You were really great with Lawrence O’Donnell last night! And thanks for posting the links to the organizations working to register young people!

Jeanie Okimoto

Vashon Island, WA

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Excellent work on Last Word. I sent an email to The Bulwark recommending they bring you on to their podcast as a guest. Thank you Simon!!!

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Great interview on MSNBC last night! We enjoyed seeing you.

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Good job! We need to hear the positive, because the negative forces are loud.

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Why do all the really negative, dumb people yell the loudest? Beats me.

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Strong ad on abortion. A 12 year old should be out playing soccer, not being raped by her stepfather. Unbelievably cruel people out there who need to be stopped in their tracks.

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Great appearance last night!

Just posted -- re The Civics Center: How just a couple of hours of your time can help create a Democratic Tsunami in 2024 (with Pop Quiz)


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What great info about TCC ! ( The Civics Center)

Laura Brill and her group are just amazing!

My friend and I just signed up to sponsor a high school in Arizona which is part of a project TCC is working on with Maricopa Dems to work toward having 100% of their High Schools have a youth voter registration program.

I’m also working with my local High School and college and love your questionnaire to educate them about voting! Step by step...

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Virginia needs your help. If you've read about efforts to shut down the public library in Warren County, you should know that the leader of that movement, Delores Oates, is running for the VA House of Delegates. She's promised to introduce a bill that will make any and every VA library, museum, and school unable to even mention LGBTQ people. Her Democratic opponent, Steve Foreman, is speaking out against her attacks, but he desperately needs funding and volunteers to phone bank, text, postcard, and canvass. Please go to https://www.foremanforvirginia.com and do whatever you can. Let's stop this nonsense in Front Royal and keep it out of Richmond.

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Sent $50 in for Foreman! Thanks for sharing Catherine!

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THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

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Thanks Catherine- just the kind of information we ( I ) need to get to help direct donation $$ that can hopefully, help make a difference where most needed: Against MAGA, for Democracy!

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Fun fact about our victory in New Hampshire Tuesday… In case anybody wonders how powerful grass roots small dollar donations can be in down ballot races like State legislatures, the last fundraising report for the Democratic winner showed that he had raised about $47,000 for the campaign, and total contributions just from the Daily Kos community through ActBlue to his campaign were $34,000! Over 2/3 of his total fundraising came from one grassroots community, and it led to an 18 point over performance on the partisan lean… especially when we lean into small races, a little bit of help goes along way! Let’s kick the shit out of these guys in Virginia! 😎🇺🇸

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This is incredible proof of small community POWER! Great receipts, Steve! Let’s help Steve Foreman in VA that way as described above by Catherine. Sent $50 from NC his way and I challenge everyone who reads the comments here to do a $ donation if you are able! Let’s Go VA!

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Those fundraising numbers are really impressive when you consider that 2019 had a bunch of Primary Presidential campaigns going.

With wider variety of campaigns receiving dollars it should really help strengthen the party for the long term.

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More info re: The Civics Center Youth vote


For those interested in another way to support the Youth Vote specifically: I contacted Laura Brill group at The Civics Center and found out about their postcards made to be sent to newly registered youth voters. I ordered 75 postcards for the Ohio fall election. Not only are these being sent to first time youth voters specifically but there is also a scan on them requesting these new voters to send a reminder to their friends, doubling the potential communication to young voters with each card! Frankly, if I received a QR scan like this I would probably ignore it not being as technical as the youth voter group. But for this age group I thought it was one more way TCC shows it’s brilliance on doing/ adding whatever is needed to amplify communication to youth voters. Wish I had thought to order for Virginia but I’ll definitely use this Youth Voter resource for future elections! Thank you TCC🙏🏻

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RE: HS voter registration efforts in AZ. In addition to the one CEBV has launched this year there is another AZ effort that has been going on since 2020. Called "Tomorrow We Vote" Brent Whiting and his team has been leading groups that go to the HS, get administration permission, do a brief presentation in an appropriate class, and help the students complete the voter registration forms. They are VERY careful to be non-partisan and clear in the presentation and assistance that they are there only to register voters, not to promote one or another party.

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FYI - we are going to make Missouri a swing state again by defeating the most unpopular US Senator. www.lucaskunce.com

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Thank you for sharing, Simon. Definitely helpful to hear multiple times about helping any way we can with VA. Watched a Gavin Newsom interview that was good for anyone interested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNkpTxNN6tY

Looking into helping with text/postcarding for VA.

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Virginia Early Voting Starts Friday, September 22! If you know Democrats in Virginia, please feel free to share this short video and encourage them to vote on Day 1 of Early Voting! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FgpLmSqWd7w

Kudos to Swing Left Penninsula, just south of San Francisco, for creating this video!

If you need a refresher on why the Virginia election is so important,

watch "Politics Girl's" video explanation -



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