"Do You Know Someone in a Cult? Evaluate any group now by using Dr. Steven Hassan's BITE Model of Authoritarian Control." The BITE test finds out if any group is helpful or harmful, honest or dishonest, healthy or unhealthy.
I love that we have been able to hear from both Ken Martin and Ben Wikler as they run to lead the DNC. Again, there is no other place where we can get this kind of information and ability to hear from the leading candidates. Well done, Simon!
Interesting rules around political donations. As a UK citizen I cannot donate to parties involved in US elections, however the press reports here are about Elon Musk donating up to $100m to a UK political party.
I'm not sure about the framing of "the Unacceptable 4"... I mean what about Pam Bondi, Dr. Oz , Richard Grenell, David Perdue, Kelly Loeffler, Cari Lake, Charles Kushner, Kimberley Guillfoyle and several others. Are they really acceptable? They get a pass just because the top four get top billing?
Looking forward to watching your 2 interviews in this update. Thank You Simon.
While they may be objectionable to us, I'm guessing that Simon is looking at worst-case actors, especially in areas of national security/defense/public health and safety/upholding our own laws. Of those you listed, I, too, wonder if we need to object to Bondi, an election denier. The others are reprehensible and will do damage, but which of the ones above will Republicans up for reelection in 2026 in swing states be willing to object to? It won't be all of these folks, unfortunately. However, national security and defense/Intelligence/Law/Public Health are probably the most critical to preserving our basic democracy, and the likes of Gabbard, Hegseth, Patel and Kennedy may be too much for more moderate R's to consider. IOW, we have to choose our battles is what I interpret Simon as saying.
"...we need to grow more comfortable to condemn and say things are wrong, even if they are legal. Silence can become complicity. The silence of our party’s leaders about what is happening in North Carolina right now has been a bit shocking to me."
Merrick Garland, AG (Appeaser Groveler)
But yes, even Joe and Kamala: Where is your vocal, ferocious fight?
Can you please explain who elects the DNC chair and how that process works? I think many of us may be interested in knowing how this all works. Who votes? Can we be in touch with them ahead of February 1 to voice our preference?
Unfortunately, the DNC election process is opaque. Here's there leadership (you may need to find their emails through Google). If any of your senators and representatives are Democrats you can contact them to support Wikler.
What I don’t see there (or anywhere) is detailed information on how many, and which, people have a vote during the election of DNC Chair. Very strange...
However, in the interview, Ben Wikler does mention that there are 448 voting members of the Democratic National Committee.
Great question! Perhaps Simon can clarify how open the voting Democratic leadership is to input from grassroot organizations and ordinary voters. Specifically:
– Are voting DNC members seeking such input?
– Have they established an orderly process for inviting such input?
– If yes, where are the email addresses and phone numbers posted?
The DNC includes the chairs and vice-chairs of each state Democratic Party Committee and over 200 members elected by Democrats in all 57 states and the territories. I suggest that you contact your own state DNC members (2024-2028) to provide your input as constituents. If you don't know their names, contact your State Party Chair: https://ballotpedia.org/Democratic_National_Committee
Well, I am one of the elected Democrats who elected members to the DNC for our state. Therefore, I feel like grassroots Democrats should have a voice in the leadership. I would say that input may not be solicited, but there are forums for the candidates (sponsored by Young Democrats of America, etc.) that all Democrats are invited to attend. Providing comments will awaken the 448 DNC members to the concerns of their constituents. The rules state that "all DNC staff will maintain complete neutrality throughout the process, including abstaining from endorsing or campaigning for any candidate." Here's more info.
I strongly recommend that the DNC send emails explicitly INVITING input from all supporting groups and organizations, especially those who worked so hard to elect Kamala Harris.
The DNC elects its own Chair on Feb. 1, 2025. They also elect the Treasurer, Secretary, National Finance Chair, Vice Chairperson for Civic Engagement and Voter Participation, and the three other Vice Chairpersons, in that order. There are 448 members of the DNC and 225 votes needed to win. Here is the DNC link for details.
Remember COVID. It was not like the flu. China did not have "it" under control. Yes, over one million Americans perished. Yet, it was TFG’s campaign (and a compliant MSM) that disqualified the current POTUS. This was quite a trick.
P.S.: Simon had a good interview on the MeidasTouch Network.
