Anne Applebaum is a very smart person and an expert in geopolitics and political science, but she is not an expert in American politics. Honestly, this summary reads like the product of a week of playing political fantasy football - it all sounds like it makes sense and its fun to think about because we're sick of this race as it is, but American history could not be more clear: you do not replace an incumbent, and you do not have a contested convention. This plan is what a party that panics and loses would do.
Also, FWIW, Biden dropping out would turn the RNC into a four-day victory lap, since they would have effectively beaten him. They would be ecstatic. I don't know that they were planning to spend much time attacking their opponent next week, either - it will be a MAGA hate fest and Trump is now focused on gloating over his new "exoneration".
Well said Joe! None of these pundits are really political experts - they are mostly reporters who talk to people like Simon (OK also some former pols). It’s like a tech reporter opining about how Apple should structure its next bond issues. What’s interesting is looking at NYT, Wash Post coverage - nothing about Trump all negative coverage about Biden. It’s clear who they want to lose, the scalp they are after…
I love that analogy and I think i can improve it: It's like Walter Isaacson claiming he can be CEO of Apple because he wrote a biography on Steve Jobs.
Dave, I would go so far as to say that if this is NOT happening, then it is malpractice from the swarm of unprofessional Republican-leaning pollsters who have one primary objective: to influence the narrative. If it’s not happening yet, then I suspect it’s right around the corner.
As I said before they show it virtually a tie even with supposedly Trump being even or carrying the young n Hispanic vote carrying 20-30 % of black vote . He's doing that n is only just tied or just a few points ahead?
Dave M, it is happening (elite opinion arrayed against Biden). Even NPR jumped on that wagon. Yesterday and the day before the morning host was fixated on Biden with hardly a word about Trump's Gish Gallop.
IMHO, the media is playing us all for all it is worth. Keep tuned to your screen for the next episode ... I do not watch. Just listen to select podcasts.
I'm heartbroken but still stubbornly optimistic. The Democratic bench is stronger than I've ever seen it, and we have lots of good options if we have to take the terrible option of replacing the top of the ticket.
Has there ever been a politician in history more underestimated than Joe Biden? I believe with all my heart that he will win in November, and that switching horses right now would be a disaster. All Dems should be capitalizing right now on the gift handed down by SCOTUS with its hideous immunity decision. Let's see what that does to the polls!
Thanks for the link. I have no idea who this guy is, but he makes more sense that a lot of the MSM pundits.
I will be keeping on doing what I've been doing since early in the year - trying to register new voters and banking GOTV postcards and Vote Forward letters to be mailed closer to the election. My creaky joints and heat intolerance make me a poor candidate for canvassing in NC, but I will be adding in phonebanking and voter protection activities when it gets closer to the election.
Thank you. I dont know how to attach links, but Allan Lichtman and Lawrence O’Donnell have good takes on this. You can search on YouTube.
I don’t know how this will all come out in the end, but Heather Cox Richardson says she’ll vote for a ham sandwich instead of Trump! Haha! I would too!
I'd vote for a red white and blue flaming pile of excrement over Trump. I'd vote for Jeffery Dahmer over Trump--at least he showed remorse for what he'd done.
I am a Democrat, but at times wonder if our friends are capable of thinking through things before 'shooting off our foot,' so to speak. And I've noticed a couple of the most vocal Joe-attackers are from states like Texas and Iowa.
Media elites know *exactly* what they are doing in pushing this--they see boffo ratings in a contested convention and, more importantly (for them), boffo ratings and clicks for the next four years with their cash cow back in office. Outlets like the Times and Post have proven they are, at best, frenemies of the people. Thank God for pubs like the Inquirer in the city where it all began who still understand why the Founders felt it was so important to protect them.
This thread gives a lot of great reasons why the top of the ticket should be Harris, if it’s not Biden. At the same time, it’s looking pretty clear that Biden has generally taken a big hit in the polls when he was already slightly behind. I’m going to support the Democratic ticket no matter what, but I would feel a lot more confident with Harris at the top of it.
