Removed (Banned)Feb 10
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What an encouraging talk. Shared!

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Be careful about talking about the corruption of the judiciary. That’s a MAGA talking point. Yes, there are a lot of bad Trump judges, but if we want judicial decisions about Trump to stick, we have to reinforce the idea of an independent judiciary.

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Sent another contribution to the Suozzi and Biden campaigns last night.

Also this morning, wrote my members of Congress: Senators Schumer, Gillibrand and Congressman Nadler. Here's what I said in part to Schumer: "The mainstream media's coverage of the politically biased Hur report is utterly shameful. As Senate Majority leader, you have the opportunity and the responsibility to rally every member of the Democratic caucus to loudly and proudly have President Biden's back. He's been one of the best, most effective Presidents in modern times and the press turns a blind eye to this reality on a daily basis. Please get out your megaphones, be strong surrogates, and GO ON OFFENSE!! There aren't enough hours in the day to list all of President Biden's and the Democrats' amazing accomplishments since 2021 but it's on ALL OF US to start educating people each day about the stark choice in 2024 between freedom and democracy vs. fascism and dictatorship."

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Thanks as always Simon. Excellent zoom last night. I just saw that Larry Hogan is filing to run for Senate in MD. Not the best news today. I presume you’ll address this. It seems now the Dems will have to funnel resources into what was expected to be a safe seat. Interestingly, I did get a call from the DNC soliciting a donation. I not only gave, but I got the young man who called to promise to call his grandparents who live around the corner from me in Woodbury to confirm they voted for Suozzi and make sure the rest of his family in our CD had also voted for him. I’m sure he wasn’t expecting to get solicited back, but I figure if we get some additional votes it’a worth every penny I donated! I will be out tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday canvassing for Suozzi. I didn’t watch the debate last night - I had enough politics with our zoom and all the Biden news - but I’m curious if you’re hearing any feedback outside what I’m hearing.

Thanks again for all you do!


PS. You haven’t mentioned the PA special election. Is that because it’s in a safe blue district?

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Simon, Your impact goes far beyond the number of subscribers you have, as I’m sure you’re well aware. Those of us who share your posts and who invite others to join see the power of your work and want to bring in as many others as we can. You’re right: no complacency, plenty of action, and we’ll win. We will win.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

There's a LOT of political noise, but with the exception of Trump filing for bankruptcy (somewhat likely) or being convicted (very likely) before the election I don't think there is really anything that will sway voters from how they voted in 2020 and 2022. People are dug into their positions. It's a boring story that doesn't require you to STAY TUNED FOR BREAKING NEWS, so you won't hear Jake Tapper talking about it, but it makes a lot more sense than the pollsters' contention that people's allegiances randomly ping pong between the two most well-known figures in American politics. The SC DQ case, which the media portrayed as momentous, quickly forgetting the DC Circuit Court's opinion 48 hours earlier, will be forgotten next week. The House GOP, already in shambles, is heading for what looks like an unavoidable government shutdown next month. This might even force news anchors to temporarily stop repeating their keen observations that Biden is older today than he was yesterday and is likely to be even older in November (Trump may be aging too, but they'll have to check on that) and report on the truly awe-inspiring inability of the GOP to function.

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I’m concerned about the quality of Tom Suozzi call script to voters. The script ends with stupid and off putting questions to supporters about volunteering and do they want a yard sign. Every voter says NO and the call ends with a sour taste. The script does not ask about other Suozzi supporters in the house, are they voting? Please end with a social support comment to supporters, “I talked with many people like you who are supporting Tom.” “With your vote, I think we will win.”

I listened to 5 excellent volunteers at the Democratic Party HQ in Honolulu at 9 am HST making many calls through an excellent automated dialer and to likely Democratic voters. Please give our volunteers good scripts. By the way our Indivisible Hawaii team wrote and mailed about 3,000 postcards for Tom.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

Check out a great new tool as we reimagine and reinvent the war room to be filled with citizens as information warriors! Now, a new t-shirt can turn you into a walking, talking billboard for Dems! The text on the front, “Dems Make Life Better,” is intended to prompt conversation in your daily life, and the back of the shirt lists the many ways Dems DO make life better. All funds raised will be paid directly to Movement Voter Project for donations to local grassroots groups organizing to build lasting progressive power.

Purchasers are provided with a Conversations Toolkit with guidance on how to engage in conversations prompted by the shirt. A complimentary option is to download and get trained on the DNC’s Reach app. It will enable you to input data resulting from those conversations which will go back to the Democratic Party and increase the overall efficiency of voter outreach efforts.

For more details on this effort and to purchase shirts, go to https://www.customink.com/fundraising/demsmakelifebetter. If/when you share the link with others, please use the link provided as the secondary link to purchase will expire and be replaced with a new url every two weeks. Also here is a link to the Conversations Toolkit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WSNirCzH2Sm02rAU-0Z3aLV7XWFgPEzztRsBhIOHmaU/edit?usp=sharing

I hope Dems everywhere will start wearing this shirt to easily promote the Dem messaging in our daily lives! Reports from those who have already purchased including people who are canvassing in key districts, have been overwhelmingly positive!

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My superhero name is “ Doom Scroller” and need to be here for your optimism, Simon.

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I am just appalled at what happened with the Special Report as a citizen and as an attorney. I am not surprised at the MSM coverage - more of the same - galling still the same.

It is great for fundraising numbers to be great everyday, but would be really great for Biden to have a great fundraising day today and this weekend. Yesterday was cheap shot day - let today and this weekend be one of riches. It would be great if the fundraising numbers in the days after the report that small dollar donations are high. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ads-gs-dd-bvfsearch-nov2023refcode=om2023_ads_gs_230710_broaddonate_dd_us_all_actbluephrase&refcode2=231114_oneyearout_v1&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAt5euBhB9EiwAdkXWO5pCXDyNY4Lg2pigYUnc_5Nlx50nNSRaKkP5mWarUrFgKQ17hATldRoCtIcQAvD_BwE

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Thanks again Simon! Sent another donation to Biden and to Suozzi yesterday!

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“Corruption” is a loaded term. Most people think of corruption as financial, which is relatively rare, even among the dunderheads Trump appointed. Our concern is rightfully about political and ideological bias, but calling that corruption muddies the waters and reinforces Trump’s conspiracy theories about the judiciary.

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Enjoyed listening to your video, missed it live. One take away I had from your wonderful verbal analysis of why not Trump for all the things he has done is when you said he is a “RISK”. That struck home for me….R-I-S-K, (R)apist and convicted, (I)insurrection, (S)tole Americas secrets and shared them, and (K)nocked out Roe v Wade. At least it simplifies his incredibly horrible crimes and give me a starting place to discuss with Independents and other Dems!

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When is Obama going to start campaigning? Now would be an ideal time. He can pull the youth vote in so quickly.

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I caution folks nor to assume Suozzi has this in the bag based on polling. Polling is very often wrong. I read Peter King claims that Mazi's internal polling has her ahead and the other polls are wrong. Time to keep the pedal to the medal and keep volunteering for Suozzi's excellent phone bank.

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