The central reason I created Hopium was my alarm at how complicit legacy media was in creating the false red wave narrative in 2022. Hopium was a nod to that, given Nate Silver's, then at 538/ABC News, wild attack of me in the week before the election where he claimed I was smoking Hopium and misleading people.
Fascinating! Simon, my deepest condolences on your "media mater" (to invent a term) deciding to cave to Trump, voicing an admission of wrongdoing, and awarding him 15–16 million dollars in order to avoid a questionable defamation suit.
What an astounding narrative victory ABC is handing Trump!
Even the Judge stated that the adjudicated sexual assault conviction on trump was for all purposes rape. They settled for sexual assault because the victim was unsure if the invasion to her body was digital or the other! It has come to light that ABC news went to Mara Largo last week and met with Susie Wiles. They just kissed the ring. So scary for our democracy!
I think there is a big area of opportunity for the Dems/DNC/Super Pac to create policy /civic explainers and sneak in the basics of Simon's with Dems Things Get Better in them and just buy the cheap long but skippable youtube ads.
GERMANY: Today, the majority of the Bundestag voted that it had no confidence in Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his government – ironically after he himself called for a vote of confidence he knew he would lose. Why? Because he wanted to trigger snap elections in which he hopes to strengthen SDP’s hand. As a consequence, Germany will hold new parliamentary elections in February.
(It’s worth noting how much shorter the campaigns are in many European countries – much shorter, even, than the time allotted Kamala Harris presidential campaign.)
In the UK it only takes a few weeks from announcement of the election date to the election itself. The winner is known (usually) in the morning of the following day - and if the incumbent Prime Minister loses they move out that day (usually) and the new Prime Minister moves in. The length of time elections take in the US and the sheer quantity of money is very different to the UK and most European nations. There far right is gaining ground in many European nations and as the major economies it is Germany and France we must all hope who can hold the line for democracy. Both nations have been poorly led recently, with major economic and social issues. There is a mood across the globe that is impatient with democracy because of its perceived failures. So many people are struggling, whilst a few prosper - in some cases (see Elon Musk) obscenely! There is need for a redistribution of wealth from rich citizens to the common wealth and rich nations to poorer nations. This will help with family incomes and access to decent healthcare, education and a healthy environment.
My biggest concern from the Dems in the weeks since the election is how unwilling they are to look curiously at the cultural sentiment around the UHC CEO shooting.
It seems like they want to get caught poking leftists/populists in the eye on this instead of finding a message that connects. Dean Phillips is the only one who seems to be getting close to the correct response.
We need to be careful that the UHC CEO killing doesn't get turned into a left vs right event. Cause if right wing groups decide "the left" killed the CEO, some of them will think they need to "even the score."
We lost pretty hard, I am not super interested carefully stepping around issues. When the public is shouting a chorus maybe we should try to harmonize to a reasonable extent.
I also think you are misreading the left right dynamic. You can go to any "conservatives" space and the sentiment there is not much different than the "progressive" spaces. The general sentiment seems to fall somewhere between "well it sucks to suck" and "would probably not vote to convict if on the Jury". I am generally interested in how you see this if your concern is some sort of score settling? Mangioni is probably closer to Joe Rogan than the progressive movement from what I have seen.
The point is that we need universal healthcare like other civilized countries have. There is literally no reason for the presence of for profit insurance companies in the equation other than lining their pockets to the detriment of our healthcare. We need to fight for a strong and expanded social safety net. Otherwise, there is really no point in being part of the USA. Might as well have the west coast and northeast petition to join Canada. Not kidding.
I hear (extraneously) what T says. Muting him is my first and immediate reaction, knowing he will lie or at least fabricate “weave” the narrative. Such are the ways of con artists, n’est pas? Dazzle them with a noxious flamboyant babble.
It’s what he DOES DO …ie raise the taxes/raise the debt burden significantly ( or au conrairily) DOESN’T DO ..ie bring down egg prices …that we need to focus/point out/highlight/call him on…not the incessant soap opera jabber.
Keeping y/our eyes on the ball, right?
Truth is important , the BOT comment aftermaths …please scroll right by..don’t give them any more power.
