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My Conversation with David Pepper - Vote No in Ohio, and His New Book, Saving Democracy

Can you do a shift of calls or texts this weekend to help defeat Issue 1?


Had a great discussion with my old friend David Pepper today. You can watch the recording, above. We talked about the critical campaign to defeat Issue 1 in Ohio on August 8th, his new book and so much more. Know am I throwing a lot of stuff at you these days but hope you will get a chance to watch this one.

As for helping us win in Ohio, a few resources:

  • David’s Substack post which explains what is happening in Ohio now, and how you can best support these vital efforts.

  • The Ohio Democratic Party’s texting and calling program - can you sign up for a shift this weekend? I am committing to do three before the last day of voting on August 8th.

  • A link to donate to a new targeted effort to run social media ads to help chase 65,000 outstanding “Vote No” mail ballots. David explains this newly launched effort in a new video. I just gave.

Please take an action, any action, and encourage others in your networks to join you. I know many of you are already working in Ohio - thank you! The latest polling is encouraging, but this one really does all come down to turnout. And as people are voting already, it is more important to take steps today, tomorrow, this weekend then next week. So try to do something in the next few days if you can.

We also spent time today talking about David’s new book, Saving Democracy: A User’s Manual for Every American. I haven’t read it yet but I bought a copy today and have added it to my summer reading list.

Thanks, everyone. Do what you can for Ohio in the coming days, and keep working hard - Simon

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