Good morning Hopium community: I'm still feeling good after Biden hit it out of the park at the SOTU on Thursday, and I love the new ad. As Simon wrote, North Carolina is super important (even more so after Super Tuesday when some very extreme characters won the Republican primary for statewide offices, including/especially their Holocaust denying/anti-women, anti-LGBTQ candidate for Governor, Mark Robinson). Join Markers For Democracy and our co-hosts, including Jessica Craven on Monday, March 11th at 7:30 pm for a conversation with North Carolina Democratic Party Chair Anderson Clayton. Anderson will be introduced by none other than Simon Rosenberg. RSVP here: https://www.mobilize.us/markersfordemocracy/event/608432/

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Harry Enten has a very pessimistic column this morning that implies a Biden win is close to impossible. He cites certain infamous polls but not your newest ones which are important because of the trend lines. Pessimism as a psychological protective device?

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Thank you for recording this Wednesday's meeting. Since I am in NC I definitely want to hear what Anderson Clayton has to say, but I am also committed to supporting my friends in their launch of Blue Tennessee. It's at 7:30. Two of my co-Heather's Herders have been instrumental in getting this group off the ground. So, thanks again, as I can do both!

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Great ad. Especially the very last bit!

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I love the new Biden general election ad! I hope to see Kamala Harris featured in the future - she’s a woman of substance - with a great smile not sitting in a kitchen! Ha! What a gift that speech was from the R’s…….Biden’s speech was a powerful home run! Addressing the age issue is brilliant. Let’s get to 55!

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Someone suggested that Simon should have Rachel Bitecofer on as a guest to one of our meetings – good idea!

In the meantime, she was on this week’s episode of PoliticsGirl - check it out!


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Continuing my daily articles to the NYTimes, here a link to a tiresome article by Shane Goldmache, one of th consistent Biden naysayers this cycle.

"The Biden-Trump Rerun: A Nation Craving Change Gets More of the Same The Biden-Trump Rerun: A Nation Craving Change Gets More of the Same" https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/09/us/politics/trump-biden-presidential-campaign-2024.html?smid=nytcore-android-share __________________________________________________________________________

Here's my letter to the Times today to the journalis who wrote it. ________________________________ Thanks for your article explaining that "Americans" want "change" not the same old guys running again. I don't know who or how many Americans you've spoken to, but there are millions of Americans (81 million in 2020) thrilled that Joe Biden is running again. So is the Democratic party leadership. Did you guys watch SOTU and miss that point? His first term record has been great. I am so thankful he's giving 4 more years of service to America this late in his life, and so are millions more os my fellow Democrates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yours Merrill Weingrod 4014808003 Let's keep up the pressure. You can write to the journalist at this address shane.goldmacher@nytimes.com

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I love the ad! It's smart, funny, and encouraging and makes me proud to be a Democrat. And as far as the polls go, we need to be relentless in our commitment to getting us across the finish line. The time to let up on the gas is after every ballot is counted and not a minute earlier! Happy Saturday, Hopium Family!

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It was uplifting to hear Biden speak so forcefully and to draw the lines between authoritarianism and democracy so clearly. I wanted to share a clip from Amanpour's show yesterday that features the progressive messaging researcher Anat Shenker Osorio commenting on Biden's speech. I think she is amazing and offers important guidance on how to message most effectively to hold onto democracy in November. Here's the clip (its about 11 mins): https://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2024/03/08/amanpour-golodryga-shenker-osorio-biden-sotu.cnn

If it doesn't highlight you can google amanpour and anat shenker osorio and it will come up.

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Great ad. Now chop it up and get it up on insta and tictoc.

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Remember the infamous polls that predicted a HRC win? Yeah. Those. Haven’t bothered with polls since.

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As a monthly donor to the Biden/Harris campaign since the end of last year, it's great to see early ads in battle states. Makes me feel my money is well spent with ads well done.

It's going to be about grassroot organizations again as we the people keep the WH in the hands of a true leader. And battle for Congress so Joe can finish the job he intends to do when re-elected.

If Biden didn't run in 2020, we would all be living in a fascist country. Thankfully, he came out of retirement when the stakes were high back then. And now, the stakes are even higher. The best President of my lifetime hands down! Onward!

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I love it looks like Biden is getting to be Biden more 😊 This is what voters need to see and hear.

So proud to share with my circle how Joe Biden has been a good president. 😎🇺🇸

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Fantastic Biden Ad.

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Harry Enten of CNN said it will be hard for Biden to beat Trump. What a negative statement and it probably got a lot of clicks.

I'd like someone's opinion of Harry Enten, formerly of FiveThirtyEight?

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So excited to be a new member of this community. I am excited to get Biden/Harris re-elected and to get as many Democrats elected as possible. I live in Tennessee in a very red area so it helps me maintain my sanity to be part of communities like this. Thank you for creating this, Simon!

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