We can. We should .Hammer the TRUTH! When he does a nasty, point it right out..”How’d ya like that , Trumpers?” Because it’s going to affect them too. Lay the blame right where it belongs, it’s OUR Plan ‘ B’. Any Republican ‘win’ is likely going to hurt a lot of people…not build better for anyone but the business buddies.
Let them paint themselves into corners .
Do not buy into their delusions.
T.rode his race on the Democratic winning horse who cleaned up Republican folly ….those stats, as others claim victory in their RED states of Biden’s amazing accomplishments…T’s failures became a national HOAX and a rapid downhill slide was witnessing the whole shebang all the way to Jan 7th..it is /it was , a sadly, deadly comic strip of ineptness . Embarrassing comics, huh… they can’t, they won’t admit it.
I’m not a crook. I’m not the laughing stock of the world. I’m not a liar. Trust me. Remember those lines, please. ‘How’s that working out for ya, Trumpers?’
Hey there, self-reporting what I've been doing. It's been a busy week trying to make sure that I stay on the right side of things and stay full of energy to make good trouble and positive change for my city and the world around me.
Last week, I took an online training with Right To Be about standing up to street harrassment. I got quite a bit out of it. They do a lot of free online training - https://righttobe.org/
I went to my local Dem committee meeting and asked electeds in the meeting what they were going to do to protect our immigrant neighbors from potential deportation without cause, because immigrants are here to stay. I made it clear that the Democratic party I belong to stands with all marginalized folks, including transgender and queer folk - and we don't have to sell them out to win. I had good conversations, including with my local assemblyperson about potentially starting a Dem Club in my ward to help juice turnout for the NJ elections this year.
I donated to the ACLU, because they stand for us.
I called Senator Kim and Booker today to urge them to vote against cloture on the NDAA because of the anti-LGBTQ policies slipped in by the Republicans on the house - and we shouldn't prohibit healthcare for queer family to get normal funding done.
There's a lot of stuff that doesn't feel super great right now. But we can make differences, one step at a time. I'm doing my best to do that here.
Simon and everybody - It may be worth looking under the hood of this poll and these pollsters' work to see if their methodology is sound.
Because their suggestion is basically that the swing vote is deeply cynical.
The public believes it will be able to trust the government less, it will be less fair and honest, but it will be more "effective" and better at "getting things done."
To me the signal is clear if this is an accurate reading of the swing voter. High-mindedness of appeals is *out*. Advertising your effectiveness and the other guys' weakness and incompetence is in. Pervasive cultural cynicism means people give are giving the bad and bad-ass guys the benefit of the doubt for being smarter and more effective and are assuming by proxy that the high-minded, norms-constrained, goody-two-shoes people who care about other people's feeling are chumps and won't "get things done.
This sucks and it speaks ill of people's perceptions and worldview. But all is not lost. There are businesslike, cynical-sounding, worldly ways to make the case for Democratic policies and politics over the Republican politics and policies and one can make all the arguments in a defiant tone of freedom, get off my lawn and toxic masculinity and girl boss-ness and 'don't you try to con me' that should not project the deadly political sin of 'softness'.
It does all speak in favor of everyone doing Ferocious Opposition and not Loyal Opposition, including our Electeds. None of this accommodation and capitulation and meet the enemy where they are garbage. Bet on the other team's failure. If they succeed at anything, it is only because they are copying our policy playbook or living off our legacy, when not doing that, they are actively wrecking things and screwing things up, even if the majority of voters didn't get it, that's the truth and the only truth. We were right and they were wrong.
A hard-nosed, "getting things done" approach can be "serious", "serious as a heart attack" without sounding "high-minded", abstract, disconnected, or reliant on "better natures" that people feel too jaded and scarred these days to show and open up.
In terms of "getting things done", policymaking and legislating, regulating, putting America to work, providing services, *working* on the business of the people, Democrats in every Branch of government kick Republican ass each and every day and each and every way.
Just because our people don't soundbite, or slogan it, or trashtalk it so masterfully to the same songbook in unison like the other guys do does not mean they get more done and we get less done. Everybody knows which Party's politicians spend more time not lawmaking and instead obstructing, vacationing, golfing, tweeting, recessing, grandstanding, and clowning for their own ideological media channels, and it is not the Democrats.
