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I think it’s important to point out in social media that Trump’s rhetoric is going to get “darker” and evoke

violence more often as the legal cases against him

progress. Everyone should understand this without

anyone having to point it out, but as we’ve seen so many times, extremists seize and manipulate the narrative before Dems even get started--because they have an agenda to push. Democrats need to train themselves to identify opportunities to seize the narrative before republican extremists do.

Going head to head with republican extremists on X and other platforms is a nasty business and many, if not most democrats won’t go there because it’s too stressful....which is why Dems need to hire an army of people trained to look for opportunities to seize the narrative as well as push back on nasty negative narratives before they become entrenched.

I know I’m just one of many people who’ve said Dems have a “communication” problem over the last several years. But it’s still not being treated with the importance it deserves. Why? Is it thought of as not

important enough to spend money on? Platforms that are used to promote extremist propaganda are a very powerful tool, more powerful than commercials in my opinion. They should be saturated with good news about the Biden agenda and used to challenge extremist lies.

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I watched all of the retirement ceremony for General Milley. It was powerful, moving, and worth watching. I was particularly struck by the simplicity of our military compared with the pomp and circumstance of others. We are a republic, not a monarchy, not an autocracy, not a dictatorship. All of the speakers yesterday were eloquent, direct, and respectful. Trump and Co. are not. I have vowed to do whatever I can from now until next November and beyond to defeat all things MAGA while moving in the direction of the first-ever successful multicultural democracy. The extent to which the military itself has become more diverse is striking. For those who are members of the Southern Poverty Law Center, I highly recommend the Fall 2023 edition of their magazine. It is another articulate description of the kind of inclusive democracy we seek.

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Thank you Susan. Well spoken.

We need to show up.

We need to 💙VOTE💙

We need to hear their plans but KEEP ours, know their planned dissolve of our country by MAGA and their backers, VOTING BLUE in every election is only what will stop this and is very much needed .

I truly believe the new GOP will return to working FOR THE PEOPLE , and we CAN lead the world correcting our past mistakes and making America even stronger , rebuild the middle class and design a fair tax system so the least can be safer, better cared for, and educated to rise out of poverty. There ARE people who take advantage of the system but the rich , controlling corporations, and greed takes far more from hungry mouths than most understand. OH, they’re angry, dissolutioned, and should be! But....truthfully....

We. Can. Change. This. Fairly.


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find it disconcerting that Democrats continue to talk about falling prices. In my own small life, I am constantly being surprised at the continuous increases. Where are gasoline prices dropping? Not here. While statistically this may be true, it doesn't touch areas in my life. Seems to me it's better to acknowledge the disparity between the top of the economic pile and those of us closer to the bottom and to move forward in ways that suggest greater fairness. To simply say that prices are falling when those struggling cannot see it is to feed the notion that "those Democrats" are out of touch.

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Good point.

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This is true Iris. Thanks for a great point. But it’s corporate doing it, it’s the lobby faction, it’s the rich and controlling. Have we all heard ,‘what’s the point? My vote doesn’t count!’

Yup when only 50% of our eligible voters aren’t showing up , damn straight ...

Simon Says: ‘If you don’t take a shot , you don’t score!’

The last election 2020 66% voted ...a first!

A. First. Ever.

I’m glad to see people waking up...!

Let’s go for 75% ...he’ll! Let’s go for 85%...think it can’t be done?

It. Better. Be. Done.

Because if you give up I can double damn tell ya..you haven’t seen how hard or even close to how hard it can get..



...( and hold them to it...)

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Yes, it isn’t enough to say inflation is down, especially to those struggling. IMO, the first step is to empathize with the voter and acknowledge that prices have not gone down. Then educate about why that has happened and what Biden admin is doing about it.I think I’m going to start asking people how they think trickle down economics has benefitted them..🤔

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Iris, two things: 1) where is here? What part of the country do you live in? Gas prices havent really starting coming down on the West Coast but they are coming everywhere else 2) are you suggesting I should not report on and share economic data? What I wrote today is that inflation has come way down, prices are rising far slower than they were a year ago, and that gas prices are coming down all across the country. Those are objectively true statements and good news. Lots of data to back it up. Are you really suggesting I should not share this data with you, and we should not explain to the American people what is happening in the country they live in?

