That CBS poll shows a massive 17-point swing towards Biden amongst Independent voters! If this is accurate, and given all the good work from Hopium and good patriots in other ground-Ievel organizations, I expect this change to soon be reflected in new swing-state polls showing Biden with a measurable advantage. (This links directly to Interactive Polls’ Tweet, while bypassing Xitter.)
The polls are good news. I suspect (hope) that Biden's lead will continue to improve as we get closer to November. But Biden needs to get out in front more, touting his successes, hammering home Trump's lack of fitness for any office and uniting his coalition around that fact. If he stays low key it will simply give credibility to the WSJ's hit job. Dems should come down a little from the high road and make their case over and over and over.
Hear you on this Bill. Campaign is clearly gearing up, much more intensity now. So may I ask - how are you helping? Any campaign you are volunteering on? Can you share this Biden flag ad through your networks? For here at Hopium we do more, worry less and stay relentlessly focusing on doing and not bitching and moaning.
I do what I can. I'm 84 and not getting around much anymore, but I donate monthly to a host of Democrats up and down the ballot. I also plug our point of view on my daily FB post (although that is preaching to the choir). So I "do." but I'm still concerned over what I see is our messaging deficiencies. I stand by my comment. I don't consider it 'bitching and moaning;' I consider it an attempt to message our side so we're more effective.
Bill, I’ve got you covered. Nearing my 500th postcard to register dems and encourage them to vote. Thank you for all you’re doing and for being a concerned citizen with 84 years of wisdom to go with it.
Several methods. FT 6 BYOP -- average 50 a day. I also do textbank and textarcades into the swing states, especially PA, MI, WI. Donate $25 for 1400 texts. "Field Team 6 has contact information for hundreds of thousands of unregistered likely Democrats – FAR more than we can afford to text. Yet texting is an incredibly effective outreach tool. And there is always huge volunteer demand for texting. So the only obstacle is funding."
Last week we did tens of thousands into GA and FL. I also signed up to do phone banking on Thursday afternoons. Took the DNC candidate course.
As we get closer to the election, I expect to do more GOTV.
In March. Simon was a speaker at the FT6 Summit when we registered 11,000 new Democrats in N. Carolina in one day.
This is great info....thanks. I'll be donating to FT6 and the text thing-y. I never heard of them and only donated to VoteVets and Progressive Turnout I want to concentrate now on voter turnout over donations to individual campaigns, although I'll keep on with that as well.
OK. I've joined the effort and donated to 6 plus Text Arcade. I've also been spreading the word about it. It's an inspired effort, and registering Democrats is crucial.
I also find myself wanting to offer advice on President Biden's campaign. But then I look at my qualifications and experience in political campaigns and don't see much. But still, I get frustrated. Why aren't they doing this or that? I wish I was in charge! It's easy and tempting to feel helpless, but we must remember that there are many of us and we matter. Just our being here matters!
Sometimes I think we rely to much on the "expertise" of the political strategists, so you should feel free to express your opinions--and frustrations. We don't always learn much from turning a blind eye to our shortcomings.
I took the time today to review your background information on FT6. 😳 Eye opening in a GOOD way. Thank you for continuing to push your information forward. I donated and sighed on as a monthly donor once I read and understood the impact your organization had on registering democratic voters in key states.
( I hope FT6 is focusing more on Nevada this year🤞🏻) The groups results were amazing! Your volunteer group really amplifies what we are all trying to accomplish: GOTV! It made me wonder if Simon would consider HC funding a fully volunteer, partisan ( democratic) group?!?
I’m also 84, and can only do so much too. I can, and do, talk to everyone I know about the contrasts between the candidates. They are both elderly, but one is sharp witted and has integrity, while the other is a convicted felon. That should matter to anyone with a love for our democracy.