Yes my fellow Lisa’s. Biden all the way! If Joe Biden were to leave, it would make us look weak and easily bullied by MSM. We set our own course and agenda, not them. We know that Joe Biden is more than competent! Why are some people so quick to throw him under the bus? DT should leave but not Biden. Why are some so jittery? The other side is behind their felon. There is no comparison between the two. I do not listen to any pundit on t.v. who wants him replaced.
I agree. I wrote the same thing (but ooops lost it!) - why wait for the next election and the SCOTUS-hoped-for outcome to turn our Democracy into autocracy? Start now and arrest those who incited and continue to incite insurrection by shouting lies into their echo chamber. Put Mike Flynn back in jail with his pal Bannon. AND PARDON HUNTER!! His crime can't possibly come close to the Trump family member who extorted $2B from the Saudis to create his post-Whitehouse (retirement) investment firm, Affinity Partners. Crown Prince MBS overruled the panel that screens such investments in appreciation for Kushner's support during years at the Whitehouse. That reminds me, whenever a Republican accuses you of something, they are doing it.
I remember during the Trump presidency, when the liberal blogosphere was screaming at Nancy Pelosi to impeach and losing its collective mind. There was frankly even a lot of talk about her age and how she couldn't be an effective Speaker anymore. In response, she waited . . . and waited . . . and didn't respond to the screaming . . . and waited some more . . . And then pulled the trigger on impeachment at exactly the right time. I know how scary things are right now. I was hoping to get a little more encouragement from Simon, but he's only himan like the rest of us. At the same time, I've always felt that one of Biden's superpowers is his ability to tune out all the bullshit and armchair commenters, and get stuff done. There were worries about his age in 2020 too, even published by the NY Times. And then the screams for him to just magically DO SOMETHING about Sinema and Manchin, and DO SOMETHING about the Republicans trying to crash the economy, and DO SOMETHING about . . . It just didn't end. I think the best thing we can do right now is collectively shut up and support our president, and IF he feels he needs to drop out, support Harris and no one else for president.
"I was hoping to get a little more encouragement from Simon, but he's only himan like the rest of us." True.
Also: Simon planned to be on vacation this week, and I think we'll all agree that he has earned this time off.
Also: One reason we respect Simon is his commitment to evaluating things rationally, based on the best available data. Sometimes that data isn't immediately available. He can't be more encouraging without good data.
So well said Carolyn. The thing I would add is he is politically brilliant and experienced and realizes leadership needs time to process what comes next. It’s not for him to make this decision. But more than anything he comes from a long line of survivors. And, on a daily basis by all he says and does, he is relentlessly focused on our democracy surviving and thriving.
I’m all in on that plan!
And I’m so glad to be in the Hopium community in this battle against MAGA and the GOP 🇺🇸 Let’s Do More no matter how worried we are🙏🏻 Thank you Carolyn.
Yes I think Simon is keeping his powder dry right now and letting this play out before weighing in. This is smart and he's also looking out for us by waiting. This waiting is really hard, but necessary.
Completely agree. People forget the disastrous DEM convention of 1968 that allowed Nixon to waltz into the WH. Then there was Ted Kennedy in 1980 teasing the idea of running for President during the convention which weakened Carter, giving us Reagan.
You are correct about folks underestimating Joe Biden. I suspect the right-wingers are trying so hard to unseat him because he is actually getting things done for the American people and not just the wealthy. They can't stand that. The mere mention that they should be expected to pay their fair share of taxes horrifies them. That's not much of a policy platform.
To me, it feels much more serious at this point. I live in New England. I see headstones and monuments of Revolutionary war heroes in every town. Historic buildings and following the trail of Paul Revere are well documented. Democracy was their gift to us and we are letting it slip away into what I can only describe as evil. For trmp to look at that camera and spout off the fiction of his debate novella, sorry, takes a truly demented sort of soul. (And his plane is parked now between Russia's and Saudi Arabia's. His new business in SA would further influence US policy.)
