This Man Thinks Biden Will Be Re-elected, Here's Why That's Bad News for Joe Biden

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LOL...the NY Times Pitchbot strikes again.

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Because the whole point of Hopium is to do the necessary work to save democracy in November, last night I hosted my first monthly "Work > Worry Wednesday" party here in Culver City, CA. 18 of my friends and neighbors attended, and together we wrote up 265 postcards to Nevada voters for Jacky Rosen, and 150 Vote Forward letters to low-propensity voters in Michigan, Arizona and Georgia. The postcards go in the mail today, the letters will be stockpiled until the Big Send in October. And we're just getting started! Many more "Work > Worry Wednesdays" to come! We can do this, folks!

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Thank you, Patrick! We are doing some of the same here in Maricopa County, AZ, and also writing post cards for abortion rights and getting Ruben Gallego elected. Our next meeting will address the youth vote and what we can do to support the youth Dem groups. 💙 A little here, a little there, we can win!

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Love this too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Simon! I hope to see you at the gala! Thank you for coming to speak!

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I really really hope we can keep sensible people in charge of elections in Maricopa County – be they Democrats or non-MAGA Republicans. The election result in Arizona will very likely depend on this.

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I hope so too. I love that Stephen Richer, one of a very small group of non-MAGA Repubs, took Kari Lake to task over her lies about him. So good! Justice.

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Love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Grandmother's for a Brighter Future just launched a postcard campaign for Ruben Gallego. Like your group, ours will stockpile postcards to be mailed in September. It feels good to do something.

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Love this!

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A new report from the Economic Policy Institute that came out on Tuesday found that since 1949, the economy has done better under Democrats AND income inequality is better when Dems are in charge. Which we knew, but we need a lot more media stories about this.


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Wonderful. Yes

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I appreciate your analyses, but I think it's a mistake to ignore the WSJ poll because (at least in part) it's owned by Murdoch. The news staff is separate from the opinion pages, and by all the evidence remains free of Murdochian meddling.

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The relevant question is: Who is WSJ’s pollster? And therein lies the reason for dismissal.

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Jay Kuo Wrote a column on this today and brings up points about the WSJ poll that I hadn't seen elsewhere:


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BS. They suck.

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I didn't say ignore. I said center our understanding. It is one poll among many, done by Trump's pollster, and we know that in 2022 the right flooded the zone with R heavy polls. They don't get the benefit of the doubt. Sorry.

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Excellent NYT interview. Thank you for sharing your positive thoughts.

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Love, Love, Love the piece in the Times. Simon was very much on point. If Joe Biden can be elected President again, he will have defeated the Nazis twice. Joe Biden will be the greatest American President ever.

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I hadn't thought of it that way, but you're right. He has the heart, passion, and soul for doing that which is what we need right now. Plus Biden is funny. People need to laugh. People need some joy. People need to believe they, and their government, can do good things working together.

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Regarding Florida: in our house have been feverishly writing many hundreds of postcards to Dem voters in Florida, through postcardstovoters dot org I am interested in whether Florida is the BEST state to write postcards in order to make a difference. I will study Simon's information on his blog HC here (I just joined today after reading the NYT article). So my question for Simon Rosenberg is: should we stick with FL postcards? or is another state better? (ADDED: We started this effort before the abortion and cannabis effort got on the ballot.)

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How did you choose FL? Do you lived there? The PTV campaign is a good one and will have a high success rate with its call to action since these are already likely committed voters. Is it the BEST one? That is up for debate IMO.

Have you checked out Field Team 6 (www.fieldteam6.org)? According to their tag-line, they are registering Democrats to save the world! Seriously, they have more that a dozen campaigns in mostly swing states or districts. I live in NC, so I have been concentrating on their two campaigns in NC - one targetting unregistered women in one NC house district about the loss of reproductive rights and the other targetting 30 - 50 yo about the importance of climate change legislation. They may be adding FL if they can raise the funds to buy the data they need.

But I also care about traditionally underrepresented voters for whom the GOP erects lots of barriers. So I also write postcards with Reclaim Our Vote (www.centerforcommonground.org/reclaim-our-vote) which focuses on increasing BIPOC voter turnout through post-carding, texting, and phone banking in VA, NC, SC, GA, and AL. I am currently writing postcards to Cobb Co., Georgia voters for their May primary.

