Positive encouragement Thanks. I was excited to see Biden doing the UAW appearance today, his ability to shake a hand with a smile is so genuine . Makes me proud. 👏😭

Kamala on PBS tonight - she’s humble , comfortably passionate on her message of the issues and the voter registration trail at our colleges. These kids are awesome, right into it and making a notable difference.

🙌Our savvy future leaders🙌

Staying connected in Virginia , active...participating early.

Thanks Simon, all you Hopium & Dems folks, we’re making steady amazing progress , stay the course!


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I think we may have to accept the reality that Biden will not poll well because he doesn't pander to the press. In fact, the absence of the constant noise was amongst the great benefits to me of his election. Sadly, the former guy found a way to completely fill the space with garbage and I had to completely change how I source my current events and political content. However, my bullshit meter is far more sharply honed than it once was. I'd love to know how to get millions to simply tune out the mainstream media and begin listening to voices who can promote the facts.

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Just Sayin,

People are so distrustful of all mainstream news sources, that an individual speaking to someone one on one carries far more weight than an opinion someone reads. This afternoon I was tabling at a local college event wearing a hat covered with a dozen buttons about climate change and the environment. All the students agreed on the urgency of dealing with climate change, and that our gov't has been dallying on this for decades, Then I asked them " do you know what Biden has accomplished in the last 2 years to fight global warming?" Not a soul knew, but they were all very eager to learn. I told them that because media sources don't cover good news it's really hard to find, and asked if they'd like me to email them the letter to the editor I'm writing (still editing) to my local paper. Everyone wanted it and promised to share it with their friends. Conversations are what REALLY move people. More than anything else. If you want to see this in action check out Dave Fleisher's TED talk on deep canvassing.

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Thank you so much, this was awesome!

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Over the years I'm knocked on more doors in Virginia than anyplace else. I saw it change and its beautiful. This year I'll be giving and working in my home state of Missouri where we are rebuilding and where my friend Lucas Kunce is gonna kick Josh Hawley's ass. Mark my words we are gonna win back this Senate seat.

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Love to know what you are hearing in Mo? I’ve heard Kunce interviewed. Impressive!!!

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In a direct poll Hawley beats Kunce by one point, statistical tie. Kunce, of course, is still much less known.

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Anyone know how to directly email Simon? I have an idea I think is worth emailing about how to get loud on a grand scale using technology

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Thanks Simon. When I've mentioned that I think Biden is a great president, I've been asked twice in the last week what has he accomplished. There are some lists on the web from new organizations but nothing current and concise. You must have something like that. Do you? Where?

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