Happy Friday all. Been a very hard week. Got a few things for you today:
Israel - There is so much anguish, horror now. And then there are moments like this one with Secretary Blinken:
As Congress returns there are a few things we need to do now:
Pass a single military aid package for Ukraine and Israel. Funding Ukraine helps Israel. Cutting Ukraine funding helps Israel’s enemies. It is the same conflict.
Break the Tuberville blockade, fully staff the Pentagon
Approve stalled Middle East Ambassadors and other State Dept officials, including the new Ambassador to Israel
More forcefully call out the Republican Party for its years of appeasement and encouragement of Putin that has mightily contributed to the chaos and carnage we are seeing across the world today.
Democrats Just Keep Overperforming and Winning Across the US - That Democrats just keep winning elections across the US this year is central to my new conversation with Tom Bonier, the focus of a new page of data and analyses I’ve put together for you, and this new DNC video which we all should be sharing widely through out networks (you will find it has a bit of Hopium in it):
Here’s a link to the video if you want to share it with your networks.
Elections are coming, voting has begun across the US. Make sure you are doing your part to keep this strong Dem performance going this November. Our big Hopium ask is that everyone here do something for Virginia - donate, call, text, write a postcard, canvas - things are close there and we need to keep working hard. Let’s keep our winning streak alive in Virginia and across the US this November!
The unbearable awfulness and malevolence of the Republican Party - It’s on display, everyday, in different ways, isn’t it? Here are a few things I’ve written of late about them:
The GOP’s Appeasement of Putin Is Helping Destabilize the World, And Weaken America
Dems Keep The Government Open, Republicans Betray American Democracy Once Again
Republicans Celebrate Zelenskyy’s Visit By Doing Putin’s Bidding Once Again
Georgia and The Republican Party’s Attempt To End American Democracy
Why we need to keep working hard, kick ass in the fall elections and get to 55 next year. It is what we have to do, together - Simon
II have written to my Senator about the Tuberville blockade. If he worked at any other job the company would not stand for one person creating such havoc. I believe Chuck Schmer needs to call for votes, I don't care if they have to work 18 hours a day. If they worked at regular jobs like us, they would have cancelled days off in emergencies. When police have a tactical alert, vacations and days off are cancelled. To not do this is old school thinking, if they can't work that hard they need to be gone. Senators are in office to help US. Get to it!! Especially now with crisis in Israel, it is about national security. Not to mention, not making the appointments means those military personnel are out raises, which means they are out money. Get to it! Geeez...any other job would not stand for this! Really not too complicated!
Good news from Interior Alaska (Fairbanks). In our local school board and borough election last week progressives took all of the open seats in a huge surprise upset. Local headline in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner Oct. 4, 2023 read (1 inch font) VOTERS ELECT CHANGE 'Blue Wave shakes up Board of Education, Assembly'. And yesterday the Borough Mayor vetoed an anti-public education 'election fund' proposed by one of the most wing-nut members who is now in his lame duck era. We noticed that the early vote had given the edge to all of the progressive candidates, meaning they went into election ahead. I am still smiling over this.