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The gas prices aren’t coming down here #3.57 , not like the west coast thankfully but stiff ...here is WV rural, a long way to anywhere. The politics are red , the state is 2nd to Miss. poor, and too many other sad statistics , it’s coal country /Joe Manchin and Gov Justice , I could go on and on. We are in plumb repression /transition out of the fossil fuel hey day. But it’s a gorgeous state , lots of potential , out doorsy, rugged, hunting,fishing, hiking haven.

I think change/ America adapts grumbling, lots of technical newness and it’s pros n cons to work kinks out and this era has been/IS a lesson come round again bolder , and more savvy.

I’ve been around long enough to see the ups n downs , been thoroughly pissed, and yet also have faith in our people, even if it takes a disaster to pull it out of them 😉. I’ve never been more curious to understand the bigger picture , even more of the complexity, but passionate enough still to fight for what we have..I’ve been out of the states and seen the contrasts. More people could benefit from that. The disparity between rich and poor is critical, its always been an issue , its rampant now.

Change is needed.

I chose an alternative lifestyle because of the revolution in the late 60’s/70’s but a career that fought for the underdogs. I think the underdogs still need fighting for and they’re mad. I’m somewhat insulated due to lifestyle, but I see, I ask, I know.

Simon I am rather excited seeing people waking up, still a rough road to travel no doubt. We need the you, HCR, Ruth, Joyce, Steve , etcs., to keep score , to inform. Most people only feel what’s closest to them...but what’s happening here is happening in a thousand little towns, in the big city, in the very institutions we depend on.

We need change.

We just have to be willing to take the action to change.

NOT half of us..

All of us...

Get out and....


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I fundamentally disagree even though I understand your point. There’s ZERO shortage of people talking about everything that is still not perfect or in need of improvement, but a clear deficit of people talking about all that is going right or on a pathway to progress and improvement.

No, all prices of all things in every place haven’t dropped considerably, but inflation has dramatically reduced and is in a powerfully better place than it was a year ago, and that didn’t just happen by accident.....none of the positive progress on any of our major issues has just happened by accident....it’s the result of smart dedicated people making difficult choices and executing really well thought out and constructed plans in the face of a dangerous autocratic movement from within one of our only two major political parties doing everything possible to derail that progress and promote chaos and failure at every single turn, and a public fatigued and weary from the collective traumas of COVID and the Trump term of institutional arson and destruction who simply aren’t aware of the good work being done on their behalf by patriotic committed public servants every day.

Acknowledging that things have improved and that we’re doing a good job is NOT the same as forgetting about or ignoring the problems still left to work on. But why the hell would anyone continue to work on any of them, let alone support with their time, treasure, and votes those who will keep working on them if there is no understanding that anything has improved???

We have to stop this doom cycle of thinking that we can repeatedly win and continue to address our challenges if we never allow anyone to feel good about the good work we have accomplished.

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I’m going to extend Patricia’s point about corporate greed. And to Steve’s point about acknowledging the Biden Admin. positives.

I am not any expert...., but I like Robert Reich who is one.

He was Labor Sec. under Bill Clinton and has a Substack and great vids explaining tons of topics. He is a master communicator so watch these links, they should be helpful.

Robert Reich overview of how corporate greed isn’t inflation. Why high prices?


Robert Reich explaining facts about inflation.


Robert Reich explaining Big Ag monopolies and why food prices are high.


The Good News.

(From Matt Stollers recent Substack see link below)

“Before the Biden administration, antitrust was mostly dead. It had picked up a bit under Trump, but mostly no one thought much about this area of law. And the reason was pretty simple. Nothing was happening.

