Removed (Banned)Jan 4
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James, none of these comments today are in the spirit of how engage one another in this community; and national polling does not have Biden behind. The last NYT national poll a few weeks back had Biden up 2, and a majority of polls taken since late November have him tied or ahead. You are acting far more like a troll today than a strategist and if it keeps up I am taking down all these comments and will ask you to go hang out in other places.

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Well done.

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Thanks for setting reasonable boundaries for our community discussions Simon. I had gotten used to reading passionate writers who are many times brilliant, definitely thoughtful and generous with sharing resources. The “ Hopeless with NO plan” commenters were getting annoying. All constructive feedback welcome but denigrating, pissed off, venting conduct a drag on the work ( and spirit of that work) being done here. One thing I absolutely know is people on this site are fully informed to the challenges, know the pro and cons, and are not caught up in any false

beliefs that this will be a slam dunk. We’ve learned through all the information we’ve shared that the Democratic grassroots has almost never been stronger, more united, or more generous. Our eyes are wide open and we CHOOSE to work hard confidently because we have been winning, there are millions feeling the same way and we’re battling a HUGELY worthwhile BATTLE. Thank you for keeping this a site for passionate, informative discourse with HOPE and (work) PLANNING constantly, moving forward. It is such a relief and respite.

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RemovedJan 4
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deletedJan 4Liked by Simon Rosenberg
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I agree with this take. He is who he is. He's never going to be a great orator, or a younger man, but he has been a very good President and we have a strong re-election argument in my view. This ad is just the beginning, and there is much more to come.

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Well, we have a for-profit media. One minute the NYT and the Washington Post will say something positive and the next they are bitch slapping Biden. They love the Trump rinse and repeat chaos because it's profitable. They enable the traders of democracy playing the both sides bs. Biden needs to tell follow Democrats to get their shit together. United front is what we need. Not poking each other in the eye. Like Dean Phillips. I'm live in Minnesota. I was so happy he replaced Eric Paulsen. But now his ego has taken over. What a disappointment.

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I understand your anxiety, but we’re just beginning to set the narrative for the year....there isn’t ever a single ad or speech that “wins” a year long national campaign, even though there can be pivotal moments. It’s a long, expensive marathon and there will be many ads....some like this with excerpts from the president giving a speech, some with him narrating in a controlled environment like a studio, and a lot featuring professional voiceover artists. Please, try to relax into the groove and rhythm of the campaign that is now full speed underway and just help with the daily task of setting our narrative....Biden has been a good president and is a good man who is trying to preserve our rights and freedom and facilitate opportunities for our success.....Trump is a dangerous and foul man who wants to strip away both. The goal is for that contrast to be top of mind and in the public zeitgeist by summer so that it’s baked into the election cake.....and no single ad will accomplish that nor blow it all by itself. Let’s all be tortoises and put one foot in front of the other.

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You definitely responded in a much more thoughtful, insightful way that I did ! Kudos! I agree with all of this. You really hit the nail on the head with the "...no single ad..." part !

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Who gave you a crystal ball James ? While I'm happy you responded with genuine reasons you disliked the ad - were those negative energy bed wetting last sentences REALLY necessary ? Negative energy does no good for anything.

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I respectfully disagree James.

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RemovedJan 4
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why James?

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Care to elaborate on which parts are "terrible" and what makes them "clueless"? You're acting like this video is the whole campaign - it's only the beginning for god's sake. I trust Biden to run if he thinks/knows he can win (same as last time ), and to surround himself with people who are smart & talented to help guide him to victory. And of course us citizens have a role to play too!

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Simon, details and perceptions count. There's a big problem with this ad. It's Biden's delivery of the 1st sentence and the 1st half of the second. He's rushing and slightly slurring his words. It gives support to the propaganda that he's too old and weak for the job. His delivery is fine after that, but the first impression has already been made. Please talk to someone about re-recording the opening. Also, can they can get rid of the word "preservation"? Sounds elitist. It actually weakens the sentence, aside from not resonating with the average person, who will be the ones deciding this election.