Rumor has it you can seek out Trump voters in the Bronx, and that some even attended a Trump rally there. I believe there is a frequently-departing subway from Brooklyn. ;)
You are all so lucky to be so active at 84! I'm 61 and have clear signs of problems. Everyone is different, right? But I do what I can, donate here and there, help out in the community with our disabled veterans and so on.
Bill, are you familiar with DemCast USA ( and their new Substack ( Or Activate America's Amplify ( These could be good sources of content to use in your FaceBook posts. A funny meme or a snappy Infographic about Biden's successes might get more people to like and share your content on FB. It can also be as simple as finding something designed for FB, copying and pasting it and adding a brief message like "Check this out!"
You can also become a walking billboard for the Democrats if you buy and wear a "Dems Make Life Better" tee-shirt ( or ball cap. That can be a conversation starter at the store, when you are taking a walk around your neighborhood or at a doctor's appointment. It also broaden's your scope beyond "preaching to the choir"! I like to ask random people if they are registered to vote and if they seem interested in registering or checking an existing registration, I can whip out my cell phone. I have attached a sticker with a QR code that links to the website to the back of my phone! (
Do you have kids, grandkids, great-grandkids? If so have you asked them all if they are registered to vote and if they have a plan to vote in November? Find out what what issues are important to them and share what Biden )and the Democrats are doing to help solve the problem. Also share what a disaster a second Trump administration would be! You have the power to influence them and get them to promise to vote!
FYI, many states allow kids as young as 16 to pre-register to vote. Check out this map from the Civics Center to see the rules where they live ( and encourage all the young people you know to register/pre-register.
Finally, unless you live in a swing state, you may not see any Biden ads at all or at least not until much closer to the election. I'm in NC and I have started to see broadcast TV ads - the Biden flag one that Simon has been showcasing. But I've been getting Biden ads in my YouTube feed for a long time! And they are also micro-targetting ads through streaming TV precisely to the audience they want rather than using the "nuclear flyswatter" approach of showing the ad to everyone tuned to a specific channel that was popular in the past (not the mention that it used to be the only game in town!)
This is very helpful. Thanks. I'll check with the grandkids, but I think the ones here in the US have voted and will continue to do so. I'm going to buy some of the tee shirts!
It is a legimate payment processor. I would not be concerned as long at the payment is being made on a SECURE webpage - in other words it starts with https:// and NOT http://
Cheryl, thanks for Etsy link.💙Will be ordering my sticker with UPC code today. One of my walking billboard t’s has a big UPC code on the back but I rotate it with my other message boards so the sticker works !
I’d like to “second” what Cheryl said further down in this thread about Demcast. I post positive messages and accomplishments of Biden/Harris using the Reach app - on several social media platforms - so that the word about President Biden and the Democrats gets out! If you search for DemcastUSA on Facebook, you’ll see some of the messages. Also, a great new tool is - people can input their address & they’ll see what’s going to be on their ballot (plus they’ll see who endorses the candidate). Also, on the website there is merchandise like t-shirts and stickers and magnets for sale!!!
Apparently the NYT was at it again today but I skipped the summary. trump is a convicted felon. It's as good an argument as your gonna get. heard MTG claimed in NV rally that Jesus was also a convicted felon. SMH, they didn't have juries back then...
I believe Jesus had some choice words about lies and perjury, as well as gathering riches in this world. That said, we all know the Republican Jesus is very different:
Most of the recent news developments have been negative re Trump, who is now a convicted felon.
Don’t get in the way right now.
Biden looked and sounded strong in the Normandy D-Day memorials. Thats where the focus should be. The debate coming up later this month is when more will start paying attention. I’m guessing Biden and Team Biden will be unrelenting when it counts … after Labor Day when folks will start paying attention. That’s when you pour it on.
Bill, as an “experienced” guy like Biden, I’m sure you know to pace yourself to get done what needs doing. Biden’s main personal challenge as I see it is his age. He needs to be out there, but smartly. He’s been making a great impression when he is. But I think he needs to let his VP and surrogates do a lot of the heavy lifting also. Hopefully there will be more ads like the flag spot. And I’ve noticed his supporters are getting a lot more vocal and in your face.