Another group I postcard with is the Northeast Arizona Native Democrats (https://neaznativedemocrats.org/). They have on the ground native organizers, but due to issues like dispersed populations, lack of physical infrastructure, poor internet and cell phone reception, postcards are the best way to connect the voters to their local organizers, provide important information, and invite people to events. They have an impressive success rate in turning out indigenous voters which very well might have made the difference in flipping AZ blue in 2020 and 2022.

Another good group is Activate America (www.activateamerica.vote) who is concentrating on 6 swing states in the 2024 cycle - AZ, CA, NV, NY, OH, and PA.

If you are not wedded to writing postcards, I can also recommend letter-writing campaigns through VoteRiders (www.voteriders.org) which helps voters to get the ID they need to vote and Vote Forward (www.votefwd.org) which gives volunteers a way to help GOTV by sharing why they vote with low-propensity voters in swing states and swing districts. You write the letters and then hold onto them until the Big Send in October.

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@Cheryl, we're doing FL bc that's what PTV (postcards to voters dot org) is offering for some months now. Thanks for your many suggestions. I will look into them. I do agree with some of the others who have stated that postcards are one of the best ways to reach people. Keep up the good fight!

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Cheryl, thanks for the info about Activate America. I've been writing for some of their postcard campaigns, especially Arizona. Do you know of any North Carolina postcards campaigns?

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More good news!

I saw that voters in St.Louis rejected all 13 right-wing candidates for school board on Tuesday! And in Enid, Oklahoma voters recalled a city council member who participated in the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017.


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You beat me to it. The good news just keeps piling up! :)

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Thank you for the NYT interview. { I stopped subscribing 2 years ago, given that it does not appear to report news only opinion. ]

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Simon - I've been an evangelist for your Hopium Chronicles ever since I was turned on to you. I'm a front lines grassroots activist and your data driven positivity often keeps me afloat. Especially given that so much of the media is driven by ugly, fear inducing headlines. That said, I'd be interested to get your take on the Gaza/Israel war and its impact on Biden's re-election. I know you've indicated in the recent past that you didn't think it was going to be a major issue but I'm not so sure about that.....I know it's a complicated geopolitical war that's being waged but the daily news on the toll of this war is devastating and Netanyahu's government is barreling ahead with seemingly little care for world opinion. Or the opinion of his own citizens who are coming out in the tens of thousands to protest. People of all ages (and many young people) here the US are furious that Biden keeps sending weapons to Israel as they wage this war and I'm deeply concerned that this could be a big problem in November. I'm curious how the Biden administration is thinking about this - any visibility or thoughts you have to share would be appreciated. Thank you for everything you are doing to help save our democracy!

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A few points: 1) Biden's numbers are going up, the generic is going up, Biden's approval inside the Dem party according to Economist/YouGov is 80-16. There is no evidence right now Israel-Gaza is a drag on him, or that there is a broad backlash against him in the Dem Party. The constant assertion that this is front burner issue for large numbers of Democrats and it's hurting Biden is simply not backed up by data. The last time Economist/YouGov asked two weeks ago Biden's job approval on foreign policy among Dems was 70-21. The party is broadly behind him on what he is doing. 2) The chance by Election Day that this becomes a major voting issue for our coalition rather than people's jobs, health care, reproductive freedom, loss of democracy, climate change, gun safety, etc is very very remote. 3) Building and managing a winning Presidential coalition is hard, full of challenges. This is one of them for us. It's a challenge not a threat. What is happening to Trump with the opposition he has from Romney etc is a threat, not just a challenge. Debates like this inside the party are a sign of health. We all don't have to agree on everything, and I welcome this debate. More soon, Simon

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To be clear - that there is broad and dangerous backlash inside the Dem coalition to Biden's policies in the Middle East is not true. It could happen, but it isn't happening now and it is unlikely to happen this year. Those who are arguing that there is such a broad backlash simply do not have the data to back it up. Right now this is a very secondary issue for the overwhelming majority of Democrats - as it should be, in my opinion. We lose to MAGA and democracy worldwide is crippled; and the most anti-Palestinian President in American history takes office. Joe Biden is fighting for a two state solution, negotiated a cease fire, broke with Bibi - Trump gave Bibi the green light.

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Simon, overall you did a great job dealing with the NYT. In addition, you asked for feedback, so two items for your consideration:

1. Reporter: "A Wall Street Journal poll released this week found Mr. Biden trailing Mr. Trump in six of seven swing states. That seems like rocket fuel for the worrying class."

