Bluenami! I love it! Also, I’m very enamored of the idea of becoming a monthly donor to the Biden/Harris campaign at whatever level works for you. You can do it via Hopium and increase our collective giving. All
in on re-electing Biden-Harris and defeating that horrid and dangerous Trump.
Me too. I just looked at my ActBlue contribution history and turns out my all-time top recipient was Joe Biden in 2020, followed by Jon Ossoff, Raphael Warnock, and Stacey Abrams (I really went in on trying to flip Georgia). I’m going to match my 2020 Biden donation for 2024 and give NC the same amount I put into trying to flip Georgia.
Thank you Simon. I felt myself being “blown around” by the news this morning but I took a deep breath and repeated the mantra you gave us. I feel better and am itching for some work to do.
There are phonebanks into the CA Districts that we want to flip in Nov. But in order to do so, there needs to be a Democrat who comes in first or second place in the primaries on Tuesday. CA is typically vote by mail and in some of these districts Dems haven't been returning their ballots in large enough numbers.
The poll question should not be “Will you vote for Trump if he is convicted of criminal offenses?” That question concedes Trump the corrupt judiciary advantage.
The REAL question is “Do YOU believe Trump is too criminally compromised to be President?”
That’s the best yet. He is definitely failing in the cognitive department. The Lincoln Project has a new ad, it’s something about trump’s dementia in 101 seconds. I don’t remember where I saw it, but it’s worth looking up. I’m 83, and don’t know how to post links.
Honestly, the trials felt to me like a redux of the Mueller investigation, people got their hopes up about something that was never going to amount to anything. It may be for the best that the Supreme Court delivers a definitive answer to the question of whether we have a government of laws or a government of men.
Agree - the focus on the trials, is part of the fear of Trump mini-movement and a hail mary for stopping him. I heard one commentator say - this decision means Trump will never go to trial - meaning I guess that Trump is guaranteed to win. My thought is we'll put him jail after we win :)
Totally agree, and I’ll add that even if courts convicted him- it wouldn’t stop him. The only way to stop MAGA is to show, conclusively, that the American voters have rejected it.
I’ve said it before: This November**, we need to raise Democratic turnout to European levels: 70–90%.
This is the best way to "Get to 55", to ensure an Electoral College win so strong that it cannot be stolen, and to ensure a Blue Tsunami that puts Democrats firmly in control of the House, holds the Senate, and sweeps away MAGA Republican candidates downballot in state after state.
** And the Supreme Court just made it clear that stopping Trump will not be done by the courts. It is in our hands – and only our hands.
Your positive spin and perspective is sorely needed
I hope you get read by cnn and nyt. They tend to say they are anti Trump, but usually stress concerns with Biden. I was Harris supporter in 2020. Due to his age. But think he is wise excellent president. They can win and more importantly can govern.
I for one believe that Article IVX, Section 3 is a nonjusticiable issue before the court. Section 3 specifically gives Congress the role to re-qualify a candidate. SCOTUS has no such right to interfere in a state ballot candidate disqualification unless a candidate’s civil rights are at issue.
But what about the January 6th trial? The Supreme Court was never going to just let another court’s ruling stand on such a momentous decision. They may have done that if they cared about the integrity of the Constitution, but they are far more interested in their own grandiose ambitions to be the most consequential court in history. They are also corrupt in that they openly “legislate from the bench” despite their supposedly principled opposition to that idea, but I don't think that has anything to do with it this time. This is much more likely to be a case of “if it’s going to be important, then I need to be at the center of it!”
Let’s say the SC ruling takes so long it pushes the trial past November. We need to make this drip, drip of legal news (Trump argues he is above the law, SC rules that Trump may be prosecuted, etc.) part of the campaign. It gives us two simple messages for voters: First, Biden is running to restore democracy and help American families, while Trump is running to keep himself out of prison. Our campaign is about helping you. His campaign is about helping him. Second, while running for President Trump will be arguing in court that, as President, he should be able to do anything, including murder his political enemies and enough Senators to make it impossible to impeach him, and not face any legal consequences (this was actually asked and answered at the DC circuit). It sure looks like he wants to get in there and commit some more crimes with impunity. “Drain the swamp?” He is the swamp.
We have to beat him at the ballot box, no matter what. And remember that by April he will probably be a convicted felon on the NY hush money case, which begins next month. The first ever criminal trial of a former president is going to dominate the news cycle. It gives us the chance to keep asking undecided voters if a convicted felon should be in the White House.