People who watched saw legislative sausagemaking go on for month up to the Inflation Reduction Act and it wasn't pretty, but it was getting the overdue work done, not gumming the works. The Dem Electeds are always working on something real for the economy, health, or security of the people. They get it right way more than wrong.
They approach government like what it is, a job.
The Republicans don't work that way, the objective is not to accomplish anything, at least not anything the majority wants, it is to wreck everything that stands in the way of their power, clown for their media channels and special fan base, and when they do want to accomplish something it's weird crap only weird subcultures want.
Pick a sample of any elected officials and think about if you would hire them for your team or on your company and expect them to be a good, productive team member. Or if you think they'd be a levelheaded, competent, and fair boss for the team or company. How many of the Republican electeds could pass the fhiring test if you treated elections like a business hiring decision for *job* instead of a rah-rah sporting event, and a trashy one at that, like pro-wrestling, which is what way, way too many Americans do right now. Government isn't public friends it's public business - take it seriously people.
In addition to Simon's interview, I strongly recommend Ben Wikler's interview last week on the Daily Show. He demonstrates a clear understanding of where we lost ground with the everyday Americans and how we can win them back.
He honestly left me wishing he was running for something bigger than head of the DNC, though I believe we'll be in great hands with him at the helm.
"Do You Know Someone in a Cult? Evaluate any group now by using Dr. Steven Hassan's BITE Model of Authoritarian Control." The BITE test finds out if any group is helpful or harmful, honest or dishonest, healthy or unhealthy.
I listened yesterday to your interview with Anthony Davis. One of your best and that’s saying a lot!! Highly recommend!
I love that we have been able to hear from both Ken Martin and Ben Wikler as they run to lead the DNC. Again, there is no other place where we can get this kind of information and ability to hear from the leading candidates. Well done, Simon!
Interesting rules around political donations. As a UK citizen I cannot donate to parties involved in US elections, however the press reports here are about Elon Musk donating up to $100m to a UK political party.
I'm not sure about the framing of "the Unacceptable 4"... I mean what about Pam Bondi, Dr. Oz , Richard Grenell, David Perdue, Kelly Loeffler, Cari Lake, Charles Kushner, Kimberley Guillfoyle and several others. Are they really acceptable? They get a pass just because the top four get top billing?
Looking forward to watching your 2 interviews in this update. Thank You Simon.
Excellent statement/question Michael.TY
While they may be objectionable to us, I'm guessing that Simon is looking at worst-case actors, especially in areas of national security/defense/public health and safety/upholding our own laws. Of those you listed, I, too, wonder if we need to object to Bondi, an election denier. The others are reprehensible and will do damage, but which of the ones above will Republicans up for reelection in 2026 in swing states be willing to object to? It won't be all of these folks, unfortunately. However, national security and defense/Intelligence/Law/Public Health are probably the most critical to preserving our basic democracy, and the likes of Gabbard, Hegseth, Patel and Kennedy may be too much for more moderate R's to consider. IOW, we have to choose our battles is what I interpret Simon as saying.
Go, Ben (and Simon)! What a great leader.
Yes, urgent and ongoing:
"...we need to grow more comfortable to condemn and say things are wrong, even if they are legal. Silence can become complicity. The silence of our party’s leaders about what is happening in North Carolina right now has been a bit shocking to me."
Merrick Garland, AG (Appeaser Groveler)
But yes, even Joe and Kamala: Where is your vocal, ferocious fight?
Can you please explain who elects the DNC chair and how that process works? I think many of us may be interested in knowing how this all works. Who votes? Can we be in touch with them ahead of February 1 to voice our preference?
Unfortunately, the DNC election process is opaque. Here's there leadership (you may need to find their emails through Google). If any of your senators and representatives are Democrats you can contact them to support Wikler.
What I don’t see there (or anywhere) is detailed information on how many, and which, people have a vote during the election of DNC Chair. Very strange...
However, in the interview, Ben Wikler does mention that there are 448 voting members of the Democratic National Committee.
Great question! Perhaps Simon can clarify how open the voting Democratic leadership is to input from grassroot organizations and ordinary voters. Specifically:
– Are voting DNC members seeking such input?
– Have they established an orderly process for inviting such input?
– If yes, where are the email addresses and phone numbers posted?
– If not, why in the world not?