I agree with you. I suspect Trump sold our secrets to the Saudis, Putin, and anyone else who hated America and loved money. Look at Clarence Thomas--all those gifts from Leonard Leo because he felt he was underpaid. Trump will throw all of America under the bus to stay in league with the moneymen. I don't doubt that for one instant. And all the rest of those in America who worship "free market" economics above all else, egged on by Christian Nationalism bigotry and misogyny will join him in their "holy war" of greed and winning at any cost. This is going to be ugly.
The "free-market" is cover for white Christian male. But nothing spiritual about those Christians, they just want to control it all. Those are the scotus liars.
I agree. This has nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus and everything to do with power and control. We need to fight back with everything we’ve got remembering that they have the guns. It’s going to take a lot of courage from all of us. All those smiling SCOTUS faces would knife you in the back sooner than you could say hello.
"Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can as simply and straightforward as I can: I am running…no one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win.”
I agree that we should all be spreading the message and informing folks as best we can, even if loud and obnoxious, as to the dangers of Trump and the GOP fascists. Do whatever you can to spread that word. Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. At the water cooler. Whatever it takes. I’d focus on the extremism that is now the GOP. Just do it as much as you can.
As for Biden, I agree we should not be attacking him. Never. This has to be his decision. But I am more and more convinced, and I hope his advisors are being honest with him in this regard, that he should step aside. The polling coming out this afternoon clearly indicates his bottom has dropped out. He’s lost his floor. He is now in the 30s in some of these polls and worse yet, Trumps went up a point or two. And those numbers will get much, much worse over the next week as the impact of a full week of horrifically negative press takes hold. I’m also more convinced last Thursday was not an aberration. So, I see no chance he can salvage this.
I am worried sick about the Immunity decision as it seems like MAGA is setting up for a take over. What, if anything, can be done about this decision in the near future or down the road.I am still in with Biden and will be. He has proved that he can do the job.
Beverly, I feel exactly the same. My stomach has been in turmoil mostly because I fear not enough people in America are aware of what this means for them, nor have they heard of Project 2025. I was feeling rather optimistic, even after the debate debacle. But now, I desperately need more Hopium!
Don't lose your optimism ! Btw - I've been surprised by the number of people I'm meeting - total strangers btw - that actually are very aware of Project 2025! It's getting out there!
of course & not even in a political context either - its come up in conversation if it happens to turn political we're talking co workers or strangers in the bar!
She is engaged but has not been as much lately. She is definitely tuning in now. She wanted to know more about Project 2025 and I sent her links that had summaries. It can get overwhelming and I do better with bullet points and summaries. Otherwise, it is above my pay grade.
These are two summaries I found online when I googled short summary of Project 2025:
1). Project 2025 recommends abolishing the Department of Education, whose programs would be either transferred to other agencies, or terminated. Funding for climate research would be cut while the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would be reformed along conservative principles.
2)Simply put, Project 2025 is a massive, 920-page document that outlines exactly what the next Trump presidency would look like. This doesn’t just include policy proposals — like immigration actions, educational proposals and economic plans — but rather a portrait of the America that conservatives hope to implement in the next Republican administration, be it Trump or someone else. The document is a thorough blueprint for how, exactly, to carry out such a vision, through recommendations for key White House staff, cabinet positions, Congress, federal agencies, commissions and boards. The plan goes so far as to outline a vetting process for appointing and hiring the right people in every level of government to carry out this vision.
Those summaries would be very helpful. Especially since the GOP announced that it is "streamlining" its platform this year to make it easier for people to understand. I'm guessing the real reason is to make it easier to hide the dangerous details.
These are two summaries I found online when I googled short summary of Project 2025:
1). Project 2025 recommends abolishing the Department of Education, whose programs would be either transferred to other agencies, or terminated. Funding for climate research would be cut while the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would be reformed along conservative principles.
2)Simply put, Project 2025 is a massive, 920-page document that outlines exactly what the next Trump presidency would look like. This doesn’t just include policy proposals — like immigration actions, educational proposals and economic plans — but rather a portrait of the America that conservatives hope to implement in the next Republican administration, be it Trump or someone else. The document is a thorough blueprint for how, exactly, to carry out such a vision, through recommendations for key White House staff, cabinet positions,Congress, federal agencies, commissions and boards. The plan goes so far as to outline a vetting process for appointing and hiring the right people in every level of government to carry out this vision.