Yes, I'm older than Biden, and I'm not terribly worried about his age. I have plenty of energy and can still get a lot done in a day, although like so many I do flag around 4 and need a short nap. The problem Biden faces on that score is that he sounds old, with that raspy old man's voice. Even the rhythm is to me off kilter. And he walks stiffly. He's reportedly sharp as a tack and is obviously energized when he has contact with people--from world leaders to auto workers--and when he really needs to he sure can rise to the occasion (SotU address, e.g.) He's using Kamala effectively, getting her out there to short circuit those who would like to run against her as a successor if Biden were out of action. I don't get cable, but I hope he has many surrogates out there. I think he'll wipe the floor with Trump in a debate, and ultimately I think he has a good chance of winning in Nov. And that, in a nutshell, is my take on all this.
✍️Postcarding opportunities available with the Center for Common Ground.
(Minus the cognac and cigars.Though enjoy writing mine with a frosty 🍺 to beat the Fl heat)
“Collaborating with local partners, we strive to mobilize ALL voters of color, both those who consistently participate in elections and those who have yet to exercise their right to vote.”
We have moved from Jim Crow to the Harlan Crowe era. With Clarence Thomas clearly bought-and-paid-for and Byron Donalds proving that he’s a useful idiot.
Simon’s comment about “Murdoch’s Team” will prove prescient in other ways this election cycle. Note that, right now, there is what Katty Kay of the BBC called a “British Invasion” of American newsrooms (and also led to the exit/firing of senior established journalists), where the executives and top editors are all now former Rupert Murdoch employees/acolytes. Take a look at the new people in charge at the Washington Post, which is completing its transformation into another news organization that resembles Fox “News”.
I really caution - like super caution - against notion that Biden’s improvement as we approach November will be constant and linear. It won’t. There will be bumps along the way.
Surrogates for Biden need to continually say:’Convicted Felon Donald Trump…..’ Use repetition as R’s do! Also Simon what was your thought on recent GA poll?
"State GOP Chair and indicted fake elector Michael McDonald tells the crowd they are there "to worship and bring back the greatest president of our generation."
For presidents, it’s not age but judgment that matters. A derided Wall Street Journal article about Biden “slipping” warrants a reset of 2024 coverage.
Thanks, Simon. Did you see the poll conducted by Canadian polling company, Leger, of 1003 American voters showing that 33% of Republicans preferred/prefer another candidate to Trump? This proportion was higher, 47%, among Republican voters aged 18-34 years old. The pool has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.09 points. It was conducted May 24 - May 26, which was days before Trump's guilty verdict in New York!
Biden reminds me of the proverbial guy who speaks softly but carries a big stick. He gets the job done. Just look at how he played the oil cartel. Sell high, bye low. They couldn't get what they wanted from him but have caved and are now drilling more oil again. We should start seeing our gas prices coming down over the summer when it usually goes up.
Chris Hayes had a recent segment on MSNBC laying out how Biden did it.
That’s a great analysis of the Biden Administration’s brilliant strategic action on gas prices! If you haven’t watched that video yet, you really must.
Hi Simon - thanks for posting today (and taking time out from family graduation festivities). This is great Hopium news.
During this D-day anniversary week, I’ve been thinking about the historical parallels and how once again, our country is faced with a choice between good & evil (this time, from within but with an assist from Russia, China & others….possibly Netanyahu).
And, I see you as one of our important leaders in the war we are in right now.
This is what I wrote to some friends this morning after forwarding them your newsletter:
“Investing with a paid subscription to Simon is a great thing to do. He is like our General in this war against evil; keeping the troops (us) focused, energized and hopeful. This is how he makes his living right now - tho I imagine when Biden wins re-election, he will be asked to join the administration -so, supporting his work is really important. It’s about $50 per year (less 10% now!) and you’ll get access to all kinds of great info. Hope you’ll invest. Xo”
Keep up the good work and thank you for all you are doing to save our democracy.