The DNC elects their own officers. Here is the proposed process for 2025: https://democrats.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Approved-by-RBC-12_12_24-2025-DNC-Officer-Elections-Rules-of-Procedure-Website.pdf
The DNC includes the chairs and vice-chairs of each state Democratic Party Committee and over 200 members elected by Democrats in all 57 states and the territories. I suggest that you contact your own state DNC members (2024-2028) to provide your input as constituents. If you don't know their names, contact your State Party Chair: https://ballotpedia.org/Democratic_National_Committee
Or call DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE (202) 863-8000 or use form at https://democrats.org/who-we-are/leadership-2-2/
Thanks! But I do wonder whether such input is invited, or welcome.
Well, I am one of the elected Democrats who elected members to the DNC for our state. Therefore, I feel like grassroots Democrats should have a voice in the leadership. I would say that input may not be solicited, but there are forums for the candidates (sponsored by Young Democrats of America, etc.) that all Democrats are invited to attend. Providing comments will awaken the 448 DNC members to the concerns of their constituents. The rules state that "all DNC staff will maintain complete neutrality throughout the process, including abstaining from endorsing or campaigning for any candidate." Here's more info.
I strongly recommend that the DNC send emails explicitly INVITING input from all supporting groups and organizations, especially those who worked so hard to elect Kamala Harris.
Please contact your State Party Chair: https://ballotpedia.org/Democratic_National_Committee
Or call DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE (202) 863-8000 or use form at https://democrats.org/who-we-are/leadership-2-2/ to provide your strong recommendation. I will do likewise.
The DNC elects its own Chair on Feb. 1, 2025. They also elect the Treasurer, Secretary, National Finance Chair, Vice Chairperson for Civic Engagement and Voter Participation, and the three other Vice Chairpersons, in that order. There are 448 members of the DNC and 225 votes needed to win. Here is the DNC link for details.
Simon et al.:
Smoke and mirrors only works with a “complicit” media infrastructure: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/trump-softbank-ceo-to-announce-100-billion-investment-in-u-s/ar-AA1vX7KY?ocid=BingHp01&cvid=9129760774f044e7d5fad1ffc85f9451&ei=28 . It will be important to press the REALITY of good works done by the outgoing Biden-Harris Administration. Many lies fall when they compete with gravity. There are definitely ways to accomplish this objective!
Remember COVID. It was not like the flu. China did not have "it" under control. Yes, over one million Americans perished. Yet, it was TFG’s campaign (and a compliant MSM) that disqualified the current POTUS. This was quite a trick.
P.S.: Simon had a good interview on the MeidasTouch Network.
P.P.S.: First, teach civics. Second, register voters. Third, teach civics. Rinse. Repeat.
The central reason I created Hopium was my alarm at how complicit legacy media was in creating the false red wave narrative in 2022. Hopium was a nod to that, given Nate Silver's, then at 538/ABC News, wild attack of me in the week before the election where he claimed I was smoking Hopium and misleading people.
My first job out of college was at ABC News.
Fascinating! Simon, my deepest condolences on your "media mater" (to invent a term) deciding to cave to Trump, voicing an admission of wrongdoing, and awarding him 15–16 million dollars in order to avoid a questionable defamation suit.
What an astounding narrative victory ABC is handing Trump!
Effing tragic.
Even the Judge stated that the adjudicated sexual assault conviction on trump was for all purposes rape. They settled for sexual assault because the victim was unsure if the invasion to her body was digital or the other! It has come to light that ABC news went to Mara Largo last week and met with Susie Wiles. They just kissed the ring. So scary for our democracy!
I think there is a big area of opportunity for the Dems/DNC/Super Pac to create policy /civic explainers and sneak in the basics of Simon's with Dems Things Get Better in them and just buy the cheap long but skippable youtube ads.
GERMANY: Today, the majority of the Bundestag voted that it had no confidence in Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his government – ironically after he himself called for a vote of confidence he knew he would lose. Why? Because he wanted to trigger snap elections in which he hopes to strengthen SDP’s hand. As a consequence, Germany will hold new parliamentary elections in February.
(It’s worth noting how much shorter the campaigns are in many European countries – much shorter, even, than the time allotted Kamala Harris presidential campaign.)