I feel this also. I know Simon doesn’t want to focus on worry and I agree that action is actually a much more useful response than worry. Having said that, the alarming rulings from SCOTUS DOES make me worry, that not only are they prepared to place him above the law, but that they are also prepared to place him above the election. The insistent press attacks and obsession with POTUS’ debate performance are the setup and the excuse for these radical judges to see their election denialism all the way through to its obvious conclusion. To not acknowledge this could happen is to not prepare. I don’t know what the answer is, but preparing a strong counter strategy seems wise. Meanwhile once he returns I do hope POTUS will speak directly to the press and the people in unscripted press pools and other venues to put people’s mind at ease and quiet the constant criticism. If he means to stay in the race (and I hope he will) he needs to be out front making up for the opportunity lost from the debate. I know he also has to fulfill his duties as president, but silence at this point is hurting, not helping.
Thank you. This is basically what I asked Simon in another post if I could contact him privately about. Now that you have broken the ice, I’m going to go whole hog.
If President Biden is the apparent winner on the evening of November 5, Trump will contest the results. If Trump is the apparent winner, we will know that it’s by cheating and we will have cause to contest the results. Once the contested election gets to the Supreme Court, it is game over for all of us. Trump absolutely will be declared president. I mean, even if we were to manage the 538 state sweep of the electoral college. They will find some way of twisting logic to make Trump president. Simon, please don’t kick me out for this post (But if you must, I want my subscription fee back. I will need every penny I can get to escape from the US, even though I know there’s no place to go).
In order to not worry, we have to prepare for this certainty.
I am not a lawyer, so forgive me. How is this not a Constitutional Crisis? How can't the government take them to court, or arrest them for attacking the foundations of our Democracy. It's so embarrassingly clear.
I wish democratic politicians would stop this nonsense of saying that Biden should step down. This will hurt our party. We all need to be united behind Joe and defeat this convicted felon, the Heritage Foundation and the SCOTUS and tell them not on our watch!
Yes, and Janet Frohnmayer posted a great CNN interview with her. I’ll repeat her link:
Thank you, Christiane Amanpour!
Thank you for this!!
Oh my God, thank you for this!! I forwarded it on. Love love love her!!
thank you!!
Anne Applebaum is a very smart person and an expert in geopolitics and political science, but she is not an expert in American politics. Honestly, this summary reads like the product of a week of playing political fantasy football - it all sounds like it makes sense and its fun to think about because we're sick of this race as it is, but American history could not be more clear: you do not replace an incumbent, and you do not have a contested convention. This plan is what a party that panics and loses would do.
Also, FWIW, Biden dropping out would turn the RNC into a four-day victory lap, since they would have effectively beaten him. They would be ecstatic. I don't know that they were planning to spend much time attacking their opponent next week, either - it will be a MAGA hate fest and Trump is now focused on gloating over his new "exoneration".
Well said Joe! None of these pundits are really political experts - they are mostly reporters who talk to people like Simon (OK also some former pols). It’s like a tech reporter opining about how Apple should structure its next bond issues. What’s interesting is looking at NYT, Wash Post coverage - nothing about Trump all negative coverage about Biden. It’s clear who they want to lose, the scalp they are after…
I love that analogy and I think i can improve it: It's like Walter Isaacson claiming he can be CEO of Apple because he wrote a biography on Steve Jobs.
Dave, I would go so far as to say that if this is NOT happening, then it is malpractice from the swarm of unprofessional Republican-leaning pollsters who have one primary objective: to influence the narrative. If it’s not happening yet, then I suspect it’s right around the corner.
As I said before they show it virtually a tie even with supposedly Trump being even or carrying the young n Hispanic vote carrying 20-30 % of black vote . He's doing that n is only just tied or just a few points ahead?