That NY case carries less penalty, but defending himself from charges of breaking campaign finance law forces him to put the very scandal he paid to keep quiet during the 2016 campaign right back in the headlines again. Remember, his defense is that he paid off the porn star (the one he was sleeping with while his wife was recovering from giving birth to his son) because he wanted to keep his affair from Melania, not because he was worried it would cost him the election. It’s pretty bad when your legal defense is that you are a sleazebag. It’s not going to help him any with women.
Also, with his freedom on the line in the election (lose and he goes to prison), I don’t think he’ll be able to talk about anything besides himself, his crimes, and how much he hates his persecutors. This makes people remember why they don’t like him. Will voters see themselves in the self-pity and resentment of a whiny fake billionaire? I think not. It also gives us the field to talk about Republican chaos and corruption, their war on women’s health, and Biden’s accomplishments as President.
Ok, I think we should rebrand the 3/25 hush money case as the 3/25 election interference case. First, it was election interference! Second, it ties it to Georgia and January 6th, which may not be tried before the election. It also sounds more consequential, at least to me. Words matter!
Absolutely words matter and tfg knew it mattered when he asked if they had to pay Stormy since they won the election. He knew it would have had an impact had the story got out.
Thank you for replying to my doubts about percentage-based analyses of elections; I appreciate the education and will avoid knee-jerk rejection going forward.
In the South Carolina primaries, Biden got about 155,000 votes while Loser Don got 750,000. That doesn't surprise, but is a meaningful sign that a lot of work lies ahead.
So glad you brought up the issue of focusing way too much on the Trump trials (although the civil ones worked out very well) and expecting the courts to save us. So tired of seeing it in my twitter feed.
Enough! We are the ones who will save us by getting to the polls and doing the work to get others to the polls. Super Tuesday will leave Phillips, Williamson, uncommitted and perhaps Haley as dust in the wind leaving the ability to get more focused on Biden/Harris. I'm moving forward with less worry and more work.
Below is today's letter to the NYTimes executives and select journalists. Please help to keep the pressure on the Times to reverse its anti-Biden bias. ,,............................................................. I mailed these NYTimes staff: (Ms Levien is the CEO) ............................................................... I am one of millions of activist Democrats shocked by the NYTimes continuing pursuit of "alternative facts" to justify a faux, alternative political reality in America today. The data shows that Trump is a weak candidate and getting weaker. Biden is spectacularly popular among Democratic and Independent voters who are the American majority The Times persists in portraying the opposite. If the Times continues to lean right in its interviews and polling, the paper will misrepresent the danger Trump/MAGA presents to America. Maybe it's good for "clicks" and paper sales. It's terrible for the pursuit of the truth. Ezra Klein's mission to unseat President Biden is another example of creating fog in the midst of clear facts. Let's consider what Klein's "nearly senile" president did in the past few days: - Successfully negotiated a budget extension with the heart of MAGA. - Continued negotiations for a cease-fire in GAZA. Biden is the most respected politician on all sides for getting a cease-fire agreement. - Handily won the Michigan Primary. So where are Biden's fading capabilities?? He is and looks like hey 81? We're all hoping the Times will soon return to its traditional role of supporting democracy in America.
Yay! Great for Newsom to go on Meet the Press and clear that up. My Republican friends are bringing that up as it is a real thing, that Biden will drop out at the convention, and someone will step in for him, pre-arranged. Mr. Biden would not do that or plan that. If he were not capable at the time of the election, I’m assuming our candidate would be Ms. Harris. Thanks for sharing this Simon! And thanks for keeping it positive, and sharing the facts we can use to promote Biden. My postcard writing continues, even with a cramped hand, ha ha!
Bluenami! I love it! Also, I’m very enamored of the idea of becoming a monthly donor to the Biden/Harris campaign at whatever level works for you. You can do it via Hopium and increase our collective giving. All
in on re-electing Biden-Harris and defeating that horrid and dangerous Trump.
Me too. I just looked at my ActBlue contribution history and turns out my all-time top recipient was Joe Biden in 2020, followed by Jon Ossoff, Raphael Warnock, and Stacey Abrams (I really went in on trying to flip Georgia). I’m going to match my 2020 Biden donation for 2024 and give NC the same amount I put into trying to flip Georgia.
Georgia will still need your love in 2024 too. It's never going to be an easy state, but like NC valuable to have.
Hopium helps keep me sane!! Thank you Simon.
Thank you Simon. I felt myself being “blown around” by the news this morning but I took a deep breath and repeated the mantra you gave us. I feel better and am itching for some work to do.
There are phonebanks into the CA Districts that we want to flip in Nov. But in order to do so, there needs to be a Democrat who comes in first or second place in the primaries on Tuesday. CA is typically vote by mail and in some of these districts Dems haven't been returning their ballots in large enough numbers.