In the UK it only takes a few weeks from announcement of the election date to the election itself. The winner is known (usually) in the morning of the following day - and if the incumbent Prime Minister loses they move out that day (usually) and the new Prime Minister moves in. The length of time elections take in the US and the sheer quantity of money is very different to the UK and most European nations. There far right is gaining ground in many European nations and as the major economies it is Germany and France we must all hope who can hold the line for democracy. Both nations have been poorly led recently, with major economic and social issues. There is a mood across the globe that is impatient with democracy because of its perceived failures. So many people are struggling, whilst a few prosper - in some cases (see Elon Musk) obscenely! There is need for a redistribution of wealth from rich citizens to the common wealth and rich nations to poorer nations. This will help with family incomes and access to decent healthcare, education and a healthy environment.
My biggest concern from the Dems in the weeks since the election is how unwilling they are to look curiously at the cultural sentiment around the UHC CEO shooting.
It seems like they want to get caught poking leftists/populists in the eye on this instead of finding a message that connects. Dean Phillips is the only one who seems to be getting close to the correct response.
We need to be careful that the UHC CEO killing doesn't get turned into a left vs right event. Cause if right wing groups decide "the left" killed the CEO, some of them will think they need to "even the score."
We lost pretty hard, I am not super interested carefully stepping around issues. When the public is shouting a chorus maybe we should try to harmonize to a reasonable extent.
I also think you are misreading the left right dynamic. You can go to any "conservatives" space and the sentiment there is not much different than the "progressive" spaces. The general sentiment seems to fall somewhere between "well it sucks to suck" and "would probably not vote to convict if on the Jury". I am generally interested in how you see this if your concern is some sort of score settling? Mangioni is probably closer to Joe Rogan than the progressive movement from what I have seen.
But you're right that the leadership vacuum is painful and frightening.
My hope is that it's a sign of the old guard / the establishment stepping aside so a new generation of leaders (e.g. Wikler) can emerge
Dean Phillips who is currently kissing up to Elon & Vivek? How long til he switches to Republican?
The point is that we need universal healthcare like other civilized countries have. There is literally no reason for the presence of for profit insurance companies in the equation other than lining their pockets to the detriment of our healthcare. We need to fight for a strong and expanded social safety net. Otherwise, there is really no point in being part of the USA. Might as well have the west coast and northeast petition to join Canada. Not kidding.
If Wikler doesn't get the DNC chair, he should run for President in 2028
I hear (extraneously) what T says. Muting him is my first and immediate reaction, knowing he will lie or at least fabricate “weave” the narrative. Such are the ways of con artists, n’est pas? Dazzle them with a noxious flamboyant babble.
It’s what he DOES DO …ie raise the taxes/raise the debt burden significantly ( or au conrairily) DOESN’T DO ..ie bring down egg prices …that we need to focus/point out/highlight/call him on…not the incessant soap opera jabber.
Keeping y/our eyes on the ball, right?
Truth is important , the BOT comment aftermaths …please scroll right by..don’t give them any more power.
We can. We should .Hammer the TRUTH! When he does a nasty, point it right out..”How’d ya like that , Trumpers?” Because it’s going to affect them too. Lay the blame right where it belongs, it’s OUR Plan ‘ B’. Any Republican ‘win’ is likely going to hurt a lot of people…not build better for anyone but the business buddies.
Let them paint themselves into corners .
Do not buy into their delusions.
T.rode his race on the Democratic winning horse who cleaned up Republican folly ….those stats, as others claim victory in their RED states of Biden’s amazing accomplishments…T’s failures became a national HOAX and a rapid downhill slide was witnessing the whole shebang all the way to Jan 7th..it is /it was , a sadly, deadly comic strip of ineptness . Embarrassing comics, huh… they can’t, they won’t admit it.
I’m not a crook. I’m not the laughing stock of the world. I’m not a liar. Trust me. Remember those lines, please. ‘How’s that working out for ya, Trumpers?’
Money can’t buy truth. Only yes men.
Be prepared.
Hey there, self-reporting what I've been doing. It's been a busy week trying to make sure that I stay on the right side of things and stay full of energy to make good trouble and positive change for my city and the world around me.
