Thanks for all your work - it really does matter.

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We're doing so much great and important stuff here at Hopium. But what is the current DNC up to now? Again and again and again just asking us for money. Not treating us as partners, to do something worthwhile, as has been a running Hopium theme, but as a piggy bank. This is really pathetic... still. I removed myself from the mailing list months ago (as I've done many times over the years) because the DNC emails are worse than useless to a grassroots activist, but a week ago I found myself back on the list and have gotten 1 or 2 emails EVERY SINGLE DAY since then asking for money. Oh, they also wanted me to pick my favorite design for the upcoming -- exciting!! -- DNC member card. Pathetic.

Perhaps the next regime will undergo some self-reflection and implement new ideas.

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I regret having given the money.

Still waiting for a report on the nature and extent of Russian involvement in our demise.

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Another thing that I would very much like to see is report a from Field Team 6 with state-by-state details on its efforts, successes and failures. I’m convinced there is a lot to be learned from this – and it frustrated me that so few details on the results were forthcoming prior to the election. Certainly now it should be high time.

Daniel, I hear and understand your bitterness. One of my deep concerns is the extent of cooperation between Elon Musk and the Russians. I do wish we knew more.

That said, not for a moment do I regret my work and my support for Kamala Harris, our Democratic candidates, for our GOTV efforts and our state/local party organizations.

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Melon Felon: I mocked that he sent ME campaign materials (in BLUE state).

Fact: I read it. How do they 'claim' to help me? Melon send a few more and I got annoyed and threw them out.

We are all Americans with assorted beliefs. Most want more money, better safer lives.

A major UPGRADE must occur. Wealth and Power are winning. And it is not the ideas -- clearly!

Our achievements (i.e., Joe BIDEN!!!) do not reach the types of voter who DESERVE of our message. Technical EXPERTISE (not someone's nephew!) must enter our arena and use infrastructure to find the less connected and share the experiences that can improve in their life.

Elected Dems must expand their "partners" to include the brilliant and more knowledgeable experts in tech and communications management. Activists do not need to be politically handled. We are each a wealth of information.

Communication management experts can more effectively find voters in 50 states and work with local organizations (not just politicos) to find creative ways to communicate (NOT IN GRAPHS AND CHARTS, OR JUST SLOGANS). In the olden days we talked to people. The new global economy and social networks are about that. Musky knows how that is done.


As of 2009, reaching out correctly in FB gave anyone access to 65 million people!!! Imagine how much that would be today? And now we have Blue Sky, X, etc.

Democrats must find and pay the experts more than ANY OTHER DEMOCRAT.

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This conversation is all about what needs to change and there were excellent ideas presented, I thought.

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I continue to believe that we need Martin O'Malley at the DNC. His strength is as a spokesperson which we really don't have on the national level. O'Malley is the only DNC candidate who has ever drawn an attack from Trump who called him a "disgusting little animal."

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And he plays and sings!

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Randy is absolutely correct..The DNC e-mails and texts that we are getting Particular at this time when we are grieving these appeals are especially insulting and maybe part of the problem...DNC is tone deaf...Our messaging in the campaign was about values. But that's not where the people are at right now. Values doesn't help pay the bills. They want ACTION Anyway these DNC appeals are a turn off Will somebody talk some sense into them. The world has changed And not just here, It's everywhere that people are angry. This week it's Germany, today it's Canada before this it was France, S. Korea and Japan....Something much bigger is going on......everywhere and it's the same issues.

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Top-down isn’t working anymore. We’re fed up.

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They want action ... but so do WE!!!!

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It's good to have a fiery, aggressive spokesperson (for a change). But a true leader will be good at working with Technical experts and Communication Management consultants to reach people in our national AND local locations in ALL 50 states. All citizens!!!

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Big picture view of the Democratic Party - No big money in politics.

🔸️End Citizens United

🔸️Unify Urban and Rural voters

'it is the metro areas that are “the state’s economic engine, generating tax dollars that flow outward to every corner of the state."

Fascist politics feeds the insulting myth that hardworking rural residents pay to support lazy urban dwellers'

"How Fascism Works the Politics of Us and Them", Stanley, p174

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AGREE. I add that using the words 'Citizen's United' with a less informed, smart voter is one of our problems.

In letters to a voter in all red states, speak like a human -- we all matter. Each of us deserves help by our country.

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End Citizens United = No big money in politics

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Simon, Thnx for the interviews with the candidates for DNC and Veep: I understand David Hogg of March for OurLives is running for Veep, too…. Any chance of an interview there??

Happy Holidays in Persistence to all!

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Great stuff. I feel very included in this discussion about what the Democratic party can be. THANK YOU.

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Simon et al.:

Here is a statement on civic engagement from the VP: https://www.c-span.org/program/public-affairs-event/vice-president-harris-delivers-remarks-on-civic-engagement/653336 . She WILL make a great president - one day soon. Yet, before that day comes, this country is going to have to look at itself squarely in the mirror over the next few years. Here is one such “reflection”: https://johnpavlovitz.substack.com/p/america-chose-the-monster?r=bmf2j&utm_medium=ios&triedRedirect=true .

