Dec 1, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Gavin had everything stacked against him with a network, host, and opponent trying to beat him. Gavin won with facts and showed the hypocrisy of the GOP and Fox. Great night for Democrats.

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Indeed. Gavin took RonD's lunch, opened it and ate it, all the while explaining to Ron that he could do this because he (RonD) is "weak and pathetic!"

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Keep up the great work Simon! Grateful for your steady and clear messaging, uncompromising commitment to the truth, and incisive calling-out of nonsense. 🇺🇸

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

I agree with Jan and Tom ..but read some ‘other side stories’...they don’t stop ya know...Thanks Simon ,love your consistency 🫶, looking forward to listening to the deep state pod convo. Small donation to NC Dems, registered for 12/13 hoping to be able..saw the new ad -SHARED ( essential in WV btw) , as well as this letter with others.


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Talking to myself again... listened to Deep State Podcast , Simon...awesomeness... 9 for 9 !! 👏

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Bang the drum! We need your work to expand, and continue to highlight the truth and remind people that faith and hope and hard work will see us through. Bravo.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Thanks for making my day feel a little more hopeful, Simon! Dems need to continue pushing your message of optimism and accomplishment.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Gavin was awesome last night!

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

Thank you, Simon, for sharing the very powerful new ad from the Biden-Harris Team!

Readers - Let's all share this out on our Facebook profiles so that it's seen by ALL Americans including discouraged Dems, not just by people who live in the target markets. Here's what I shared on my Facebook page. Feel free to copy if you like it. I think Facebook is a very important platform for social media sharing as we have a chance to reach the less politically engaged people there. My post: "PLEASE SHARE: This powerful new ad from the Biden/Harris campaign will appropriately only be aired in targeted markets BUT is important for all Americans, including discouraged Democrats, to see. In it, a pediatric nurse emotionally pleas that we "can't go back." Let's use our Facebook "real estate" to share this ad far and wide and multiply its impact for free! I've made this selected post public on my profile so that it is easily sharable. Let's not go back! https://youtu.be/rzbbwRKqhbI?si=qDQNshdFCvRvge2M

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Agree Susan. I post all the ads when they come to allow all of you to connect to what the campaign is saying, understand their narrative and arguments. But yes spreading those these ads through our networks and reaching folks outside the battleground - or even inside too - is an important part of how we info warrior together this year. Amplify through our networks is what we do here at Hopium.

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Thank you, Simon! The Hopium community is helping us all be better info warriors. Thank you for sharing these ads and for all you do to spread positive messaging for Dems!

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Shared on mine TOO Susan..🙌 GOTV, double down folks, it’s classy, factfilled, appealing to a VERY LARGE percentage of the population ( even in red state btw👏)

Yes , Sisters 🗣️bring it across the finish line 2024✔️

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

So satisfying to watch a competent, hard working politician like Newsom wipe the floor with that pandering shit weasel DeSantis. BTW know - I'm in a chapter of indivisible - and there happens to be an individual in that particular chapter ( largely on the sidelines from what I can tell) who's making negative posts about Biden lately. I replied to him, as have others but he came back with more negativity. My next reply - to the entire group - a link to Hopium Chronicles !!!

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President Biden and the Democratic party have provided us with so many tools and tangible successes to go on offense against MAGA extremists. As Simon recommends, we all need to be louder in spreading the Hopium word on a daily basis!

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Simon tells us to be information warriors! We can do it!

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I was really excited to see the most recent “strategy session“ on Resolute Square with the Lincoln Project guys… Rick Wilson, Stuart Stevens, and Joe Trippi… They spent the entire episode discussing how Joe Biden cannot only win, but how we can run the score up and crush these guys… And how important it is that we do. Our Hopium message of getting to 55 and winning this election decisively is starting to permeate throughout our coalition… And I’m very happy to see that! #GetTo55!

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

Listened to your talk with David this morning and as usual bringing hopeful information for listeners. Including David which you seem to have to keep convincing we can get Joe re-elected. LOL He's on board but still hesitant like many Americans that need good, solid, factual information to keep the faith.

Also, enjoyed the conversation with Anderson Clayton. To be young again with all that energy. She gives me hope in the future generations rising up to keep our democracy strong.

I definitely would like Substack to expand the way in which writers on this platform can do more than just post written material.

As my last comment, if Biden hadn't ran for office we would be living with a fascist the past few years & our democracy would be gone. Media would be state run with all kinds of propaganda. I have no doubts that if the other side wins, I will be spending the remaining years of my life living in a country that I won't recognize. Future generations not born yet may never know what living in a democracy is about. Keep the faith, get to work to re-elect Joe Biden and Democrats.

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Agree, Newsom was terrific last night. Love his unflinching praise of President Biden's many achievements and of the Biden-Harris team. Looking forward to your Deep State podcast conversation with David Rothkopf.

Saw another encouraging poll yesterday from CIRCLE at Tufts (go Jumbos!) about the youth vote in advance of 2024: https://circle.tufts.edu/2024-election-youth-poll Lots of good stuff: 57% of youth (18-34) say they're "extremely likely" to vote in 2024, another 17% say they're "fairly likely" to vote. Among the youth who are extremely likely to vote, 51% back the Democratic candidate, 30% back the Republican, and 16% undecided. Key youth issues: economy, climate, and guns.

A few more pieces of good news this morning: gas prices continue to fall and the stock market is now over 36,000. For anyone still blaming President Biden for inflation (which continues to fall, too), please remind them that corporate profits remain at an all-time high. Perhaps their beef should be with corporate America to stop the price-gouging!

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I really enjoy your podcast conversations. This time with Deep State Radio. Very nuanced and I appreciated especially your conversation regarding the Israeli Hamas war. I count myself in the 25-30% of the party very frustrated with Biden’s apparent support of Bibi’s response. I realize Biden is working hard behind the scenes for humanitarian aid and hostage release, but boy he’s not getting that message out very well. As a 25 year Michigander, I appreciate our lovely Arab American community in and around Detroit, and I know they’re hurting. But I hope and believe Biden will get all the support he needs to win reelection because the alternative is disgusting.

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Info Warriors and Simon! Check this new vid of Ben on MTN, his interview of AMAZING President Biden, at CS Turbine in Pueblo CO.

Share this everyone! This is so special to see independent media getting this top level face-time of NECESSARY truth telling!

“We better step up..... the idea that democracy is inevitable is just not true, it is under siege and we have to put a stamp of democracy on everything we do!” Potus


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Why does the new Biden health care ad refer to "the last administration" rather than "the Trump administration"? If there is some hesitancy on the part of Biden's campaign to go after Trump directly by name, they need to get over that in a hurry.

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Your comment is so totally on point. Thank you for it. This “hesitancy” problem goes beyond this ad and into the heart of the Biden campaign. They need to have a fight with Trump directly. And Biden needs to lead it. The only way to counter the “age” issue is to be tough… and to be seen as tough.

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My husband is a Republican so he quotes polls that show Trump is leading over Biden. You can see the list on Real Clear Politics. I think we do have to acknowledge that those results are out there and people believe the ones that jibe with their views.

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Real Clear Politics - if I'm not mistaken - was bought by right wingers some time ago so they'll always present and push even the most biased junk polls. I know in the lead up to last years midterms they speculated/ calculated that "red wave" scenario. I think their mid term senate map had something like 54 Republican senate seats - a total fucking joke. I stopped taking them seriously long ago.

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Glad that Gavin did well for Dems b/c as the Washington Post points out we’ll need California and NY to win back the House and keep the Senate so as you say Simon, there’s work to be done‼️

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