The changeover has been absolutely stark, and it’s accelerating. Many of my sources in the competition policy world are giving me the same message, which is that this is the most extraordinary month they have ever seen in antitrust. “ Matt Stoller


So in a little investigating this evening, this is my opinion on how to zoom out and look at prices. Iris, I sincerely hope Robert’s resources help inform even tho’ I know it doesn’t help budget.

Biden has strengthened anti trust enforcement while also supporting labor and unions. His re-election would likely close corporate tax loop holes for greedy monopolies & private equity firms who play into our high prices too. This multi prong approach of more competition, strong wages, low unemployment, investment (all those great bills passed last congress) and more corporate taxes is the GOOD WORK happening thanks to Biden Administration!

Prices should adjust as these prongs solidify. It took time to get here, it will take time unfortunately for it to correct.

Blame can go to Companies price gouging us and who used Covid as an extended cover, now they say “inflation” is why their prices are high. As Simon shows, inflation is down. Just as R’s lie about their economic sway. It is a corporate LIE to push blame on government. Corporate profits have exploded over past several years for housing, gas, energy, food, insurance, goods, drugs....etc. Bernie Sanders explains this well and is working lock step with Biden. (Like recently announced prescription prices dropping to world price levels in 2025, since USA pays highest worldwide! Crazy right?!)

So companies and R’s want us to blame Biden. But if you follow the money, you understand why corporations prefer Republican administrations.

Most of us want a main course of reasonable prices. Affordable lives.

We are 1000% more likely to see those lower prices under sage Joe Biden & Dems. With valuable sides of so many, many more freedoms, advancements, protections and safety standards too....... while ALSO strengthening our democracy.

This link is the recent DOJ case against meat monopoly.


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Hi Iris,

I too have come to feel frustrated with the lack of acknowledgement of the disparity of what’s going on in different areas of the country. But after lots and lots of reading, seeing and reviewing I’ve come to believe that the Biden administration has rescued us from experiencing a country wide magnitude 10 earthquake. And like he is always saying, there’s lots more work to be done. A lot of people understand how eminent and real that risk was ( TG) Powel understood. All the economists understood. Our analyst understood. And we TRULY celebrate ( many of us) that that TSUNAMI has not hit and leveled all of us, the entire country, the rest of the world.

But many, like my neighbor in a 5k town in Utah is still in shock his property tax is up 80%. And gas is still up and rent is astronomical. Why? Maybe different pressures that were already in play before Covid hit with all its consequences. Things were already going in this direction IMO because of Corporate REITS buying up property, edging out local buyers, raising rents for tourism instead of providing affordable homes for locals. Other pressures too we’re familiar with; none of these went away. And, IMHO, many find no reason to be grateful for the magnitude 10 earthquake/tsunami we never felt, ( I am!) regular life was a challenge before and the lowest resourced still feels it the most, now.

I don’t know what to say about that except to be thankful so many are still standing after our Covid Catastrophe even tho so many beloved are gone and economic disaster followed for many; not all but many. And NOW there IS absolutely positive movement in many places for many in our economy. Thank goodness for a major disaster averted and that help is on the way. And we absolutely need to keep working on getting more people rising out of their fear filled places if we can just manage to save our democracy first!

With much hope and much work.

It will still take time ( years) for all the new jobs to kick in and those closest to living on the edge to get the full benefit. I believe with democrats in charge working for those changes, those improvements, I can see that rising happening. 🙏🏻

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Here in Virginia, Republican Delores Oates is running for the VA House of Delegates. She's leading the charge that you've likely read about to shut down the local library because it contains books with LGBT characters. She calls them "obscene." She's promised that, once in Richmond, she'll introduce legislation covering every library, school, and museum in the state to wipe out any mention of LGBTQ people. Her opponent, Democrat Steve Foreman, is a great candidate who has spoken out directly against Oates' stance on the library. Today, he was with striking Auto Workers in Frederick County. Steve has a shot, but he needs help. You can phone bank for him from anywhere. Please help us stop Oates before she gets to Richmond. https://www.foremanforvirginia.com/volunteer

