Man, I so appreciate this newsletter or whatever the proper designation is. Good information to counter the horse race drama and titilation on offer elsewhere. This is news we can use!

Kudos Simon.

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I agree with Adam. You give us "news we can use" every time. But I am still not all that hopeful. Unfavorability doesn't change stolen elections which is why Republicans have become so adept and determined at stealing elections via gerrymandering and the electoral college and just not letting the wrong people vote. But I do appreciate the Good News you bring us!

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I hope you will watch David Pepper today, and discuss how early vote in Ohio is looking very good. Also have you watched the latest With Dems? Actually Action, brings hope.

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Fantastic podcast with Carville and Hunt. You’re the best out there for really understanding polling data and how to apply it. I recommend everyone give it a listen.

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Thank you. Was a great discussion.

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Hey Simon, you’re probably already aware of this being the researcher/analyst that you are, but this article popped up on my LinkedIn feed the other day and I wanted to share it here cuz I think its data belongs in the #WithDems deck.....might give it a look if you haven’t seen it already 👍👍👍


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This is a great clip to SHARE. Medhi saying the numbers don’t lie about Bidenomics..... but the press may be.

Honestly all his graphs gave me some ‘With Dems’ deja vu ! Enjoy the good news


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Lovin' this economic news. Just one thought as we message . Not everybody we need to reach knows what GDP, BLS and similar acronyms stand for so we will need to work to get the major news across in language everybody can understand and appreciate.

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This link shows the interactive map discussing the funding for BIL (bipartisan infrastructure legislation) that was pasted last congress.

Pull it up & you will gasp like I did. EVERYONE understands jobs drive economy. This map makes clear who supports jobs. Drill it down to your state, find both public and private investment and the # of jobs this bill is bringing along. I think this will help all of us trying to make the case for Biden’s economic achievements HOME & easy to comprehend.

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Not sure if you are aware how negative Carville and Hunt have been about Biden this year- so negative I actually stopped listening and unsubscribed from there podcast last week- BUT I listened to the episode and your conversation with them was VERY good and you were really strong on your research and background information and how you steered the discourse. Carville raised most of his concerns during the conversation and I am hoping that you left him thoughtful and that he’ll cogitate and be more positive and energized. Its been hard for me to hear him so down and I doubt I am alone.

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