Also in the CNN poll it shows Harris 45 Trump 47 hmmm?
CNN is owned by rich oligarchs who don’t want to pay their fair share in taxes like Joe keeps talking about,
Comcast owns MSNBC, I believe (?).
Dave M, it is happening (elite opinion arrayed against Biden). Even NPR jumped on that wagon. Yesterday and the day before the morning host was fixated on Biden with hardly a word about Trump's Gish Gallop.
Something to talk about. No Trmp trials, so let's hate Joe for a while.
IMHO, the media is playing us all for all it is worth. Keep tuned to your screen for the next episode ... I do not watch. Just listen to select podcasts.
Thanks Simon for all you do. Happy 4th and I hope you get some much needed r&r. We will need all the hopium we can get in the coming weeks and months!
🇺🇸 Elizabeth
Hi Elizabeth!
I'm heartbroken but still stubbornly optimistic. The Democratic bench is stronger than I've ever seen it, and we have lots of good options if we have to take the terrible option of replacing the top of the ticket.
Has there ever been a politician in history more underestimated than Joe Biden? I believe with all my heart that he will win in November, and that switching horses right now would be a disaster. All Dems should be capitalizing right now on the gift handed down by SCOTUS with its hideous immunity decision. Let's see what that does to the polls!
Could not agree more. The Lisas know what's up!
Hi Lisa! Check out this excellent thread on why replacing Joe would be nuts.
Thanks for the link. I have no idea who this guy is, but he makes more sense that a lot of the MSM pundits.
I will be keeping on doing what I've been doing since early in the year - trying to register new voters and banking GOTV postcards and Vote Forward letters to be mailed closer to the election. My creaky joints and heat intolerance make me a poor candidate for canvassing in NC, but I will be adding in phonebanking and voter protection activities when it gets closer to the election.
Thank you for the link! Very well argued.
Thank you. I dont know how to attach links, but Allan Lichtman and Lawrence O’Donnell have good takes on this. You can search on YouTube.
I don’t know how this will all come out in the end, but Heather Cox Richardson says she’ll vote for a ham sandwich instead of Trump! Haha! I would too!
I'd vote for a red white and blue flaming pile of excrement over Trump. I'd vote for Jeffery Dahmer over Trump--at least he showed remorse for what he'd done.
And Dahmer only killed seventeen people.
I am a Democrat, but at times wonder if our friends are capable of thinking through things before 'shooting off our foot,' so to speak. And I've noticed a couple of the most vocal Joe-attackers are from states like Texas and Iowa.
Media elites know *exactly* what they are doing in pushing this--they see boffo ratings in a contested convention and, more importantly (for them), boffo ratings and clicks for the next four years with their cash cow back in office. Outlets like the Times and Post have proven they are, at best, frenemies of the people. Thank God for pubs like the Inquirer in the city where it all began who still understand why the Founders felt it was so important to protect them.
I have a video of trmp braggaing about the media putting anything on that gets ratings $$ and uses that to his advantage ...
This thread gives a lot of great reasons why the top of the ticket should be Harris, if it’s not Biden. At the same time, it’s looking pretty clear that Biden has generally taken a big hit in the polls when he was already slightly behind. I’m going to support the Democratic ticket no matter what, but I would feel a lot more confident with Harris at the top of it.
I just joined the community today because I believe there will be a high level of support here for whoever our candidate is.
Yes my fellow Lisa’s. Biden all the way! If Joe Biden were to leave, it would make us look weak and easily bullied by MSM. We set our own course and agenda, not them. We know that Joe Biden is more than competent! Why are some people so quick to throw him under the bus? DT should leave but not Biden. Why are some so jittery? The other side is behind their felon. There is no comparison between the two. I do not listen to any pundit on t.v. who wants him replaced.
Lisas for Biden!
"If Joe Biden were to leave, it would make us look weak and easily bullied by MSM. We set our own course and agenda, not them". Exactly! Yes. 💯.
Even dignifying the conversation about Biden weakens us all.
Me too Lisa…some of my favorite commentators are pulling to replace Joe. I am not going to spend a second on their podcasts, etc. we need unity now.