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Patricia, I so agree. I think we have become complacent over the years. I also think that young people, encouraged by older people, can take up this challenge. I really love the Fall 2023 issue of the Southern Poverty Law Center magazine. They highlight so many intelligent, thoughtful people with links to more. We are out there and I believe we are looking for a challenge beyond the consumer society. This will certainly be the biggest battle for our country that I have ever fought and it's absolutely worth doing. I feel very strongly about wanting my kids (and now grandchild) to grow up feeling the sense of pride in America that I felt as a child. We can do this if we work together and, especially as you say, VOTE!!! (And know what we're voting for.) I'm looking for an online civics course to brush up on what I probably didn't learn in school.

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Simon, I live in central Arizona. I can look at a graph, understand the efforts and accomplishments made by our government. What I see is that many around me simply do not. We're also dealing with emotions here, not just data....it's the feeling in the grocery store at the checkout counter. I see people worried, maybe even frightened, between the pandemic, grocery prices, difficulty finding health care, climate, government disputes, maybe even the emotional impact of trump's legal difficulties...the hero of the right in a pickle. In a sense the question that I see in those around me are why am I not panicked. Must be something wrong with me ......I'm not suggesting withholding information in the least, just recognizing that people coming out of fear are in no position to grasp that information and must be approached differently.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

The doom cycle of thinking comes from the extreme right. It’s a self-serving manipulation. Republican extremists must keep frightening their base so the extremists can continue blaming the left for both real and imagined issues. The GOP platform is, and has been for quite some time, a vehicle for blame. It’s childish & it’s intended to provoke fear & hatred.

Literally everything president Biden does is seized upon as if it’s something deliberately meant to harm whatever republicans care about. The vile criticism from the right is immediate, forceful, ubiquitous and for the most part based on lies. Since mainstream media has abdicated its role as honest reporters of truth, our only real defense is to get louder and push back more frequently.

We see House republicans frequently appearing

on camera to reinforce their lies, but we don’t see

House democrats on camera pushing back nearly

as often. In addition, the GOP has an army of propagandists spreading their vile lies almost every hour of every day.

If there’s anything I’ve learned from following politics, it’s that people will believe even obvious lies if they are frequently repeated by many politicians. Dems would be doing themselves a big favor if they hire an army of propagandists to counter the lies at least as frequently as they are told.

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Oct 3, 2023·edited Oct 3, 2023Author

How should they be approached differently? Isn't the most powerful way for the President to say that I understand the challenges under COVID; we developed a plan to get us back on track; we have made enormous progress; but still have to work to do....the thing that generates the most hope is the news that we are making progress, that things can get better, and that we making things better is our central focus.....not acknowledging the real and serious progress that has been made shields voters from understanding what is happening in their own country. I am open to hearing more but I just don't understand this idea that people are down and thus we can't share good news with them? I know this an area of debate in the family, but I just simply do not agree that wallowing in misery is a way to win people over. We have to demonstrate to them we have a plan and things are getting better. And by the way we know from polling that when people are informed about what Biden has done for them, his numbers go up. I'm engaging here because this in an important conversation, and the notion that Biden and the Democrats have not made the struggle of every people the center of their politics for the last 35 years is just wrong....and if the idea that our sales job isn't working, agree with that. Why I talk all the time here about the need to win the big economic argument with the Rs, and make this a party wide priority .....thanks for engaging, and looking forward to keeping this conversation going.....

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I was responsible for a lot of “ change process” projects in my prior life ( work) where thousands were involved.

Part of this great discussion journey sounds like basic stages/ challenges of Change Process (CP) work at a national level where millions are involved.

Number 1 in CP was making sure peeps got to bring their input to the table. Some of my colleagues couldn’t deal ( just get it done, I hate the listening process!!!! They’d say) But we needed the info, feedback , fixes, etc. to be successful. Definitely a painful process at times. And yes, even to acknowledge the pain the change was causing to some. Then we’d do the change process work of/ with: Early Adapters,Mid and finally Late Adapter, whittling the uninformed/ challengers/resistors down until you finally just dealt with a few non adapters. ( there were always non adapters!) How does this apply here?

