 9, 2023.
Here’s the June recording of my big presentation, With Democrats Things Get Better, which I recorded earlier today. It runs about 30 minutes and there was a lively discussion afterwards. I hope you will take the time to watch in the coming weeks. Watching With Dems is akin to a Hopium Chronicles orientation. It will really help you understand what we are trying to do here. It is also available for viewing and sharing on my YouTube channel.
You can learn more about With Dems - the big arguments, the strategic intent - here. It is new and fresh every time I show it so even if you caught it a few months ago there is a lot of new data and insights in today’s presentation. Some of the presentation’s most important slides are below and can be used in your work if properly cited (and link back here so folks can watch the whole thing!).
With Dems is some of my important work, and I love being able to share it with all of you. I think its message - that with Democrats, things get better in America time and time again - is something that many of our friends, colleagues, and family would find inspiring, hopeful, and motivating. As Democrats, we are part of arguably the most noble and consequential political movement in human history, and it is vital that we come to understand that as we once again fight to ensure freedom and democracy prevail here, and everywhere.
Happy Friday all, make sure you return all the top secret docs in your bathroom and keep working hard everybody - Simon
Related readings from the Hopium site
It’s Time for a Big Rethink on How We Poll and Talk About The Economy
McCarthy Has One Goal - Bring About A Recession To Hurt Biden
Related Readings/Commentary
The Lessons from America’s Astonishing Economic Record - The Economist
Why Are Republicans So Bad On The Economy? - David Leonhardt, NYT
Everyone Does Better When The President Is a Democrat - Mike Tomasky, Daily Beast
Fareed Zakaria on America’s Remarkable Economic and Global Strenght:
Some key slides from With Dems
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