Jun 16, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Simon! Sorry to miss! Network NOVA’S Friday Power Lunch is 12 Noon ET ... every Friday. We will YouTube it! Looking forward to listening in. We are having David Pepper on the show next Friday! It's all about Democracy!! 🌶

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It's a good ad! Thanks for the link. I just wish I still believed it. I wish I believed the country is better off and democracy is strong; but I don't. Hopefully I'm in a teeny minority who still see us hanging by our fingernails.

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It really helps to get involved in some small way to push democracy forward. When I get discouraged, I grab more postcards to write.

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So true!

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Great discussion today. Interesting questions... Learned some new stuff (inflation). And I agree 100% with the assets/liabilities perspective on Biden's age. His remarkable accomplishments are the result of his experience, wisdom and humility -- tremendous assets shared by the best leaders.

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I’m having fun too. Thanks for doing this 😊

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Excellent discussion. Thank you. Your guidance is extremely helpful to all of us working on the local level (in a very red state). I will share with my fellow “information warriors”.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Absolutely energizing presentation, Simon. I have shared this with friends and family members who have a hard time seeing the positive as well as the negative. Thank you for your great lifelong service.

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Sorry, I had to miss it! Consequences of #Adulting 🤷‍♂️😂

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

This session is really helpful. It’s also the perfect piece to listen to while writing postcards. Thanks and feel better 😊🌎

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Simon, glad you're on the other end of COVID.

Thanks for highlighting all of Biden's record-breaking wins for working families since coming to office (AND reminding us not to spread the opposition's talking points), you raised another great point -- the upcoming election is NOT only about Tr*mp (even if another GOP candidate were to win their primary).

It is about every MAGA Repub who threatens our democracy and American way of life -- whether they're in Congress, in State Legislatures or Governor's offices, or even on the Supreme Court. We see this clearly with how MAGA Repubs wouldn't impeach him for trying to blackmail Ukraine to lie about Biden, how they rallied around him to legitimize his election lies and subsequent deadly attack on our country on January 6, and we are seeing it again now, with how they're defending him against a second criminal indictment for acts of espionage.

Let's not forget: no matter our race, background or political party, Americans value our freedoms – we want to be free to vote to elect leaders who will govern in our name. It's critical we point out that it was a Grand Jury of everyday Americans in Florida who decided the evidence presented justified the former MAGA President's indictment. People like you and me want him to go on trial for threatening the very security of our country—by stealing secret documents, conspiring to obstruct justice, and then lying in order to cling to power. And yet again, it's the MAGA Repubs in office that previously supported, schemed, and covered up for his January 6 attack who now want to overturn our legal system to let him to escape consequences, carry on his crimes, and gain unchecked power.

MAGA Repubs in Congress, state legislatures & governments, and on the Supreme Court want to take away our freedoms, so a wealthy, well-connected few can control us, deciding who we love, if/when or how we start or grow our families, what we learn, and literally, what our future will be. We must stand up and together demand that everyone who criminally-conspired, promoted, or excused these MAGA criminal conspiracies be held accountable, so we can have a government of, for and by the people—one where our leaders honor their oaths to protect our country AND our freedoms!

Also, in highlighting the importance of voters under 45, I hope you had a chance to look at all the great analysis from Catalist on what happened in 2022. Much of it echoes what you observed early on in 2022, but it does a great deep dive, especially on young voter participation. Details here: https://catalist.us/whathappened2022/#pp-toc-lnyep7aqmh9v-anchor-4

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This is a great ad! Everything in it is TRUE! I urge Americans to pay attention to the fact that Republicans are trying to take away our freedoms, indeed to destroy our Republic! Vote them out of office!

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