First: this whole moving change process got foisted on all the millions of us so we’re all late to the meeting but you’ve managed at HC through your background to make sense of much of this for us and provide direction for what’s going on.( war of the political tribes?) I also see Biden and his team work at it daily constantly being thrown under the bus by a group acting as enemies rather than helpful critics.

IMO you definitely lead an activist group of Early Adapters bc they ( we) respond strongly to and trust in your teachings and experiences. We like to move fast with you and get ‘it done! It can be a real struggle at times to remember the gift the mid and late group brings in improving the end

gain. The time taken,respect shown, the knowledge you may discover a gem that will make a major improvement. Mining for what ever will improve the communications and process.

Clearly you’re a master communicator whose provided us with a great forum. And other great ones are out there too( pianomansteve!) I’m in awe of your endless patience but like you, we trust and enjoy and are deeply invested and worried about where our democracy is heading.

What an oasis HC has been. Definitely that port in a storm that brought us together to plan and execute with a purpose.

Those challengers/resisters/canaries? IMO they serve a highly needed part just to keep us tuned in that all is not covered/handled/fixed. To keep us alert, vigilant. Absolutely though IMHO, not even a question: please NEVER STOP constantly providing credit, positives, facts, the way it’s done on HC. Even to the non-believers and skeptics or those who don’t have the same experiences yet. We need 100% of those positivity truths/facts, calming statements, more than ever, more so as we face all the other hard truths. There are just some that want to remind of of those other REAL hard truths; “ yes, but...”

Question: how do we convince “late adapters”?

Answer: we understand the benefit of them, their questioning, we listen to them. We acknowledge we’re not all ok; we keep the action process moving, let the good changes convince, improving where needed and keep talking, talking, talking, about all the GOOD parts over and over again like you’re doing . Bc it gives us hope and purpose and reminds us we do and can make a difference.

Thank you for all you’re doing Simon🙏🏻

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Dems need a plan. They may have one that we don’t know about, but in case they don’t, here are some ideas they might want to include.

Because, as we’ve heard all our lives, if you don’t have a plan to get where you want to go you’ll never get there.

1. The plan should include hiring an army of people to monitor all electronic platforms, seize the narrative before republicans do and push back on false narratives by pointing out the lies and providing objective or semi-objective sources to back up our counter-narratives.

2. The plan should include a concerted effort to either get Foxnews off the air or neuter their propaganda, using broadcast regulations, because that’s all it really is--a platform used to broadcast extremist propaganda 24/7.

The most egregious lies from Foxnews were

the lies having to do with the Covid pandemic.They deliberately promoted false medical claims that directly affected peoples’ health. Foxnews has also coordinated with news on the Russian government-run broadcast RT. They’ve got to go.

There are at least two ways extremists discourage attempts to control their fire by hose of fake news. One is “free speech.” The other is that cable channels aren’t subject to regulation by the FCC.

The truth is that “free speech” isn’t absolute.There are exceptions that generally have to do with intentionally or negligently harming people. The trope that cable news isn’t subject to regulation by the FCC is a flat-out lie. I know it’s a lie because I looked it up myself. There’s also an article published on the ABA website-“Worse than a Wasteland: Protecting Consumers of Cable “News” in the Public Interest” By Marie Fang, Elana Handelman, and Lucia Radder.

I believe the DOJ can prevail in court if they marshal their resources and make the effort.

3. The plan should include a statement on zero tolerance for threats of violence and a statement that the FBI is investigating the matter and the DOJ intends to prosecute the people making the threats. The public should be informed about the multitude of threats to physically harm both republican and democratic elected reps.& senators and their family members, unless there’s a compelling reason to not inform the public.