The poll question should not be “Will you vote for Trump if he is convicted of criminal offenses?” That question concedes Trump the corrupt judiciary advantage.
The REAL question is “Do YOU believe Trump is too criminally compromised to be President?”
Or even:
"Do YOU believe Trump is too criminally compromised, or psychologically unsuited, to be President?"
That’s the best yet. He is definitely failing in the cognitive department. The Lincoln Project has a new ad, it’s something about trump’s dementia in 101 seconds. I don’t remember where I saw it, but it’s worth looking up. I’m 83, and don’t know how to post links.
It's "Trump's Weekend at CPAC in 101 Seconds"
All the Lincoln Project content can be found on their YouTube channel:
Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help. 🥰
Honestly, the trials felt to me like a redux of the Mueller investigation, people got their hopes up about something that was never going to amount to anything. It may be for the best that the Supreme Court delivers a definitive answer to the question of whether we have a government of laws or a government of men.
Agree - the focus on the trials, is part of the fear of Trump mini-movement and a hail mary for stopping him. I heard one commentator say - this decision means Trump will never go to trial - meaning I guess that Trump is guaranteed to win. My thought is we'll put him jail after we win :)
Bingo! We defeat him in November and nail his ass to the wall in 2025. He can run in 2028 as an 82-year old convicted felon.
From prison.
Totally agree, and I’ll add that even if courts convicted him- it wouldn’t stop him. The only way to stop MAGA is to show, conclusively, that the American voters have rejected it.
Yes! We need to be united behind Biden and all Dems. Show the other side we want our democratic republic protected from the likes of tfg and his ilk!
Excellent and to the point!
I’ve said it before: This November**, we need to raise Democratic turnout to European levels: 70–90%.
This is the best way to "Get to 55", to ensure an Electoral College win so strong that it cannot be stolen, and to ensure a Blue Tsunami that puts Democrats firmly in control of the House, holds the Senate, and sweeps away MAGA Republican candidates downballot in state after state.
** And the Supreme Court just made it clear that stopping Trump will not be done by the courts. It is in our hands – and only our hands.
Your positive spin and perspective is sorely needed
I hope you get read by cnn and nyt. They tend to say they are anti Trump, but usually stress concerns with Biden. I was Harris supporter in 2020. Due to his age. But think he is wise excellent president. They can win and more importantly can govern.
I for one believe that Article IVX, Section 3 is a nonjusticiable issue before the court. Section 3 specifically gives Congress the role to re-qualify a candidate. SCOTUS has no such right to interfere in a state ballot candidate disqualification unless a candidate’s civil rights are at issue.
But what about the January 6th trial? The Supreme Court was never going to just let another court’s ruling stand on such a momentous decision. They may have done that if they cared about the integrity of the Constitution, but they are far more interested in their own grandiose ambitions to be the most consequential court in history. They are also corrupt in that they openly “legislate from the bench” despite their supposedly principled opposition to that idea, but I don't think that has anything to do with it this time. This is much more likely to be a case of “if it’s going to be important, then I need to be at the center of it!”
Let’s say the SC ruling takes so long it pushes the trial past November. We need to make this drip, drip of legal news (Trump argues he is above the law, SC rules that Trump may be prosecuted, etc.) part of the campaign. It gives us two simple messages for voters: First, Biden is running to restore democracy and help American families, while Trump is running to keep himself out of prison. Our campaign is about helping you. His campaign is about helping him. Second, while running for President Trump will be arguing in court that, as President, he should be able to do anything, including murder his political enemies and enough Senators to make it impossible to impeach him, and not face any legal consequences (this was actually asked and answered at the DC circuit). It sure looks like he wants to get in there and commit some more crimes with impunity. “Drain the swamp?” He is the swamp.
We have to beat him at the ballot box, no matter what. And remember that by April he will probably be a convicted felon on the NY hush money case, which begins next month. The first ever criminal trial of a former president is going to dominate the news cycle. It gives us the chance to keep asking undecided voters if a convicted felon should be in the White House.
That NY case carries less penalty, but defending himself from charges of breaking campaign finance law forces him to put the very scandal he paid to keep quiet during the 2016 campaign right back in the headlines again. Remember, his defense is that he paid off the porn star (the one he was sleeping with while his wife was recovering from giving birth to his son) because he wanted to keep his affair from Melania, not because he was worried it would cost him the election. It’s pretty bad when your legal defense is that you are a sleazebag. It’s not going to help him any with women.