Last week, I took an online training with Right To Be about standing up to street harrassment. I got quite a bit out of it. They do a lot of free online training - https://righttobe.org/
I went to my local Dem committee meeting and asked electeds in the meeting what they were going to do to protect our immigrant neighbors from potential deportation without cause, because immigrants are here to stay. I made it clear that the Democratic party I belong to stands with all marginalized folks, including transgender and queer folk - and we don't have to sell them out to win. I had good conversations, including with my local assemblyperson about potentially starting a Dem Club in my ward to help juice turnout for the NJ elections this year.
I donated to the ACLU, because they stand for us.
I called Senator Kim and Booker today to urge them to vote against cloture on the NDAA because of the anti-LGBTQ policies slipped in by the Republicans on the house - and we shouldn't prohibit healthcare for queer family to get normal funding done.
There's a lot of stuff that doesn't feel super great right now. But we can make differences, one step at a time. I'm doing my best to do that here.
Simon and everybody - It may be worth looking under the hood of this poll and these pollsters' work to see if their methodology is sound.
Because their suggestion is basically that the swing vote is deeply cynical.
The public believes it will be able to trust the government less, it will be less fair and honest, but it will be more "effective" and better at "getting things done."
To me the signal is clear if this is an accurate reading of the swing voter. High-mindedness of appeals is *out*. Advertising your effectiveness and the other guys' weakness and incompetence is in. Pervasive cultural cynicism means people give are giving the bad and bad-ass guys the benefit of the doubt for being smarter and more effective and are assuming by proxy that the high-minded, norms-constrained, goody-two-shoes people who care about other people's feeling are chumps and won't "get things done.
This sucks and it speaks ill of people's perceptions and worldview. But all is not lost. There are businesslike, cynical-sounding, worldly ways to make the case for Democratic policies and politics over the Republican politics and policies and one can make all the arguments in a defiant tone of freedom, get off my lawn and toxic masculinity and girl boss-ness and 'don't you try to con me' that should not project the deadly political sin of 'softness'.
It does all speak in favor of everyone doing Ferocious Opposition and not Loyal Opposition, including our Electeds. None of this accommodation and capitulation and meet the enemy where they are garbage. Bet on the other team's failure. If they succeed at anything, it is only because they are copying our policy playbook or living off our legacy, when not doing that, they are actively wrecking things and screwing things up, even if the majority of voters didn't get it, that's the truth and the only truth. We were right and they were wrong.
A hard-nosed, "getting things done" approach can be "serious", "serious as a heart attack" without sounding "high-minded", abstract, disconnected, or reliant on "better natures" that people feel too jaded and scarred these days to show and open up.
In terms of "getting things done", policymaking and legislating, regulating, putting America to work, providing services, *working* on the business of the people, Democrats in every Branch of government kick Republican ass each and every day and each and every way.
Just because our people don't soundbite, or slogan it, or trashtalk it so masterfully to the same songbook in unison like the other guys do does not mean they get more done and we get less done. Everybody knows which Party's politicians spend more time not lawmaking and instead obstructing, vacationing, golfing, tweeting, recessing, grandstanding, and clowning for their own ideological media channels, and it is not the Democrats.
People who watched saw legislative sausagemaking go on for month up to the Inflation Reduction Act and it wasn't pretty, but it was getting the overdue work done, not gumming the works. The Dem Electeds are always working on something real for the economy, health, or security of the people. They get it right way more than wrong.
They approach government like what it is, a job.
The Republicans don't work that way, the objective is not to accomplish anything, at least not anything the majority wants, it is to wreck everything that stands in the way of their power, clown for their media channels and special fan base, and when they do want to accomplish something it's weird crap only weird subcultures want.
Pick a sample of any elected officials and think about if you would hire them for your team or on your company and expect them to be a good, productive team member. Or if you think they'd be a levelheaded, competent, and fair boss for the team or company. How many of the Republican electeds could pass the fhiring test if you treated elections like a business hiring decision for *job* instead of a rah-rah sporting event, and a trashy one at that, like pro-wrestling, which is what way, way too many Americans do right now. Government isn't public friends it's public business - take it seriously people.
An important article regarding the failure of our media. I hope you can take time to read.
In addition to Simon's interview, I strongly recommend Ben Wikler's interview last week on the Daily Show. He demonstrates a clear understanding of where we lost ground with the everyday Americans and how we can win them back.
He honestly left me wishing he was running for something bigger than head of the DNC, though I believe we'll be in great hands with him at the helm.