The work you are doing is essential, but I still see a widespread complacency among Democrats and Independents. There are no widespread protests, as we see in Israel, even though the darkness of fascism has overtaken a dozen states, SCOTUS, the 5th Circuit, etc.

Not one Republican spoke out against the atrocity in TN, or the massive corruption of Clarence Thomas, or the nightmarish absurdity of a TX judge substituting religious dogma for judicial analysis, or Abbott's plan to pardon a convicted murderer (because he killed a BLM protester)...eviscerating the final checks and balances in TX.

I know that this newsletter is devoted to hope and action, but people must face the immensely dire facts of our collapsing democracy to be inspired to take the massive action required.

The institutions will NOT save us. There are NOT more of us than them (there are usually more of them that vote, which matters more than sheer numbers). GenZ will NOT save us unless GenZ turns out at 75% or more to vote.

Hope is necessary, but so is justified fear if it propels massive action.

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Agree with HW’s very well written comments above but also know that Simon Rosenberg, Jessica Craven, Joyce Vance, Robert Hubbell and Heather Cox Richardson keep us Democracy lovers going in bleak times. Some have deep experience in the law, others are historians and others know politics, voter engagement and sentiment much better than most of us. Yes, we can stay focused on the illiberal events that keep coming but we should remember Simon’s contention that there are 4 million patriots willing to fight until we prevail. I personally think the number of us is higher as I see more engagement every day. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead.

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As regards to the "Get to 55" movement. I ran across this from one of my very favorite authors this morning: "Leave room in your heart for the imaginable." Mary Oliver

Personally, I am sure we can get to the 55 we need and wipe out MAGA forces for good. My sincere thanks for Mr. Rosenberg for leading the way on this. I much prefer solutions to hand wringing.

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Love this! 🤩

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This belongs in the spot where you were asking for comments about using a new slogan and now Now I can't find that spot! … "strive for 55." I said I liked rhyming, but this didn't sound definitive enough to me.

So here's something that just popped into my head for consideration:


What about:

"Drive all the way to 55"?


"Strive all the way to 55"?

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Resist the Geezers Oppression Program [GOP]

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Thank you, Simon, for your ongoing work 👍🏻👍🏻 Love the interview you had. We can do this! 💪🏻

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I want to call your attention to two outstanding programs striving to Get Out The Young Vote:

1/ Energizing Young Voters, an initiative of the League of Women Voters, that envisions a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge, and the confidence to participate. Started in NJ by the extraordinary Pat Supplee, EYV is being adopted by Leagues in other states.

If you want to learn more and I hope you do, LMK (jaynemackta@gmail.com) and I'll put you in touch with Pat directly.

2/ All Vote No Play: As the pioneer of civic engagement in college athletics, All Vote No Play offers a pathway for every athlete, coach, and administrator to become more engaged citizens. Designed by Lisa Kay Solomon of Stanford University, this amazing initiative has been on a winning streak since its inception a mere three years ago. In June, 2020, Coach Eric Reveno, then Associate Head Coach for Georgia Tech Men's Basketball, tweeted that Election Day should be a day OFF from playing, and a day ON for voting. The tweet quickly went viral and inspired over 1,100 coaches to sign a pledge to do the same. If you want something to cheer about, check out All Vote No Play: https://www.allvotenoplay.org/

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Is anyone else having problems accessing the audio for our Substack newsletters? All of mine say “The audio for this post is still processing. Please check back in a minute.” This started yesterday and I can’t find any reference to the issue anywhere. Thanks in advance for any comments!

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Excellent summary of what's happening overall with regard to resistance to the Geezers Oppression Program [GOP] and their seditious activities to undermine democracy!! That lady candidate might want to consider 🤔 a little hair dye different color as I mistook her at 1st for a scrawny MTG; had to look closely several times before I realized it wasn't one of democracy's greatest nemesis picture.

Again, I apologize in advance, but it might be a consideration? Sorry about that 😕

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Hi Simon. I learned about Postcards to Voters on the recent Zoom call you led. I signed up right after the call and now have already written and mailed 40 postcards to Democrats in Jacksonville Florida. I hope you continue to advocate for this wonderful volunteer program.

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Here is the website for Postcards to Voters.


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