It should include info about threats of bodily harm to people just because they refused to do what Trump wanted them to do, like Mike Pence and like General Milley who reassured the Chinese government when they were concerned that Trump might launch a nuclear bomb directed at China.

There are many more people both in and out

of politics being threatened, like election workers who’ve been threatened. It should include the fact that many senators and reps have had to hire bodyguards and the threats aren’t new threats--Trump began to threaten individual members of Congress years ago.

4. It should include another investigation of the FEC and the plan should subject FEC members to routine inspections instead of waiting for problems to arise. The plan should include tighter and more comprehensive controls on the influence of foreign money., and a promise to prosecute all involved, including FEC members and the many republican senators and reps. who’ve taken Russian money illegally.

An example is Jesse Benton, a republican operative convicted for facilitating illegal contributions from Russians to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016. Jessie Benton was a longtime aide to former GOP Rep. Ron Paul & his son Rand Paul and worked for Senator McConnell as well. He was convicted by a federal jury on several charges, including conspiring to solicit illegal foreign campaign contributions. There are more “Jesse Bentons” out there.

5. The plan should include a statement of support for NATO and info about Vlad Putin’s specific assistance to Trump’s 2016 campaign and how he expected payback from Trump in the form of announcing the U.S. withdrawal from NATO, because Putin knows NATO would interfere with his plans to occupy several European nations in addition to Ukraine.

6. The plan should also include a more concerted effort communicated to the public about implementing anti-trust laws to break up conglomerations of companies that bought their competitors so they can set prices higher without having to worry about their competitors undercutting those high prices. The grocery business should be specifically be targeted.

7. There should be a model statute for gun control

ready to be voted on and implemented the next time republicans want something from Dems.

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After writing the above essay on creating a plan,

I failed to state what the point of it is. I apologize.

The point of doing these things I suggested is to

provide more domestic stability to counter the current republican chaos and to reinforce confidence in our federal government as a force

for good when Democrats are in charge. It’s not intended to be a critique of the Biden

administration at all.

President Biden has been an excellent President.

He not only managed to stabilize our country as

we were recovering from a deadly pandemic, an unprecedented insurrection and a chaotic presidency; he’s also managed to pass important

legislation that “jump-starts” our transition to

renewable energy and he managed a very tricky economy that has bounced back from the pandemic,

the war in Ukraine, supply chain breakdowns and inflation faster than any other country in the world.

On another note, republican hysteria over the debt

is a dog & pony show-intended to frighten voters

so we won’t mind the draconian spending cut’s republicans want to implement. I’m not saying the debt isn’t concerning, I’m saying it’s being blown

out of proportion because republicans are using

it to manipulate us into accepting spending cuts on

services for seniors and low income families with

young children.

My problem with spending cuts republicans want

is that their plan doesn’t include raising corporate

tax rates. Why should seniors and low income families have 100% of the burden? Trump cut the

tax rate for corporations from 35% to 21%. That’s

a huge drop in revenue made in 2017. it’s no wonder we’re struggling fiscally.

Then along came the pandemic. The nature of the pandemic required spending that wasn’t in the

budget. Most people understand that. What I and many others don’t understand is why republicans expect us to bear 100% of the burden and never

mention raising corporate taxes- even temporarily.

That’s not right.

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Thank you Simon, for your observation that the insurrection at the Capital never ended. We need to see it in precisely those terms. The same MAGA extremists who've been fomenting first the threat of debt default, and now of government shutdown, proudly support convicted January 6 conspirators and openly welcome civil war. "Burn the whole place down" is not a metaphor for them.

The institution of the House of Representatives is under attack, and all possible defenses need to be embraced. Democrats would fail in their duty to the country were they to either "save McCarthy", or stay absent from the Speakership replacement process by voting "present." Yet those are the only options being considered.

Tim Snyder in his book "On Tyranny" places "Defend Institutions" second only to "Do Not Obey In Advance" on his list of twenty lessons to protect democracy. It's imperative that we not just allow the People's House to remain "deeply unstable or even broken" until January, 2025.