I do not know if it is me or my browser or how I’ve set up Substack, but when I go to the Hopium front page, I don’t always see Simon’s latest post until late in the day or even the next day. However, I can access it through my email. I’ve tried viewing the posts by “latest,” but my “latest” was yesterday’s post. (BTW I am a paid subscriber, so I don’t think this is an issue of free vs. paid)
Tuesday's primary in New Mexico generated just 23% turnout with the enthusiasm gap about equally divided. Biden and the Felon both received 84% of their party's votes. With 413k registered GOP, Loser got 79k votes; Biden got 111k of 577k Democrats.
Good news, in 2022, Gabe Vasquez (NM CD2) won the tightest congressional race in the nation by about 1300 votes. In this primary he got more than 6k votes than MAGA Yvette Herrell on her side.
In the Southwest we know MAGA politicians are worse than rattlesnakes, because to the snake, striking is the least desirable, last resort response to danger.
Thanks taking time during your son’s graduation weekend to share this encouraging news. I was so full of Hopium a week ago, I booked four rooms in Tucson for the weekend following the election for my friends from other swing states to come celebrate. (AZ will likely still be counting Election Day votes.) Our AZCD06 WORRY LESS-DO MORE Postcard Project is going strong … 37,000 postcards being prepared by nearly 100 volunteers to be mailed Sept 30 …. just 3,000 more postcards to go! I was very happy to learn you will be speaking at my legislative district meeting (AZLD18) via zoom on June 25. Onward!
Hi Simon. When we take back the House (cuz I’ll remain cautiously optimistic but realistically so and say when now, not if)—-is is true that Jeffries would be sworn in as Speaker on Jan 3 next year? If so, that would mean Jeffries and Harris would oversee a certification for Biden on Jan 6 rather than Harris and Johnson. You can imagine many are concerned about Johnson’s tactics in such a case. Also, do you anticipate at all Jeffries possibly claiming the speakership before the election? I could very well foresee more investigations/indictments into GOP members which could lead to more resignations subsequently, tipping the balance of powers for the gavel even if by a hair. Nonetheless, our aim is to flip the House period and by a wide margin.
That CBS poll shows a massive 17-point swing towards Biden amongst Independent voters! If this is accurate, and given all the good work from Hopium and good patriots in other ground-Ievel organizations, I expect this change to soon be reflected in new swing-state polls showing Biden with a measurable advantage. (This links directly to Interactive Polls’ Tweet, while bypassing Xitter.)
The polls are good news. I suspect (hope) that Biden's lead will continue to improve as we get closer to November. But Biden needs to get out in front more, touting his successes, hammering home Trump's lack of fitness for any office and uniting his coalition around that fact. If he stays low key it will simply give credibility to the WSJ's hit job. Dems should come down a little from the high road and make their case over and over and over.
Hear you on this Bill. Campaign is clearly gearing up, much more intensity now. So may I ask - how are you helping? Any campaign you are volunteering on? Can you share this Biden flag ad through your networks? For here at Hopium we do more, worry less and stay relentlessly focusing on doing and not bitching and moaning.
I do what I can. I'm 84 and not getting around much anymore, but I donate monthly to a host of Democrats up and down the ballot. I also plug our point of view on my daily FB post (although that is preaching to the choir). So I "do." but I'm still concerned over what I see is our messaging deficiencies. I stand by my comment. I don't consider it 'bitching and moaning;' I consider it an attempt to message our side so we're more effective.
Bill, I’ve got you covered. Nearing my 500th postcard to register dems and encourage them to vote. Thank you for all you’re doing and for being a concerned citizen with 84 years of wisdom to go with it.
Good on yer, mate!
