If not for Biden, Beshear would have won by more 😂

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You are a real buzz kill Rob.


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To be clear, I was kidding!!!

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I knew you were. Take my comment as the same!!!😀

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I have been so disgusted with the media purposely denigrating or ignoring all that President Biden has done I guess I’ve lost my sense of humor.

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I’m sorry, I’ve been so on edge since the NYT/Siena and I just wanted to let off a little steam and introduce some levity. Back to the people’s work! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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NYT Pitchbot at work again.

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NYT had some incredible reporting that Biden wouldn’t respond to their poll at the Amtrak announcement. Like WTF!?

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First D win of the night, in deep-red Kentucky, for Andy Beshear. That was quick!

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VA looking good too!

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Who called this?

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Dave Wasserman of Cook was the first we saw. Others have followed.

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Thank you! Just saw that😀

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Yay Beshear. Impressive #s so far. He only won by 1 point the last time. I thought the polls were 47/47?!?!

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I remind my soon to be 18 year old grandson how important his vote and those of his peers is to the survival of our country. Every vote needs to be counted.

We are in this together.

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For Beshear

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I was at the poll here in MN by 8:30am. The only thing on the ballot today in this area was school board elections. After just an hour and a half, more than 300 people had inserted their ballots into the machine ahead of me! That is a big number for such a short time at this particular polling place.

This is a sleepy suburban district that was awakened two years ago by the threat of “parental rights” groups seeking to ban books, review curriculum, stop trans children from being able to participate in sports ( even gym classes) eliminate LGTBQ support programs, etc. Those threats helped us turn out most eligible voters. What I witnessed this morning made me hopeful that local voters have long memories. Fingers crossed!

Thank you Simon and all here for all you’ve done to Get Out The Vote! I was able to send postcards and $$. Hoping for good results in Virginia!!!

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We are having a good night peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Simon. Dave Wasserman said he has seen enough and Dems keep the Va Senate. Do you agree? How to the delegates look?

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Dave Wasserman just called it on Twitter/X “I've seen enough: Democrats retain control of the Virginia Senate, blocking a trifecta for Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R).”

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NBC called Ohio Issue 1- Yes wins. Reproductive freedom is in the Ohio Constitution!

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NYT too. WPo too!!!!

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Have yet to see a bad-news story tonight. Feeling greedy now! Want the VA House of Delegates AND the Mississippi governorship. :-)

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I might have to move off Long Island if the Republican wins Suffolk County Executive...it’s a close race but frickin George Santos won out here last year !!! Need redistricting or it’s hopeless ...

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Dave Wasserman on VA House of Delegates. “VA House of Delegates: by my count, Dems have now won 50 seats, meaning Republicans have lost sole control. There are still 4-6 tight races that could put Dems over the top for outright control.”

Wow. Just Wow.

PA Supreme Court race also looking good!

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And the House of Delegates flips to Dem control according to Wasserman!!!!

I've seen enough: Democrats win control of the Virginia House of Delegates, flipping the GOP majority and giving them control of both chambers.

PA Dem wins the S, Ct seat too!

What a night!

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