Just putting this link here, Simon, to boost your hopium hypothesis and give folks tangible examples of how “good news” is shared well/decisively/satisfyingly!
Concerning polling on abortion, confirmation that abortion is a top issue (for many voters THE top issue), is the landslide victory of Lashrecse Aird over incumbent Va. Senator Joe Morrissey. The most recent results had Aird at over 14,000 votes with Morrissey just shy of 6,500. Morrissey had complained that Aird was campaigning solely on abortion. Well, it worked. This district is heavily African American, which is also Aird's demographic, showing that abortion rights resonate for that demographic at the polls.
Yes, we need to keep talking about DeSantis’s immigration law/effects before GOP starts blaming ⬆️labor, agriculture, construction costs on Biden/ inflation blah,blah,blah…
Agreed! Simon, can you work with your media contacts to point out the damage DeSantis' policies are creating to Florida's economy before Republican misinformation machine starts spewing their cr*pola?
It wouldn't surprise me if Ron DeSantis and his Senate Bill 1718 are the equivalent to California's Proposition 187 and Pete Wilson (R).
If you know your history, Prop 187 and Pete Wilson completely took a purple California and made it permanently blue as Prop 187 and Pete Wilson were clearly dripping with racism and bigotry, just like Ron DeSantis and Florida Senate Bill 1718.
It talks about Biden's accomplishments for working Americans in a way that grounds the message in the frame of freedom.
Research has found again and again, that no matter our race, background or zipcode, Americans value their freedoms: including economic ones, like the freedom to succeed and thrive, the freedom to earning a living wage to live a good life, the freedom to put food on our family's table and get home in time to eat with them, the freedom to retire in dignity.
This same frame also applies to even more fundamental values -- like the freedom to decide if, when or how to start a family, the freedom to be safe from gun violence, the freedom to breathe clean air, drink clean water and protect our children from the devastation of global warming, and most importantly, the freedom to elect leaders who will put the needs of majority of us first, instead of only ensuring minority rule for a wealthy, well-connected few, so don't have to pay the taxes they owe...
Thank you for the meaningful numbers, particularly, "Inflation last month was 1.2% annualized, well below the 2% Fed target." The "average yearly" numbers of 4% and greater that the media touts is not what Americans are living with in the here and now. The media simply can't wrap their heads around statistics.
Just putting this link here, Simon, to boost your hopium hypothesis and give folks tangible examples of how “good news” is shared well/decisively/satisfyingly!
Great clip! Really enjoyed his analysis and it’s great to see Simon’s source material and data points being used by others to amplify our case!
Concerning polling on abortion, confirmation that abortion is a top issue (for many voters THE top issue), is the landslide victory of Lashrecse Aird over incumbent Va. Senator Joe Morrissey. The most recent results had Aird at over 14,000 votes with Morrissey just shy of 6,500. Morrissey had complained that Aird was campaigning solely on abortion. Well, it worked. This district is heavily African American, which is also Aird's demographic, showing that abortion rights resonate for that demographic at the polls.
Yes, we need to keep talking about DeSantis’s immigration law/effects before GOP starts blaming ⬆️labor, agriculture, construction costs on Biden/ inflation blah,blah,blah…
Agreed! Simon, can you work with your media contacts to point out the damage DeSantis' policies are creating to Florida's economy before Republican misinformation machine starts spewing their cr*pola?
It wouldn't surprise me if Ron DeSantis and his Senate Bill 1718 are the equivalent to California's Proposition 187 and Pete Wilson (R).
If you know your history, Prop 187 and Pete Wilson completely took a purple California and made it permanently blue as Prop 187 and Pete Wilson were clearly dripping with racism and bigotry, just like Ron DeSantis and Florida Senate Bill 1718.
I'm praying both have the same outcome!
Excellent summary and working wonders for my optimism. You are simply the best Simon! Thank you for everything. 🇺🇸
I made a short limerick on my Substack. It is free and short to read if you have the time. It may make you smile! Thank you! ItsMissDenise
Hi Simon, another great update.
Wanted to make sure you saw this video: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1669408950952013824/pu/vid/1280x720/GXJk4sOu6_LeE3ZN.mp4?tag=12
It talks about Biden's accomplishments for working Americans in a way that grounds the message in the frame of freedom.
Research has found again and again, that no matter our race, background or zipcode, Americans value their freedoms: including economic ones, like the freedom to succeed and thrive, the freedom to earning a living wage to live a good life, the freedom to put food on our family's table and get home in time to eat with them, the freedom to retire in dignity.
This same frame also applies to even more fundamental values -- like the freedom to decide if, when or how to start a family, the freedom to be safe from gun violence, the freedom to breathe clean air, drink clean water and protect our children from the devastation of global warming, and most importantly, the freedom to elect leaders who will put the needs of majority of us first, instead of only ensuring minority rule for a wealthy, well-connected few, so don't have to pay the taxes they owe...
Thank you for the meaningful numbers, particularly, "Inflation last month was 1.2% annualized, well below the 2% Fed target." The "average yearly" numbers of 4% and greater that the media touts is not what Americans are living with in the here and now. The media simply can't wrap their heads around statistics.