Oct 13, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Thanks for the video, Simon! I needed that this morning.

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I watched the Tom Bonier video -- inspirational, yet pragmatic!

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

II have written to my Senator about the Tuberville blockade. If he worked at any other job the company would not stand for one person creating such havoc. I believe Chuck Schmer needs to call for votes, I don't care if they have to work 18 hours a day. If they worked at regular jobs like us, they would have cancelled days off in emergencies. When police have a tactical alert, vacations and days off are cancelled. To not do this is old school thinking, if they can't work that hard they need to be gone. Senators are in office to help US. Get to it!! Especially now with crisis in Israel, it is about national security. Not to mention, not making the appointments means those military personnel are out raises, which means they are out money. Get to it! Geeez...any other job would not stand for this! Really not too complicated!

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thank you!

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So tired of using tax money to pay for creeps who are only too willing to feed at the public trough without doing any work. Who are the welfare kings and queens now?

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

How do I share this video?

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Working to get you a link.....

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Wonderful post Simon, as usual, multi thanks. The treason of the GOP in favor of Putin is just pretty incredible....

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Takes your breath away, doesn't it? And none of these jerks would last five minutes under Putin's regime in Russia.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Hopist- singular noun. Hopists- plural. Hopisem or Hopisum- a philosophy.

Video fabulous, inspirational, therapeutic and so much more. Thanks you Simon and Tom.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Good news from Interior Alaska (Fairbanks). In our local school board and borough election last week progressives took all of the open seats in a huge surprise upset. Local headline in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner Oct. 4, 2023 read (1 inch font) VOTERS ELECT CHANGE 'Blue Wave shakes up Board of Education, Assembly'. And yesterday the Borough Mayor vetoed an anti-public education 'election fund' proposed by one of the most wing-nut members who is now in his lame duck era. We noticed that the early vote had given the edge to all of the progressive candidates, meaning they went into election ahead. I am still smiling over this.

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Amazing news - congratulations! Do you have a link to the story?

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-Here's a link from one of our bloggers here (News-Miner has a very tight paywall but this first article includes the elections results) https://www.dermotcole.com/reportingfromalaska/2023/10/3/fairbanks-voters-opt-for-change-on-assembly-school-board-rejecting-right-wing-candidates

-And another by writer Matt Buxton of Anchorage


Thanks, Simon for giving us hope.

(I'm writing cards for the Kentucky election.)

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WOW! This is SOOO AWESOME Lee! This is exactly what we need to hear about here, HOPE VOTED IN! I will research this myself just to soak it up! Take the wins and savor them! So many elections happening over these weeks, so it doesn’t matter if it is blue, purple, or red, in any state..... if you research it and help in ANY way, you are part of saving our democracy! Thanks so much for sharing this Lee and thanks to everyone for working hard!

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Love the video! Keep the faith, people! We can take back our Congress and the President's office with hard work, the right candidates and lots of hope.

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I added a link to the DNC video in the text above, or you can find it here. Share it widely with your networks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gUWo1wIIOg

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Thank you! I’ve been looking for a link to it that I can share on other platforms.

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This has been a rough week. A brutal week for humanity. I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon writing postcards for Virginia. The Tuesday video helped as did all of the videos in this edition. Thank you.

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Loved the videos and sharing them. Need Hopium during this dark moment and Simon always delivers! Thank you Simon ❤️

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