I send postcards, too. The cards are imprinted with:
Several methods. FT 6 BYOP -- average 50 a day. I also do textbank and textarcades into the swing states, especially PA, MI, WI. Donate $25 for 1400 texts. "Field Team 6 has contact information for hundreds of thousands of unregistered likely Democrats – FAR more than we can afford to text. Yet texting is an incredibly effective outreach tool. And there is always huge volunteer demand for texting. So the only obstacle is funding."
Last week we did tens of thousands into GA and FL. I also signed up to do phone banking on Thursday afternoons. Took the DNC candidate course.
As we get closer to the election, I expect to do more GOTV.
In March. Simon was a speaker at the FT6 Summit when we registered 11,000 new Democrats in N. Carolina in one day.
Do you have any info showing the effectiveness of postcards compared to texting?
(Personally, I have always found political and commercial text messages intrusive and unwelcome, and that affects my opinion of the sender/purpose.)
Thanks for all your work Daniel. This is very inspiring. 🇺🇸🇺🇸
This is great info....thanks. I'll be donating to FT6 and the text thing-y. I never heard of them and only donated to VoteVets and Progressive Turnout I want to concentrate now on voter turnout over donations to individual campaigns, although I'll keep on with that as well.
OK. I've joined the effort and donated to 6 plus Text Arcade. I've also been spreading the word about it. It's an inspired effort, and registering Democrats is crucial.
I also find myself wanting to offer advice on President Biden's campaign. But then I look at my qualifications and experience in political campaigns and don't see much. But still, I get frustrated. Why aren't they doing this or that? I wish I was in charge! It's easy and tempting to feel helpless, but we must remember that there are many of us and we matter. Just our being here matters!
Sometimes I think we rely to much on the "expertise" of the political strategists, so you should feel free to express your opinions--and frustrations. We don't always learn much from turning a blind eye to our shortcomings.
I am frustrated. I think I have the ace in the hole in PA. Amish. Requires a diplomatic mission.
I get crickets.
However, I keep on pushing.
Daniel - keep plugging away - eventually someone will listen.
I took the time today to review your background information on FT6. 😳 Eye opening in a GOOD way. Thank you for continuing to push your information forward. I donated and sighed on as a monthly donor once I read and understood the impact your organization had on registering democratic voters in key states.
( I hope FT6 is focusing more on Nevada this year🤞🏻) The groups results were amazing! Your volunteer group really amplifies what we are all trying to accomplish: GOTV! It made me wonder if Simon would consider HC funding a fully volunteer, partisan ( democratic) group?!?
I’m also 84, and can only do so much too. I can, and do, talk to everyone I know about the contrasts between the candidates. They are both elderly, but one is sharp witted and has integrity, while the other is a convicted felon. That should matter to anyone with a love for our democracy.
I live in bright blue Brooklyn and don't know a soul who would dream of voting Republican!
Rumor has it you can seek out Trump voters in the Bronx, and that some even attended a Trump rally there. I believe there is a frequently-departing subway from Brooklyn. ;)
You are all so lucky to be so active at 84! I'm 61 and have clear signs of problems. Everyone is different, right? But I do what I can, donate here and there, help out in the community with our disabled veterans and so on.
Bill, are you familiar with DemCast USA ( and their new Substack ( Or Activate America's Amplify ( These could be good sources of content to use in your FaceBook posts. A funny meme or a snappy Infographic about Biden's successes might get more people to like and share your content on FB. It can also be as simple as finding something designed for FB, copying and pasting it and adding a brief message like "Check this out!"
You can also become a walking billboard for the Democrats if you buy and wear a "Dems Make Life Better" tee-shirt ( or ball cap. That can be a conversation starter at the store, when you are taking a walk around your neighborhood or at a doctor's appointment. It also broaden's your scope beyond "preaching to the choir"! I like to ask random people if they are registered to vote and if they seem interested in registering or checking an existing registration, I can whip out my cell phone. I have attached a sticker with a QR code that links to the website to the back of my phone! (
Do you have kids, grandkids, great-grandkids? If so have you asked them all if they are registered to vote and if they have a plan to vote in November? Find out what what issues are important to them and share what Biden )and the Democrats are doing to help solve the problem. Also share what a disaster a second Trump administration would be! You have the power to influence them and get them to promise to vote!