So nice to converse with knowledgable and like-minded Americans!
Just want to add my confidence that the Lisas definitely know what's up and should be heeded! Rock on Lisas!
I agree. I wrote the same thing (but ooops lost it!) - why wait for the next election and the SCOTUS-hoped-for outcome to turn our Democracy into autocracy? Start now and arrest those who incited and continue to incite insurrection by shouting lies into their echo chamber. Put Mike Flynn back in jail with his pal Bannon. AND PARDON HUNTER!! His crime can't possibly come close to the Trump family member who extorted $2B from the Saudis to create his post-Whitehouse (retirement) investment firm, Affinity Partners. Crown Prince MBS overruled the panel that screens such investments in appreciation for Kushner's support during years at the Whitehouse. That reminds me, whenever a Republican accuses you of something, they are doing it.
I remember during the Trump presidency, when the liberal blogosphere was screaming at Nancy Pelosi to impeach and losing its collective mind. There was frankly even a lot of talk about her age and how she couldn't be an effective Speaker anymore. In response, she waited . . . and waited . . . and didn't respond to the screaming . . . and waited some more . . . And then pulled the trigger on impeachment at exactly the right time. I know how scary things are right now. I was hoping to get a little more encouragement from Simon, but he's only himan like the rest of us. At the same time, I've always felt that one of Biden's superpowers is his ability to tune out all the bullshit and armchair commenters, and get stuff done. There were worries about his age in 2020 too, even published by the NY Times. And then the screams for him to just magically DO SOMETHING about Sinema and Manchin, and DO SOMETHING about the Republicans trying to crash the economy, and DO SOMETHING about . . . It just didn't end. I think the best thing we can do right now is collectively shut up and support our president, and IF he feels he needs to drop out, support Harris and no one else for president.
agree. totally agree.
Excellent points, ty!!!
"I was hoping to get a little more encouragement from Simon, but he's only himan like the rest of us." True.
Also: Simon planned to be on vacation this week, and I think we'll all agree that he has earned this time off.
Also: One reason we respect Simon is his commitment to evaluating things rationally, based on the best available data. Sometimes that data isn't immediately available. He can't be more encouraging without good data.
Yes he is a data guy.
So well said Carolyn. The thing I would add is he is politically brilliant and experienced and realizes leadership needs time to process what comes next. It’s not for him to make this decision. But more than anything he comes from a long line of survivors. And, on a daily basis by all he says and does, he is relentlessly focused on our democracy surviving and thriving.
I’m all in on that plan!
And I’m so glad to be in the Hopium community in this battle against MAGA and the GOP 🇺🇸 Let’s Do More no matter how worried we are🙏🏻 Thank you Carolyn.
Yes I think Simon is keeping his powder dry right now and letting this play out before weighing in. This is smart and he's also looking out for us by waiting. This waiting is really hard, but necessary.
Completely agree. People forget the disastrous DEM convention of 1968 that allowed Nixon to waltz into the WH. Then there was Ted Kennedy in 1980 teasing the idea of running for President during the convention which weakened Carter, giving us Reagan.
STAY THE COURSE #bidenharris
I agree with you!!!!!
You are correct about folks underestimating Joe Biden. I suspect the right-wingers are trying so hard to unseat him because he is actually getting things done for the American people and not just the wealthy. They can't stand that. The mere mention that they should be expected to pay their fair share of taxes horrifies them. That's not much of a policy platform.
To me, it feels much more serious at this point. I live in New England. I see headstones and monuments of Revolutionary war heroes in every town. Historic buildings and following the trail of Paul Revere are well documented. Democracy was their gift to us and we are letting it slip away into what I can only describe as evil. For trmp to look at that camera and spout off the fiction of his debate novella, sorry, takes a truly demented sort of soul. (And his plane is parked now between Russia's and Saudi Arabia's. His new business in SA would further influence US policy.)
