Check out what’s been happening in bright blue Minnesota!!! We now have Democrat majorities in the state senate and house and Governor Waltz is a Democrat. In the first three months of this session the progressive legislation that’s been enacted would make your head spin. We also have a $ billion plus budget surplus and the lowest unemployment rate in the states history and in the nation (I believe). Showcase Minnesota as an example of the great things DEMOCRATS make happen.

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Any thoughts on a presidential run by Texas Governor Abbott? Could he prove to be a Republican contender in 2024?

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Love the Substack newsletter approach to get your worthy thoughts across to us; so much easier than reading numerous threads on Twitter. I feel Hopium Chronicles will be very successful 👏🤗😘

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Love this. I use all your data to share with friends and family in my newsletter and on facebook (which I only use to amplify dem messaging). Thank you!!

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Excellent analysis of events 👏 👍

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Great analysis as always Simon. One thing that comes to mind for me in the get to 55% effort is a hard focus on students of color in college & universities..... I think it’s critical to always be boosting our registrations in that age group not just for victory but also to maintain the diversity of the party long term. I really feel like the greatest advantage of the Dem party is unquestionably that it looks like America as a whole and I think we must be incredibly vigilant in keeping our coalition that way or else we’ll get really tone deaf really quickly to large segments of the electorate. I also think this age group is a critical component to backstopping any decay in our support among Black and Latino men, largely (sadly) in my generation X who as a whole just seem to have a slightly more jaded right leaning and more cynical vibe about the collective society..... I feel like they are pretty unshakably connected to Reagan’s detrimental message that government can’t organize a two car motorcade correctly, and as such aren’t really very open to seeing a difference in the parties and lean right out of an outdated sense that at least the “small government” group will fuck fewer things up....those are my first thoughts on the get to 55 initiative

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Please, please, put revision dates on the graphics!

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