Another completely feasible alternative is right in front of us:

A bipartisan coalition of moderate Democrats and non-MAGA Republicans can elect a Republican Speaker who owes nothing to the extremists -- someone like Don Bacon (R-NE) or Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA). Party unanimity would not be required. Dismissing this possibility as "unlikely" or "impractical" is precisely what allows the assault to continue, extremism to thrive and grow.

Obviously, it's all hands on deck for an electoral victory next November. But meanwhile the House is on fire! There are serious efforts being made to burn the place down. It's past time to be ringing the alarm. We need to be bringing out the hoses and climbing ladders.

Impractical? Unlikely? Sorry, that's not convincing to the over 500 members of our network of ordinary citizens who've been advocating this solution for many months. There is no better option, and these are not ordinary times. We are not prepared to throw up our hands and surrender, just crossing our fingers that somehow for the next 15 months we won't need a functioning House.

Everyone who values our institutions is encouraged to pitch in to help end the chaos, hand MAGA forces a stinging defeat, and restore normal order to the chamber.

Learn more here: https://www.FeathersOfHope.net or jerryweiss.substack.com


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I’m really glad to be on TEAM Biden, Milley, Rosenberg and all the American patriots rising so strongly behind them. Agree: no fingers crossed, stay focused and just keep working hard.

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I have been having thoughts about how we all can be the best information warriors, optimistic but realistic, particularly in relation to the threats to democracy as powerfully discussed in different ways by Milley and Biden. I had written Simon about the idea of how we should all be much more aware and striving to counter the anti-US Fifth Column that is a slice of the network attempting to overthrow our rules-based order. Unfortunately, the escalation even just very recently is terrifying, but we know that there is a network wanting to set the agenda for the world if we like it or not. Simon had been posting in social media how these underlying forces are not directly exposed in our national discourse so most people are totally unaware.

I had been thinking that when I try to talk in my social circles about good policies (ie bottom up and middle out GOOD and trickle down economics BAD), then I end up getting questions back like "why are the Republicans so extremist/authoritarian?" or "why are the Republicans just blantantly lying about the economy then?". I have joked that I can then go WAY into the weeds about all of the historical parallels going back a century up to all the various vectors of influence now.

My question for us as aspiring information warriors is to see if others have already developed coherent narratives that explain the mechanisms of this moment or if not, what ideas could be brainstormed to get more of us in an informed direction.

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Also, just this evening Ben Collins from NBC broke a story about a detailed plan that was sent to Elon Musk just prior to the purchase of Twitter/now X that was pretty much followed about how to use the site to "destroy the American empire" (as we all have lived through in this year in a slow-motion train wreck). Fun times. Part of a plan for democracy warriors, too, seems like it should be for people to have little book clubs with reading authoritarian experts like Ruth Ben-Ghiat and Timothy Snyder along with as much chocolate/ice cream or whatever as possible. Simon has also mentioned Anne Applebaum. Additionally, as related to Musk, if people have not read it in social media or elsewhere, there was a particularly good article by Dave Troy about Musk's motivations and history published in Byline Times on 11/7/22 (also posted on his Twitter/X, the aforementioned now bizarre site).

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In Florida here we’ve had no noticeable decreases in food prices. We can barely afford it now and it doesn’t last to the end of the month for 2 people, gas prices has recently decreased not know how long it will stay that way it fluctuates. We two are on fixed incomes and must pay for vehicle and insurance and I’m a veteran looking at all my options. Been waiting for meals on wheels for 5 yrs! With our department of elder affairs! I recently updated my info with them and said are y’all waiting for me to die before I get help here? I wonder sometimes.

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And Dems sent me a text msg today and said they “heard” dems were leaving the party and wanted to know if I was staying in? I go w the country not party! We did so well this election not ready to give up now!

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David, no Dem group sent you a text message saying they heard Dems were leaving the party. The other side - Republicans - are reaching you somehow, and spreading disinfo. Please be careful about sharing with others.

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Ty very much for correcting me Mr Simon. 👍

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