I agree with you. I suspect Trump sold our secrets to the Saudis, Putin, and anyone else who hated America and loved money. Look at Clarence Thomas--all those gifts from Leonard Leo because he felt he was underpaid. Trump will throw all of America under the bus to stay in league with the moneymen. I don't doubt that for one instant. And all the rest of those in America who worship "free market" economics above all else, egged on by Christian Nationalism bigotry and misogyny will join him in their "holy war" of greed and winning at any cost. This is going to be ugly.
The "free-market" is cover for white Christian male. But nothing spiritual about those Christians, they just want to control it all. Those are the scotus liars.
I agree. This has nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus and everything to do with power and control. We need to fight back with everything we’ve got remembering that they have the guns. It’s going to take a lot of courage from all of us. All those smiling SCOTUS faces would knife you in the back sooner than you could say hello.
Biden on a call just now with campaign staff:
"Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can as simply and straightforward as I can: I am running…no one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win.”
This rant from an elderly, still-hard-working DailyKos writer really nails it!
Thank you! Just read it. Spot on.
I agree that we should all be spreading the message and informing folks as best we can, even if loud and obnoxious, as to the dangers of Trump and the GOP fascists. Do whatever you can to spread that word. Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. At the water cooler. Whatever it takes. I’d focus on the extremism that is now the GOP. Just do it as much as you can.
As for Biden, I agree we should not be attacking him. Never. This has to be his decision. But I am more and more convinced, and I hope his advisors are being honest with him in this regard, that he should step aside. The polling coming out this afternoon clearly indicates his bottom has dropped out. He’s lost his floor. He is now in the 30s in some of these polls and worse yet, Trumps went up a point or two. And those numbers will get much, much worse over the next week as the impact of a full week of horrifically negative press takes hold. I’m also more convinced last Thursday was not an aberration. So, I see no chance he can salvage this.
In comparison to your usually upbeat daily emails you seem very down in this one. We must have spines of steel and not buy in to the punditocracy.
I think he's taking his time and choosing his words very carefully in this precarious moment. I respect that.
Agreed. This has been clear since last week. The reality is that things are unsettled.
Don't be disheartened. See my reply to Jeremy Moses above.
I am worried sick about the Immunity decision as it seems like MAGA is setting up for a take over. What, if anything, can be done about this decision in the near future or down the road.I am still in with Biden and will be. He has proved that he can do the job.
I'm looking forward to reading that. Here's a link:
Thank you.
Beverly, I feel exactly the same. My stomach has been in turmoil mostly because I fear not enough people in America are aware of what this means for them, nor have they heard of Project 2025. I was feeling rather optimistic, even after the debate debacle. But now, I desperately need more Hopium!
Don't lose your optimism ! Btw - I've been surprised by the number of people I'm meeting - total strangers btw - that actually are very aware of Project 2025! It's getting out there!
The Nebraska Dems call focused on it last night.
Good to hear, Chris.
Thank you, Jarrod.
of course & not even in a political context either - its come up in conversation if it happens to turn political we're talking co workers or strangers in the bar!
That’s remarkable! Do you live in a blue pocket? I have to be careful when and where I bring these things up.
Actually I do live in Portland lol
Oh, that makes sense!
Hang in there. It's tough. It's hard for me as well. A friend called me to ask about Project 2025.
Cindy, that’s great! Is this someone who is not usually that engaged in politics?
She is engaged but has not been as much lately. She is definitely tuning in now. She wanted to know more about Project 2025 and I sent her links that had summaries. It can get overwhelming and I do better with bullet points and summaries. Otherwise, it is above my pay grade.
@Cindy H Could you post some of those links with summaries here, please? Thank you for considering.
I am so late but I will get them and post the links later.
This is a great link I use which Kathy also posted below:
These are two summaries I found online when I googled short summary of Project 2025:
1). Project 2025 recommends abolishing the Department of Education, whose programs would be either transferred to other agencies, or terminated. Funding for climate research would be cut while the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would be reformed along conservative principles.