Reply: Let's talk about polls and how the media -- and esp. the NYT -- deploys them. This early in the game, polls are solely to influence voters rather than share actual information. The mechanics of polls are crucial to their value. The WSJ poll referenced has major bias problems, esp. their key pollster just signed onto the Trump campaign. Partisanship is easy to infuse into polling results, as you know.

2. Biden Campaign timing. You have consistently said the Biden-Harris campaign is behind in its messaging calendar. I respectfully disagree*. Their timing, instead, is ramping up just when voters are tuning in. By holding their spears ("Braveheart"-style) until the enemy is close upon them, the Democrats' messaging is timely and fresh. Hopefully, the campaign will continue to pivot in ads to expose ongoing R atrocities. So, the Dem. bandwagon is rolling hot, and we all need to jump onboard.

*My 40-year career was in journalism/communications/marketing/strategic planning. Timing tied to influential content is EVERYTHING. I have been impressed with the Democratic Party's surgical precision and patience. As volunteers, we need to truly amp up our efforts starting in August-September. That's when voters will be able to do something with the information we share.

Thank you for asking. I hope my input helps. Sheila S., Michigan

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So should the campaign take their current ads off the air, and should everyone here doing work talking to voters right now stand down until August?

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No, keep the mass-messaging ads cooking. The current Dem ads are doing their crucial job of conditioning the environment for our volunteer-led intensive ground game starting in August. It's a both/and strategy. The marketing theory of recency applies to politics. The Suozzi campaign is a super case in point (much credit to you). Does this make better sense?

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I have personally reduced my campaigning because I'm getting pushback from solid Dem friends. I'm resting the message until August. Then, full court press. Just my strategy; everyone must decide what resonates best for him or herself.

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"Timing tied to influential content is EVERYTHING... As volunteers, we need to truly amp up our efforts starting in August-September. That's when voters will be able to do something with the information we share."

Sheila (and all), just fwiw: any letters to swing state voters written today via Vote Forward (votefwd.org) are stockpiled and not actually mailed to the voters until October. So: we're doing volunteer work today, and essentially "banking" the direct electoral impact of today's work until Election Day. Meanwhile, today's organizing efforts are helping us build local volunteer networks now and throughout the spring and summer, so that said networks will be at full strength come August (and after)... instead of us having to start building those volunteer networks up from scratch in the fall.

In short, there are a LOT of reasons for us volunteers to amp up our efforts NOW. And that's why I'm doing so!

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Absolutely! You are right on with postcards being sent in October to voters -- tied to voting proximity.

My point is to do whatever prep you can now, then launching in Aug/Sept.

My peeps are primed, so I don't want to risk burn-out. Plus, I tend to work best under pressure, so late summer fits my capacity. However, pls do what makes sense for you. We are all working together!

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To build on your post, in addition to banking Vote Forward letters, some other activities for NOW:

* Registering new voters - I am doing in-person local voter regisitration AND writing postcards for Field Team 6 (www.fieldteam6.org)

* Helping voters get the ID they need in order to vote with VoterRiders (www.voteriders.org). I just finished up some letters to NC voters, which I found out about from BigTent USA (www.bigtentusa.org). You can request batches of 20 letters, instructions and the letter templates here: https://www.bigtentusa.org/take-action-2/

BigTent is partnering with both Vote Forward and Voteriders and you can find recordings of their "Tent Talks" with each organization on the events page - just scroll down beyond upcoming events to the links for past events:


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Just finished another batch of NC vote forward letters and will soon be getting Environmental Voter Project postcards to fill out for NV. So happy to see everyone doing so much work in April!

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thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey Jason, me too - although my NC Vote Forward letters are only partially complete.

I missed ther EVP postcards for NC , but did the training and am signed up for NV.

I am also writing Field Team 6 (www.fieldteam6.org) postcards to register new voters in NC and may do another batch for the GA primaries with Reclaim Our Vote (https://www.centerforcommonground.org/reclaim-our-vote). They focus on BIPOC voters in southern states where these is so much voter suppression. IIRC, they will have an NC campaign later in the year.

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Yay! Simon!

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Fantastic new! "No Labels ditches plans for 2024 third-party ticket"


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This is indeed fantastic news. I guess their big dark money GOP donors are going to throw their money elsewhere. They were a fraud - at least with this 2024 presidential run.

Check out this video from Rick Wilson of the Lincoln Project on the demise of No Labels:


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I saw this and several heads turned in the break room where I work, all wondering why I just yelled "YES!!!" Triumphantly!

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