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Jan 4Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Well I for one am so impressed with this new Biden video. It touched me to the deepest core. I thought it was delivered beautifully, in a sincere and well thought out approach. I don’t care about the delivery being a bit quick, words running together. I care about how I reacted to it. Makes me think about how T stands up in front of crowds and rambles, slurs, mispronounces words and his thought completely negative and disoriented. I can’t watch him talk anymore. Makes me ill. Thanks for sharing this Simon, and thanks for all you are doing to help motivate and educate our side. I’m scared to death about the possibility of T getting in again, boggles my mind how people can be convinced of untruths when you tell them the same lie over and over. Amazing how truth is overlooked, and brainwashing happens, despite the realities of footage, documents, trials, etc. You’re right, we have a lot of work to do. But being worried about a few sentences and how they are delivered in a well written ad isn’t my greatest fear.

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Strong opening ad. As Simon reminds us, fear of MAGA extremism is a powerful motivating force that drove voters to reject that agenda in 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2023. I expect we’ll see similar messaging focusing on freedom (Dobbs!) and democracy in the coming months - along with positive, hopeful ads touting the extraordinary progress Biden & Democrats have made since 2020.

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Powerful ad. Lets hope it reaches the folks that’s need to hear it! The pictures are representative of what our country is and has gone through. Perhaps a shot of him on the picket line should have bern added.

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Thank you for sharing! Let this be only the beginning of a strong message that I will happily shout from the rooftops as often as I can! Let Joe finish what he started !!! MAGA will ONLY break our institutions and spirits if we let them! I for one am not gonna give those bastards the satisfaction! 2024 is here, may the Hopium spread further everyday!

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Jan 4·edited Jan 4Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Your're doing a great job Simon!!! Keep pushing the truths.

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Do you mind if I copy and paste this onto Daily Kos?

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Just needs to link directly back to here and proper attribution given.

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Thank you [ I think ] for alerting us to Ms. Valenti's newsletter. She has said it squarely and unforgettably. They are coming for the 51%+ of the US population.

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James is no longer a member of this community. Thanks all.

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I wanted to share this link from Andrea Miller from the Center for Common Ground about a webinar they are offering on Jan 11


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I don't know what happened to James. Was he the one who was not impressed with this ad? If so, I think he had a perfectly reasonable point of view. I don't see this ad impressing many folks beyond those who are already Biden supporters. What about an ad featuring Biden from Scranton, PA who's faced many hardships and can feel people's pain, pain about X,Y,and Z?

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My opinion: it's just one ad, not the entire campaign. And I imagine he's trying to excite his base and activists he will need help from to win. The folks you are talking about are not engaged yet with politics. Personally, I got goose bumps watching the ad...

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That's exactly how I felt. No once can give any campaign a prognosis based on one ad - let alone the first one! I think it's a good start.

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Great interview, Simon.

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I love this new Ad -- Yay Biden!

Since we're getting into messaging -- an old marketing/research colleague of mine came up with this messaging twist -


Do this do covertly and totally as if it's coming from the tRump campaign in terms of branding, colors, font, etc.

"Re-elect me and I promise to:

1. Make America white again

2. Ban abortion nationwide

3. Punish women who have abortions

4. Set up concentration camps and deport all immigrants (legal-illegal, who's checking?)

5. Cut Social Security & Medicare

6. Protect the fortunes of billionaires

Because I care about you."

etc., etc., etc -- use 5 points at most per ad - test out which resonate best (public info available)?

Test where/when to run the ads, which platforms, which groups

Plaster non-stop, EVERYWHERE in targeted areas


Create counter Dem ads - do the same and plaster EVERYWHERE in targeted areas

I know the Dems don't do this type of thing -- maybe this is an idea for the Lincoln Project or the Meidas Touch Bros??

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That sound's right up the Lincoln Project's alley. Did yoiu see their latest?

Maga Holy War: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clUcDQhpNa8

Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5riEPdQVuk

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No I hadn’t seen this - Thank you!

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They post to their YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@TheLincolnProject

As Simon has said, the anti-Trumpers should be considered a part of the BIG, diverse pro-democracy tent. And in addition to hard-hitting attacks on Trump, their messaging on Biden has been pretty similar to Simon's - the economy is strong, we are in good hands, etc.

And I absolutely love their take on which presidential candidate is too old:

Senile: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgjS_7eNoOg

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