This election was a choice. Messaging was secondary. Many people simply heard what they wanted to hear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbohp3VSo84 . One could say that they were predisposed. Yes, unfortunately, the apocryphal “leopard” will have a large face-eating contest in the near future.

I have extended family in Nebraska. Jane Kleeb is a joy (and sharp). Thanks.

P.S.: First, teach civics. Second, register voters. Third, teach civics. Rinse. Repeat.

P.P.S.: It will be the “pay-off” administration (per rural communities): https://news.bgov.com/bloomberg-government-news/farm-measures-would-limit-trumps-bailout-money-in-a-trade-war . One would think that it is not “wasteful government spending” if it helps “Red” communities (i.e. extreme partisanship). Yes?

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Simon, will you be endorsing candidates for these various positions? I find your substack very informative but I don't have time to read/watch everything... or to follow DNC dynamics and races very keenly. It is very clear that we need innovators to lead the DNC forward and I'd like to do my part by talking to my state party leaders and getting others to do the same. Having your endorsements would help.

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I understand about the problem of 501c3’s and 4’s. But I was not willing to invest in Dem Party after being gaslit that the Clinton campaign was the best ever when I was not seeing it on the ground in PA. I was seeing “let’s get “Black folks’” vote in Philly. Let’s forget the rest of the state.” AND going back further - what happened to Obama’s campaign structure? Poof! What was made of that structure? Nada. Campaigns campaigning to campaign.

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We had $2 billion (or something) for the Harris campaign, and we don't have professional state chairs, but volunteers with a $2,500 monthly budget?

Things are becoming more clear.

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Yeah, Wowser.

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Yup. I'm in Missouri. Our state party is lean, mean and way overmatched.

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I have to respectfully disagree with your statement, "we don't have professional state chairs, but volunteers..." Jane Kleeb is a shining example of a professional who has committed twenty-plus years to our party. She clearly had the drive and knowledge to lead the Young Dems and worked her way up to the party chair, gaining more experience over the years, most likely as a volunteer. Jane was spot-on with her ideas for change and would make an excellent Chair of State Chairs. Goodness knows my state of Tennessee needs a complete overhaul!

FYI, our party chair has been paid over $100,000 annually for the past four years, in a deep red state, so I was shocked to learn that only 10% of our states have paid chairs. Where is the commitment to our party at the state level in every state? Tennessee has a 12-year GOP trifecta and has been passing Project 2025 legislation for the past few years. We're like a beta-test state, along with Texas, for the Christian Right and Trump 2.0! I ran for State House this cycle, knowing full well that I had no chance of winning, to give hope to the Democrats in my district that we haven't given up the good fight!

If you have the bandwidth, get involved with your state and county committees now. We don't have a moment to lose while we wait on DNC and state chair elections and the time it will take to develop and disseminate strategies and action plans. We have over 35 races in my county for 2026, with many in the August general elections. Plus, we have the governors race. My county isn't ready for this amount of work. IS Yours?

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My understanding from the video was that Jane is a volunteer. It was not a criticism of her. She should be paid full time. It looks to me like she’s doing a fantastic job. We need to build in every state and run everywhere. If we can raise $2 billion we can build state parties. That was my point. We have great people but we need to support them,

It is better than just dropping it on only ads

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I learned a lot in that interview - thanks! I had not known much of that internal party history. I'm glad to learn it as we head into elections for officers.

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Where can I review all the Dem Party Chair candidates?

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That was such an excellent conversation! Thank you Simon and Jane.

I have to wonder about all those new Republican voter registrations and their connection to the Russian-paid influencers, Bro/Rogan podcasters, and the plethora of right-wing disinformation propaganda channels. To my mind, the media ecosystem has got to be (or one of) our highest priority. As well as hands-on, year-round working campaigns in the rural areas.

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I’m also going to add a link to Lucas Kunce’s most recent Substack. He has his ideas from spending some time in an extremely poor rural area of Missouri where residents are living without clean water or plumbing. Hard to believe this is in America.. The story is worth reading if only to see what third-world rural America looks like.


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Lucas Kunce is the real deal.

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Great interview, Simon. Appreciate hearing Jane’s important perspective on what the DNC and state DNCs need to transform.

The most pertinent point Jane made for me : A NEW VISION.

The extremists have made being a democrat and the Democratic Party a tainted word.

We know that our agenda is popular with 60% + of the country.

We need strong thorough messaging and a plan / vision we can present to voters in all areas, especially rural, when we do the work w to bring them in.

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If we are able to consistently direct our focus towards what we Propose, that should inherently inject our argument with hope, determination, and confidence. If we are consistently pulled off message by reacting to the fire hose of chaos, treason, and depravity, we will stay stuck in Opposition, which can foster anger and a feeling of helplessness. What we focus on will dramatically influence our attitude. Easier said than done, of course. So it becomes even more important that pro-democracy advocates define what it is that we Propose.

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