RemovedMar 14
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Pls take this down. It’s crazy talk.

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I've taken this post down. It was just wild, unsupported rantings and has no place here.

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Okay. I'm glad I didn't see it.

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I was just thinking the same thing LOL

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These days, I don't want to know everything someone else said. LOL.

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14

I agree completely - for my sanity I've had to tweak the settings on all of my social media profiles. I've had to tell YouTube to stop "recommending" channels, When I google anything political I do it in a private window ( so google doesn't decide to "show me more" the next time I randomly decide to go online ) I'm rarely on Facebook, and I've even had to unsubscribe from certain substack publications. A fine line between sticking one's head in the sand and filtering out garbage. I dunno maybe it sounds dramatic, but I've had to do it to avoid "getting blown around" as Simon phrases it.

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I understand completely. And you said that very well. Thanks

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Agree & grateful David Pepper introduced Simon while we waited 4 Ohio’s results 4 keeping Women’s Healthcare intact

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Can you do a Hopinum on why JFK jr won't be a spoiler

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What a disgusting nightmare contrast to the comments here and an insult to the pride and purpose of this community. Take your keyboard apocalypse down and figure out how you can solve the problem instead of fuel it.

Keep it moving family! Ignore this noise.

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When the election is over on November 5, 2024, will we be hearing Taps being played for the passing of our Democracy or will we be hearing Reveille for the re-awaking and survival of our Democracy?

Let’s keep calm, work hard, and vote BLUE all the way through for the House, the Senate and the Presidency. Together we can make it happen!“ Susan Highfield, PA

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Hi Susan,

I don't know if you do postcards, but Blue Wave Movement has another PA campaign - https://shop.bluewavepostcards.org/

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I had a chance to spread some Hopium to a coworker yesterday. He asked me about No Labels and I responded with all the reasons I believe Democrats can win this year.

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Love to hear it Jason! We can't be afraid to speak up!

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14

Worth noting: No Labels refuses to reveal their funding. Investigative journalists have uncovered that No Labels as well as RFK Jr are funded by the same people who are behind Trump – people such as billionaire Harlan Crow.

Why are they investing money in No Labels and RFK Jr? Very simple: because it increases Trump’s chance of winning.

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Harlan Crowe sounds like a real jerk.

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14

Harlan Crow is the billionaire who has Justice Clarence Thomas "on the payroll". Mr Crow has also come to the attention of journalists (and others) due to his unusually large collection of Nazi memorabilia.

Crow has also donated significantly to the out-of-touch (but unfortunately not ephemeral) gadfly, Cornel West.

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Simon I just can't tell you enough how invigorating your message is. It's so important we look at the bigger picture so we feel empowered to do more and worry less. I give you so much credit for getting myself active in my own community. From working polls to being an active member in local government. I'm also never afraid to hold back sharing the facts when I talk to like minded people that just want to wallow in apathy. We can do this!

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Love this testimonial Nick! Preach!!!!! (No offense intended to the non-religious :-) )

Thanks for your optimistic message and I trust it will motivate others!

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My college- and high school-aged kids are signed up for tonight. They are both old hands at registering people and knocking doors so I'm hoping they can corral their friends to join in. My college student (who will be voting absentee out-of-state) is going to find other North Carolinians on their campus in the midwest to get them all pumped and ready to vote absentee together so they don't miss out on the joy getting the "I voted" sticker brings.

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Wow, Christine ! You’re a wonderful role model for your kids.Gives me hope for next generation.💙

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You're too kind but it's the least we can do to make up for all the balls our generation has dropped. Our kids are definitely better than we are and that's a very good thing!

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OK, Anderson, here's another fifty.

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I apologize to everyone for posting what I posted publicly. I should not have posted it. Please forgive me. Sometimes I get carried away because of my PTSD.

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I can relate. This site has been a very effective antidote to my obsessive worrying.

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I had a question yesterday for Anderson Clayton in NC. Do we have any information on changes to the makeup of the NC electorate since 2020. I know we only lost it by 1%, but do we have any good news on how the electorate is trending as a result of demographic changes in the North Carolina?

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14

Question: Just as I was about to save the chat from last night, the Zoom gathering ended. Is there a way to save the chat now, afterwards?

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Loved the energy of Anderson Clayton!

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14

Folks - I listened to Sarah Longwell’s focus group podcast with supposedly wandering Black voters. I had some trepidation going in. I always think we should be humble and listen to our voters and so wondered - based on all the polls and articles -even though there is no real evidence for the supposedly very major shift in support showing up in recent polls, has something changed that we missed? Trump and GOP have in many ways, based their entire campaign on the premise that they can flip a significant number of working class, non white voters. So, we need to take this seriously. But, the very good news is - from these focus groups - there is no big problem, no single reason why the black voters - supposedly former Biden and Clinton voters - have switched to Trump. Instead it’s just based on easily corrected misunderstandings and misinformation. We just need to do the work and reach (and listen) to our voters. I encourage you, if you also had this concern, to listen as well. https://www.thebulwark.com/podcast-episode/s4-ep23-taken-for-granted-with-ashley-allison/

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Hi Simon,

I just ran into a neighbor who thanked me for forwarding Hopium to her. She has become a subscriber. However, she had exactly the same problem I did with trying to give the three gift subscriptions subscribers are offered. Neither of us could figure out how it worked and both of us gave up. Button pushing challenges aside, we both love what you’re doing and will continue forwarding Hopium to friends 😊🙏

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This might not get a ton of coverage , but it might be one of the most consequential stories of the election: https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/reidout-blog/main-in-voting-bank-your-vote-republicans-rcna143291

This is so unbelievably bird brained of them!

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Oh my goodness y’all! Do you need a bit of sweet compassionate Uncle Joe?

Check out this clip from the campaign where he explains to Harry a fellow stutterer how he marks his speeches in special places to pause so the stutter is less obvious.

Which presidential candidate would you trust with your kids or grandchildren? Yup! ;-)



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What a weird collection of oddballs to contribute to. How did Crow make his money anyway? There appears to be little correlation between money and brains, but there do seem to be some very strange billionaires out there. Money is going to be a big part of this campaign but it is spirit and hard work that will win the day. Money cannot buy that. Very, extremely weird about Cornel West. Thanks for educating me.

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Agreed. That's how underdogs have prevailed before. Maybe it's a tired analogy and perhaps I don't know enough about it BUT I keep thinking of the '48 Truman campaign. All along he was soooooooo widely expected to lose, but he campaigned as though he had nothing to lose. Obviously it's a very different time, place & political ecosystem BUT I think that's a good example of the passion & spirit that's needed this year.

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Universal excuse for free: "I can't [do the dishes] right now, I have to go help save democracy!"

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