Also, with his freedom on the line in the election (lose and he goes to prison), I don’t think he’ll be able to talk about anything besides himself, his crimes, and how much he hates his persecutors. This makes people remember why they don’t like him. Will voters see themselves in the self-pity and resentment of a whiny fake billionaire? I think not. It also gives us the field to talk about Republican chaos and corruption, their war on women’s health, and Biden’s accomplishments as President.
Ok, I think we should rebrand the 3/25 hush money case as the 3/25 election interference case. First, it was election interference! Second, it ties it to Georgia and January 6th, which may not be tried before the election. It also sounds more consequential, at least to me. Words matter!
Absolutely words matter and tfg knew it mattered when he asked if they had to pay Stormy since they won the election. He knew it would have had an impact had the story got out.
Words matter, indeed. Let’s use "Traitor", "Treason" and "Coup Attempt".
Yes all those are perfect descriptions for tfg and yet the majority of Rs still support him. I will never understand!
What I've been posting since DA Bragg announced the case because that is what Bragg said. Verbatim.
Thank you Simon. Every morning I look forward to your email to lift my spirits and keep je on track
Thanks as always Simon for keeping up the pace on building hope!
I am keeping tabs on No Labels efforts and wonder what your perspective is.
Their founder published an article in the Dallas Morning News today, once again asserting they've got a path to victory. Here's the link (behind a paywall unfortunately):
I don't think we can ignore them, but wonder what risk to Biden's election they represent.
The Problem Solvers Caucus doesn't seem to be helping things either, to my way of thinking, but would appreciate your thoughts as well
I cannot help but wonder:
– Does No Labels even have a candidate? Anyone known to be interested?
– Will they choose a candidate through a convention or some other open process?
– Or will the funders and founders of No Labels choose their candidate?
– Who funds* No Label? Why won’t they tell us??
* There is evidence key financial backers are major sponsors of Trump and Republicans.
Lincoln Project did a series of ads about No Labels:
The first 6 or 7 items from this search are definitely about No Labels; I'm not sure about the rest of them.
Thank you for replying to my doubts about percentage-based analyses of elections; I appreciate the education and will avoid knee-jerk rejection going forward.
In the South Carolina primaries, Biden got about 155,000 votes while Loser Don got 750,000. That doesn't surprise, but is a meaningful sign that a lot of work lies ahead.
Clarifying to know that nobody is coming to rescue our country- our takeaway is that this is the American voters job. And we are ready to step in o.
So glad you brought up the issue of focusing way too much on the Trump trials (although the civil ones worked out very well) and expecting the courts to save us. So tired of seeing it in my twitter feed.
Enough! We are the ones who will save us by getting to the polls and doing the work to get others to the polls. Super Tuesday will leave Phillips, Williamson, uncommitted and perhaps Haley as dust in the wind leaving the ability to get more focused on Biden/Harris. I'm moving forward with less worry and more work.
Below is today's letter to the NYTimes executives and select journalists. Please help to keep the pressure on the Times to reverse its anti-Biden bias. ,,............................................................. I mailed these NYTimes staff: (Ms Levien is the CEO) ............................................................... I am one of millions of activist Democrats shocked by the NYTimes continuing pursuit of "alternative facts" to justify a faux, alternative political reality in America today. The data shows that Trump is a weak candidate and getting weaker. Biden is spectacularly popular among Democratic and Independent voters who are the American majority The Times persists in portraying the opposite. If the Times continues to lean right in its interviews and polling, the paper will misrepresent the danger Trump/MAGA presents to America. Maybe it's good for "clicks" and paper sales. It's terrible for the pursuit of the truth. Ezra Klein's mission to unseat President Biden is another example of creating fog in the midst of clear facts. Let's consider what Klein's "nearly senile" president did in the past few days: - Successfully negotiated a budget extension with the heart of MAGA. - Continued negotiations for a cease-fire in GAZA. Biden is the most respected politician on all sides for getting a cease-fire agreement. - Handily won the Michigan Primary. So where are Biden's fading capabilities?? He is and looks like hey 81? We're all hoping the Times will soon return to its traditional role of supporting democracy in America.
Yay! Great for Newsom to go on Meet the Press and clear that up. My Republican friends are bringing that up as it is a real thing, that Biden will drop out at the convention, and someone will step in for him, pre-arranged. Mr. Biden would not do that or plan that. If he were not capable at the time of the election, I’m assuming our candidate would be Ms. Harris. Thanks for sharing this Simon! And thanks for keeping it positive, and sharing the facts we can use to promote Biden. My postcard writing continues, even with a cramped hand, ha ha!