FYI, many states allow kids as young as 16 to pre-register to vote. Check out this map from the Civics Center to see the rules where they live ( and encourage all the young people you know to register/pre-register.
Finally, unless you live in a swing state, you may not see any Biden ads at all or at least not until much closer to the election. I'm in NC and I have started to see broadcast TV ads - the Biden flag one that Simon has been showcasing. But I've been getting Biden ads in my YouTube feed for a long time! And they are also micro-targetting ads through streaming TV precisely to the audience they want rather than using the "nuclear flyswatter" approach of showing the ad to everyone tuned to a specific channel that was popular in the past (not the mention that it used to be the only game in town!)
Thanks for the idea! I just ordered my register sticker!
This is very helpful. Thanks. I'll check with the grandkids, but I think the ones here in the US have voted and will continue to do so. I'm going to buy some of the tee shirts!
Tried buying items for the family, but the only way to check out is through something called Stripe--whatever that is. Not very smart of them.
I suggest reading this Forbes article to educate yourself about online payment platforms:
It is a legimate payment processor. I would not be concerned as long at the payment is being made on a SECURE webpage - in other words it starts with https:// and NOT http://
Cheryl, thanks for Etsy link.💙Will be ordering my sticker with UPC code today. One of my walking billboard t’s has a big UPC code on the back but I rotate it with my other message boards so the sticker works !
I’d like to “second” what Cheryl said further down in this thread about Demcast. I post positive messages and accomplishments of Biden/Harris using the Reach app - on several social media platforms - so that the word about President Biden and the Democrats gets out! If you search for DemcastUSA on Facebook, you’ll see some of the messages. Also, a great new tool is - people can input their address & they’ll see what’s going to be on their ballot (plus they’ll see who endorses the candidate). Also, on the website there is merchandise like t-shirts and stickers and magnets for sale!!!
I'm familiar with Blue Voter Guide, but I didn't realize they had merch. ;-)
FYI, here is a link to a Politics Girl podcast where Leigh interviews Wayne Liebman about Blue Voter Guide:
This is encouraging.
News moves so quickly these days that the hit job by WSJ is already dust in the wind.
Apparently the NYT was at it again today but I skipped the summary. trump is a convicted felon. It's as good an argument as your gonna get. heard MTG claimed in NV rally that Jesus was also a convicted felon. SMH, they didn't have juries back then...
I believe Jesus had some choice words about lies and perjury, as well as gathering riches in this world. That said, we all know the Republican Jesus is very different:
Bill, I think you will enjoy this. As Trump holds his rally in Las Vegas, this is an absolutely brilliant move from the Biden Campaign!
(Hammering home Trump’s lack of fitness for any office – just as you requested.)
I personally think a small ad repeated daily "Trump hates dogs" is more effective. Trump as convict is a call to arms.
Great! The best way to win this one is to hammer home his utter lack of fitness.
…and, as you have pointed out, to shout President Biden’s successes from the rooftops.
Most of the recent news developments have been negative re Trump, who is now a convicted felon.
Don’t get in the way right now.
Biden looked and sounded strong in the Normandy D-Day memorials. Thats where the focus should be. The debate coming up later this month is when more will start paying attention. I’m guessing Biden and Team Biden will be unrelenting when it counts … after Labor Day when folks will start paying attention. That’s when you pour it on.
Bill, as an “experienced” guy like Biden, I’m sure you know to pace yourself to get done what needs doing. Biden’s main personal challenge as I see it is his age. He needs to be out there, but smartly. He’s been making a great impression when he is. But I think he needs to let his VP and surrogates do a lot of the heavy lifting also. Hopefully there will be more ads like the flag spot. And I’ve noticed his supporters are getting a lot more vocal and in your face.
