It's astonishing to witness the downward spiral of the country in the decade since you gave this speech.

This thread (in the comment below) provides a sobering prediction of the next decade should we fail to defeat Republicans on the local, state, and federal levels.

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I wish I could have read this when it was first written.

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This is so perceptive and so right. It is as useful in 2023 as it was in 2012. I used to know a lot of Republicans I had respect for but now I know very few. Even among the elderly, where I live, there are very few Republicans.

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I listened to Resolute Square’s YouTube podcast last night after the Dominion settlement was announced. Maybe that was a mistake. Not even ONE ounce of Hopium. From the podcast: Pandemics and The End of Democracy - What they have in common: “What you say at the beginning will seem alarmist and at the end, will seem inadequate”. They went on to say that Trump will be the nominee and has assembled a very competent campaign staff this time. We should not be complacent. The 2024 election will not be a cakewalk.

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The analysis is sound and certainly appropriately expressed in 2012 and again today. However, part of the dilemma we now face is that the Democrats, as a party, either didn't perceive the transition the Republican Party was making in the 1960's or didn't know how to plan to respond to it effectively. In short, the Republicans have been much more effective long-term strategists than the Democrats have been. I am grateful for your strategic thinking and actions! I hope the Democrats can muster the stamina and resources to defeat this political plague that threatens democracy as well as the well being of people around the globe.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Still so true today. "It is indeed the great question of American politics now whether and when the Republican Party can modernize and adapt to the new realities of the 21st century, choosing forward over backward." You got it right then and are getting it right now. Bravo!

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This was an extremely helpful history lesson. So much attention has now been focused on DT and MAGA that we forget what was happening only a few years earlier. That MAGA has to be crushed is the only option. I still have my "Californians for Obama" tee shirt draped over my desk chair in my studio. It reminds me that politicians can be intelligent, thoughtful, big-hearted people. It also reminds me that Biden showed great courage and generosity of spirit in taking on Trump. Let's move this country forward for everyone.

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Shortly after Romney’s loss in 2012, the GOP commissioned the “Autopsy” that identified some of the issues that resulted in their failure. In 2016, they threw it away against the better judgment of some party members & went all in on the strategy you outlined. Since then, Trump, Fox & the machinery managed to gain ground in the SCOTUS & at the state & local levels. They utilized some of the same Russian PsyOp tactics used by Russia in 2016 to radicalize their dedicated minority base & continue to do so. Some of these people have become almost phobic about POC & LGBTQIA+ people that they feel it necessary to have a firearm at the ready at all times. This aspect of the GOP’s direction was unfathomable in 2012 and represents a serious threat to public safety & to the continuation of democracy.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Prescient and so clearly stated. I wish I'd known of you years ago, Simon!

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I just looked at twitter for about 20min. and it felt like I was in Dante ‘s Ninth Circle of Hell. It’s non-

stop lies & ludicrous propaganda and it’s doing serious damage to our country. It also feels like Trump is calling the shots, manipulating everyone in his party to be beyond extreme.

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Four proven steps stop totalitarian dictators. Overcome fear with courage and take action.

"MAGA GOP MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL" and How to Prevent It

❤️ Discredit totalitarian propaganda everywhere

🤣 Mock MAGA GOP worship of dictators

❤️ Promote moral organizations

❤️ Actions by everyone creates freedom


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https://youtu.be/C6bX3EwdGEw Gov Gavin Newsom on NoLieBTC from about 11 days ago. He has Hopium. Let it play as you make supper and listen to the whole thing if you can. He understands what is going on.

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Rosenberg has a reasonably good historical summary, but did not seem to have much of a grasp of the realities of 2016, and especially not the realities of today. He says not one work about the neo-liberalism that has dominated the Democratic party since the Clinton presidency. He does not seem to understand the reason we were cursed with Donald Trump is a direct consequence of those neo-liberal policies. The pursuit of neo-liberal policies and programs by the Democratic party over the past, roughly, 40 years has enabled the fascists to gain increasing control over the Republican party such that today, the Republican party essentially is a fascist party. Yet not one word about fascism or fascist control of the Republican party.

As for the growing Democratic vote by Hispanics and African Americans, he obviously was wrong given how Hispanics have been turning toward Republicans, as evidenced by the 2020 and 2022 vote.

With political insight this poor, it is no wonder we stand on the cusp of Nazi Germany 2.0.

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