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Mar 1, 2023
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Brad thanks for being part of the community. Agree with you. Trying to do my part. Biden has become much more aggressive in recent months and I think it is going to make it easier for everyone to follow.

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My wife and I have been ruminating for months about when and how the (D)s can strike back at the disinformation and flat-out lies coming from the right-wing propaganda machine. We think you've hit on some pretty good ideas, and we're encouraged by President Biden's stepping up his rhetoric. Much more needs to be done, though - like Brad's suggestion to ramp up the push-back on outlets like CNN and MSNBC. But also letters to the editor in red zones around the country. (Like where I live in eastern Arizona, where they voted for Kari Lake and Blake Masters.)

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It's a bummer when these good pieces of information are behind a paywall. You won't reach the low information voters, the young, and many minorities when everything is behind a paywall.

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