If you haven't watched it already, I suggest watching this great interview of VP Harris by Brian Tyler Cohen.
Yes, I'm older than Biden, and I'm not terribly worried about his age. I have plenty of energy and can still get a lot done in a day, although like so many I do flag around 4 and need a short nap. The problem Biden faces on that score is that he sounds old, with that raspy old man's voice. Even the rhythm is to me off kilter. And he walks stiffly. He's reportedly sharp as a tack and is obviously energized when he has contact with people--from world leaders to auto workers--and when he really needs to he sure can rise to the occasion (SotU address, e.g.) He's using Kamala effectively, getting her out there to short circuit those who would like to run against her as a successor if Biden were out of action. I don't get cable, but I hope he has many surrogates out there. I think he'll wipe the floor with Trump in a debate, and ultimately I think he has a good chance of winning in Nov. And that, in a nutshell, is my take on all this.
How low will Republicans go to slime Joe?
This low...
Rep. Byron Donalds: Joe Biden is taking "injections" that make him "look coherent."
*Fact-check: There is no evidence that Joe Biden is receiving “injections” to make him “look coherent”. Absent evidence, this is a defamatory lie
And we can count on them to go lower...
"When they go low, we go high." –Michelle Obama
Translation: "When they go for the gut punch, we go for the jugular!"
Rep Byron Donalds is a provocateur and potential running mate for Convicted Felon Trump.
He explains to the “common folk “,at a cognac and cigars event, how the Jim Crow era was better for black families.
✍️Postcarding opportunities available with the Center for Common Ground.
(Minus the cognac and cigars.Though enjoy writing mine with a frosty 🍺 to beat the Fl heat)
“Collaborating with local partners, we strive to mobilize ALL voters of color, both those who consistently participate in elections and those who have yet to exercise their right to vote.”
We have moved from Jim Crow to the Harlan Crowe era. With Clarence Thomas clearly bought-and-paid-for and Byron Donalds proving that he’s a useful idiot.
I wonder if the other guy actually is getting injections. They like to accuse their opponents of the things they themselves are doing.
There are no such medications. If there were, we'd all be clamoring for them for our friends and family in decline.
Simon’s comment about “Murdoch’s Team” will prove prescient in other ways this election cycle. Note that, right now, there is what Katty Kay of the BBC called a “British Invasion” of American newsrooms (and also led to the exit/firing of senior established journalists), where the executives and top editors are all now former Rupert Murdoch employees/acolytes. Take a look at the new people in charge at the Washington Post, which is completing its transformation into another news organization that resembles Fox “News”.
I really caution - like super caution - against notion that Biden’s improvement as we approach November will be constant and linear. It won’t. There will be bumps along the way.
Thank you Simon!
TFG’s felony conviction needs more factoring in.
Surrogates for Biden need to continually say:’Convicted Felon Donald Trump…..’ Use repetition as R’s do! Also Simon what was your thought on recent GA poll?
June is for weddings and voter registration.
June is for divorces – when patriotic Republicans and Independents abandon the treasonous Cult of Trump!
More evidence that Trumpism is a cult:
"State GOP Chair and indicted fake elector Michael McDonald tells the crowd they are there "to worship and bring back the greatest president of our generation."
– Jon Ralston, Editor, Nevada Independent
Great opinion piece by Jennifer Rubin in today's Washington Post.
For presidents, it’s not age but judgment that matters. A derided Wall Street Journal article about Biden “slipping” warrants a reset of 2024 coverage.
Thanks, Simon. Did you see the poll conducted by Canadian polling company, Leger, of 1003 American voters showing that 33% of Republicans preferred/prefer another candidate to Trump? This proportion was higher, 47%, among Republican voters aged 18-34 years old. The pool has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.09 points. It was conducted May 24 - May 26, which was days before Trump's guilty verdict in New York!
