Simon, I'm a fan of your WIth Dems Things Get Better preso. I have shared it with a number of people, and it always gives me a lift. I would love advice on how to counter the argument 'you can make numbers say whatever you want them to say,' particularly in light of the WashPo NBC poll that came out this weekend showing President Biden trailing Trump in a head to head match up. I suspect inflation is the big culprit, but given everything that Biden has accomplished and everything Trump has tried to corrupt, it astonishes me anyone beyond his core base wants to vote for him. The Independents number is particularly troubling.

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One of the things I'm also makes me incredibly proud to be part of the Democratic Party and greater family/coalition, is that throughout the 20th & 21st Centuries, there is one party that has been a trajectory of improving itself and repairing its past mistakes because of its commitment to a philosophy and therefore the flexibility to expand the ways in which it is expressed, and one party that has repeatedly disgraced its greatest legacies and moved backward due to ideological rigidity and a thirst for being in power that ultimately swallowed them whole. Best example by far is that the Democratic Party was once the party of White Supremacy......but had also always been the part of the working man. We have plenty of work left to do, but we had great principled leaders and activists pushing them through the years that allowed us to evolve into the party the represents the FULL scope of diversity present in our populous, and to be the driving force behind legislation that has fundamentally made things better for more people across those demographic lines. The Republicans greatest legacy, being the party that corrected our nation's most profound and unforgivable sin of slavery, has been disgraced and discarded by their failure to continue to grow with modern society and meet the needs and challenges of our time. Their rigid ideological stance on isolationism and a totally unregulated private sector caused them to FAIL to meet the moment of both world wars and the great depression, and it has caused them to fail repeatedly in this modern age of globalization. No political party will ever be perfect, and the nature of politics is that at it's best, policy is always much slower than culture and therefore disappointing and frustrating.....but my party has been on a growth trajectory for nearly a century of expanding the meaning of fairness, deepening the meaning of freedom, and broadening the scope of inclusion among our citizenry to the endless bounty and abundance of well being this great country has to offer.....I'm goddamn proud to be a part of that.

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