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Apr 27·edited Apr 27


"Dobbs leads to Electile Dysfunction."


Eminently quotable:

"Thou shalt not mess with women’s reproductive rights."

– Fallopians 4:28



"Donald, how about we debate in front of the Fulton County Grand Jury?"

– Joe Biden


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Apr 27Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Your interview with Tim Miller was excellent - you deftly answered every concern he brought up, and used some data we hadn't heard before. Recommending this to friends and family as an update for where we are so far.

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I appreciate your assessment, Simon. It’s early. Seems like Trump has hit his ceiling and Biden has bottomed out. I see Trump declining and Biden climbing.

I remained tethered to Texas and Michigan. Had a long lunch meeting with an old friend who was a senior member of both GOP Gov Milliken and Rick Snyder’s staffs (ran a political/public policy consulting firm in between). He understands Michigan politics.

He believes Biden will carry Michigan. He supported Nikki Haley in the primary. No surprise: He will vote Biden in the fall.

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Illuminating interview with Tim Miller-thank you!

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For any postcard writers out there, I got an email this morning from "Tony the Democrat" at Postcards to Voters (www.postcardstovoters.org) for a new campaign.

"We've been asked to write to a targeted list of voters to boost turnout for Democrat John Barrow's bid to the Georgia Supreme Court.

From the campaign: "This election will shape the Georgia Supreme Court for years to come. And that court is the only court in the land that can strike down Georgia's strict abortion ban and restore women's right to make their own private medical decisions, including the right to abortion."

This is another short turn-around-time campaign and the text address bot is currently (still?) not working. I have also had issues with address bot on Slack (Window's version) but when I downloaded the Slack app onto my Android tablet it worked fine. NOTE: There are instructions on their website on how to email and request addresses, but it is definitely the least convenient methods and requires multiple back and forth emails.

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I honestly love that you went on The Bulwark Podcast as they are one of my favorite groups to follow! It was a wonderful episode and so encouraging to hear. Thank you for being a light during these difficult days.

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Enjoyed your interview with Tim Miller, especially on the heels of the absolute buffoonery of the once venerated SCOTUS. I am more convinced than ever that we need to not only win but win BIG to beat back any chance of them corruptly attempting to put their thumbs on the scale for the orange one. Thanks for keeping us focused. Donated again to Ruben Gallego and Anderson Clayton’s efforts, and I have a monthly donation going to Biden/Harris! 👊

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Thank you for continuing to keep my spirits up about this election. So many discouraging headlines run across my email. I appreciate your keeping up with all the details and diving deep into the statistics.

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It is preordained that RFK Jr will siphon off Trump voters. They can pick Nikki but look at these facts. 1) Junior is an anti-vaxer. Trump is an anti vaxxer. Junior is anti abortion, Trump is anti abortion. I don’t see an impact on Biden.

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Southeast Portico:

"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as a civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."

-Excerpted from a letter to Samuel Kercheval, July 12, 1816.

Copy and archive: Will get a good picture

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Another solid article Simon.

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For people who think voting doesn't matter, The attorney general in Arizona won her election in Nov 2022 by 245 votes. Otherwise we wouldn't have maga charged in the false electors scheme

By August or September, polls in this presidential election should give us a clearer picture of whats going to happen

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Robin, to answer your two questions 1) we know they are going to try all sorts of stuff this year. It's why we have to work hard and try to run up the score so it becomes far less likely they are successful 2) they want you to feel hopeless, and give up. We don't do that here. We do more, worry less. 3) We have a no dumping rule here. Can't just come and dump your worry and anxiety here. It's not productive. We come here to channel our anxiety into concrete action. Many this week made calls for Ukraine. In my "do more, worry less" section you give and volunteer for important projects. Ask questions, engage others, but let's stay focused on strategies, actions - doing - and not worry.

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Thank you kind SIR !

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