So, when do these folks toggle to LV models?
My guess is Biden gains 2-3 more because lots of GOP RVs will not vote for Trump.
Biden reminds me of the proverbial guy who speaks softly but carries a big stick. He gets the job done. Just look at how he played the oil cartel. Sell high, bye low. They couldn't get what they wanted from him but have caved and are now drilling more oil again. We should start seeing our gas prices coming down over the summer when it usually goes up.
Chris Hayes had a recent segment on MSNBC laying out how Biden did it.
That’s a great analysis of the Biden Administration’s brilliant strategic action on gas prices! If you haven’t watched that video yet, you really must.
This message needs to get out.
i got an idea for a book about Biden.....I'm calling it American Claudius....
Hopefully, he can go after the corporations gouging us on food prices. Look forward to what wizardry he has in store for them. LOL
Hi Simon - thanks for posting today (and taking time out from family graduation festivities). This is great Hopium news.
During this D-day anniversary week, I’ve been thinking about the historical parallels and how once again, our country is faced with a choice between good & evil (this time, from within but with an assist from Russia, China & others….possibly Netanyahu).
And, I see you as one of our important leaders in the war we are in right now.
This is what I wrote to some friends this morning after forwarding them your newsletter:
“Investing with a paid subscription to Simon is a great thing to do. He is like our General in this war against evil; keeping the troops (us) focused, energized and hopeful. This is how he makes his living right now - tho I imagine when Biden wins re-election, he will be asked to join the administration -so, supporting his work is really important. It’s about $50 per year (less 10% now!) and you’ll get access to all kinds of great info. Hope you’ll invest. Xo”
Keep up the good work and thank you for all you are doing to save our democracy.
Tracy Sherman
I do not know if it is me or my browser or how I’ve set up Substack, but when I go to the Hopium front page, I don’t always see Simon’s latest post until late in the day or even the next day. However, I can access it through my email. I’ve tried viewing the posts by “latest,” but my “latest” was yesterday’s post. (BTW I am a paid subscriber, so I don’t think this is an issue of free vs. paid)
Tuesday's primary in New Mexico generated just 23% turnout with the enthusiasm gap about equally divided. Biden and the Felon both received 84% of their party's votes. With 413k registered GOP, Loser got 79k votes; Biden got 111k of 577k Democrats.
Good news, in 2022, Gabe Vasquez (NM CD2) won the tightest congressional race in the nation by about 1300 votes. In this primary he got more than 6k votes than MAGA Yvette Herrell on her side.
In the Southwest we know MAGA politicians are worse than rattlesnakes, because to the snake, striking is the least desirable, last resort response to danger.
Thanks taking time during your son’s graduation weekend to share this encouraging news. I was so full of Hopium a week ago, I booked four rooms in Tucson for the weekend following the election for my friends from other swing states to come celebrate. (AZ will likely still be counting Election Day votes.) Our AZCD06 WORRY LESS-DO MORE Postcard Project is going strong … 37,000 postcards being prepared by nearly 100 volunteers to be mailed Sept 30 …. just 3,000 more postcards to go! I was very happy to learn you will be speaking at my legislative district meeting (AZLD18) via zoom on June 25. Onward!
Hi Simon. When we take back the House (cuz I’ll remain cautiously optimistic but realistically so and say when now, not if)—-is is true that Jeffries would be sworn in as Speaker on Jan 3 next year? If so, that would mean Jeffries and Harris would oversee a certification for Biden on Jan 6 rather than Harris and Johnson. You can imagine many are concerned about Johnson’s tactics in such a case. Also, do you anticipate at all Jeffries possibly claiming the speakership before the election? I could very well foresee more investigations/indictments into GOP members which could lead to more resignations subsequently, tipping the balance of powers for the gavel even if by a hair. Nonetheless, our aim is to flip the House period and by a wide margin.