Powerful video! Let’s get louder so Joe and his team can finish the job! Thank you, Simon! 💗

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I'm a little bit concerned that there was no mention at all of climate in this video. Biden needs to make addressing the climate emergency a priority if he wants to get young voters on board.

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concern is the wrong word here. These are powerful videos to start. We have 18 months to fill in the story. It's just the first few days.

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I recommend following Voters of Tomorrow. They’re a Gen Z activist group and they already put out a statement yesterday supporting Biden-Harris 2024 and an excellent graphic on some of the ways this administration is helping Gen Z.

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As the campaign moves forward, I think there need to be stories about real people who have benefited from things enacted already. Find a person who now has a job building a bridge.

People say they think Biden hasn’t done anything because they don’t know of a real example. Stories move emotions and change behavior and beliefs.

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You can find those on POTUS/Joe Biden and VP/Kamala Harris social media. I recommend following them directly because the news media seems to like tax breaks better than they like democracy. Joe Biden has even written at least 2 OpEd’s. Despite claims of “liberal media” we do not have a dedicated outlet like the GOP has Fox. It behooves us all to find and share the good widely, which I would say is the gist of Simon’s Hopium movement.

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I think these vids send the correct message. Positive, moving, presidential frankly.

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Great start. Great message, tone, and imagery.

Simon, I feel that ballot initiatives in all states on right to choose and gunsense would add significantly to turnout in our favor.

Am I wrong on this?

If not, who is is working to make this happen?

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Can you please get on some of the MSNBC shows to spread some of your optimism. I often feel that they are shooting us in the foot. There is so much positive news that they don't share.

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I agree. I watch lots (too much!) of pro-dem stuff on YouTube like MeidasTouch and NoLieBTC, Pod Save America. Heck I think even Simon would do awesome with Jon Stewart! But I can see that Simon hyping up the voter groups with usable data is SUPER VALUABLE, so I appreciate that focus. But if he gets interviewed where there are Millions of subs, he is basically saying Hope is in the data and our numbers, but EACH, democracy loving person has to give, share, and act in some form or fashion to spread Biden’s good news.

While also tending to our local and state races. We must fit in where we can get in. Get involved from ‘bottom up’ like Biden says.

But we can start easy. Maybe just stick out a flag this week.


The Flagmakers a doc streaming on Disney+ about an American flag company in Wisconsin called Eder Flag owned by it’s diverse employees, discusses patriotism and what it means to be American. It stretches and pulls your soul. Perfect to help motivate. Grab snacks and tissue & enjoy family.


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Excellent start and you'd know better Simon, but I feel like Biden has more legislative accomplishments to run on than any president in the last few decades.

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Yes. It is time we took our flag back from the Trumpists and their view of "America First" which ironically puts Americans last.

There will be plenty of time to talk about all of the other issues. Planting the flag as the foundation is a very good first step. Let's go!!

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Hell yeah 🇺🇸🗽 this is powerful and inspiring stuff. I'm excited to get back to texting voters like I did in 2020. Let's finish the job!

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Dear Joe Biden and Simon Rosenberg, Thank you so much for your voice of wisdom and empathy for all women; and for declaring Courage, Opportunity, Democracy and Freedom, for all citizens. These are troubling times and we must do everything we can to elect and re-elect Democrats in local and national elections. We should not listen to the polls as they are designed to derail our fruitful efforts. Let’s finish the job TOGETHER! Denise

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The fact that they are leaning so heavily into freedom and democracy tells me that our movement has succeeded in making this a voting issue… It took the bulk of the American people some time to fully understand, and accept the magnitude of the threat and to attach it to the Republican party instead of just Donald Trump alone… But I can see that we’re getting there, and this is a message. I’m happy to be running on. Let’s kick some ass!

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How does the A.I. choose the Taiwan flag for Chinese - and then write in Mainland pin-yin characters. Yet at the same time it chooses the former North Viet-Namese flag, rather than the yellow/red striped South Vietnam flag - maybe b/c there's no more SVN. Glad A.I. gets to do that.

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AI has a huge database, but no ability to analyze or make sense of the data. Steve Newman's blog talks about this. https://amistrongeryet.substack.com/p/gpt-4-capabilities?sd=pf

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Need inspiration this morning???? https://youtu.be/Ct_OiUukV8c

MSNBC interview with Rep Zephyr, RepJones, Rep Frost. Powerful young leaders deep in for democracy! Please share this clip on your socials. Thanks Info Warriors!

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