2)Simply put, Project 2025 is a massive, 920-page document that outlines exactly what the next Trump presidency would look like. This doesn’t just include policy proposals — like immigration actions, educational proposals and economic plans — but rather a portrait of the America that conservatives hope to implement in the next Republican administration, be it Trump or someone else. The document is a thorough blueprint for how, exactly, to carry out such a vision, through recommendations for key White House staff, cabinet positions, Congress, federal agencies, commissions and boards. The plan goes so far as to outline a vetting process for appointing and hiring the right people in every level of government to carry out this vision.
Those summaries would be very helpful. Especially since the GOP announced that it is "streamlining" its platform this year to make it easier for people to understand. I'm guessing the real reason is to make it easier to hide the dangerous details.
I will post later bc I am so late! It probably won't be until this afternoon (I am in California).
Kathy posted this link below. This is one of the ones I use. It's great, short - simply explained:
These are two summaries I found online when I googled short summary of Project 2025:
1). Project 2025 recommends abolishing the Department of Education, whose programs would be either transferred to other agencies, or terminated. Funding for climate research would be cut while the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would be reformed along conservative principles.
2)Simply put, Project 2025 is a massive, 920-page document that outlines exactly what the next Trump presidency would look like. This doesn’t just include policy proposals — like immigration actions, educational proposals and economic plans — but rather a portrait of the America that conservatives hope to implement in the next Republican administration, be it Trump or someone else. The document is a thorough blueprint for how, exactly, to carry out such a vision, through recommendations for key White House staff, cabinet positions,Congress, federal agencies, commissions and boards. The plan goes so far as to outline a vetting process for appointing and hiring the right people in every level of government to carry out this vision.
Cindy, I was pleasantly surprised when a voter told me she knew about Project 2025
First one, hopefully more to come! I’ve been sharing these links and interested to see your links.Yes it is (scarily)confusing .
Biden campaign, if you click on > , they expand:
Andra Watkins, NYT best-selling author who “escaped” Christian Nationalism decades ago has read and dissected Project 2025.
Just got home. Yes. I do send folks this same link. I think it's great. In my haste, I didn't realize it is actually from the Biden campaign.
I feel this also. I know Simon doesn’t want to focus on worry and I agree that action is actually a much more useful response than worry. Having said that, the alarming rulings from SCOTUS DOES make me worry, that not only are they prepared to place him above the law, but that they are also prepared to place him above the election. The insistent press attacks and obsession with POTUS’ debate performance are the setup and the excuse for these radical judges to see their election denialism all the way through to its obvious conclusion. To not acknowledge this could happen is to not prepare. I don’t know what the answer is, but preparing a strong counter strategy seems wise. Meanwhile once he returns I do hope POTUS will speak directly to the press and the people in unscripted press pools and other venues to put people’s mind at ease and quiet the constant criticism. If he means to stay in the race (and I hope he will) he needs to be out front making up for the opportunity lost from the debate. I know he also has to fulfill his duties as president, but silence at this point is hurting, not helping.
Thank you. This is basically what I asked Simon in another post if I could contact him privately about. Now that you have broken the ice, I’m going to go whole hog.
If President Biden is the apparent winner on the evening of November 5, Trump will contest the results. If Trump is the apparent winner, we will know that it’s by cheating and we will have cause to contest the results. Once the contested election gets to the Supreme Court, it is game over for all of us. Trump absolutely will be declared president. I mean, even if we were to manage the 538 state sweep of the electoral college. They will find some way of twisting logic to make Trump president. Simon, please don’t kick me out for this post (But if you must, I want my subscription fee back. I will need every penny I can get to escape from the US, even though I know there’s no place to go).
In order to not worry, we have to prepare for this certainty.
Yes, Biden has done an amazing job!!So what if he was sick and didnt do a great job in the debate!!!!!
I am not a lawyer, so forgive me. How is this not a Constitutional Crisis? How can't the government take them to court, or arrest them for attacking the foundations of our Democracy. It's so embarrassingly clear.
I wish democratic politicians would stop this nonsense of saying that Biden should step down. This will hurt our party. We all need to be united behind Joe and defeat this convicted felon, the Heritage Foundation and the SCOTUS and tell them not on our watch!