May 13, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

As I see it, the number one challenge for our grassroots over the next 18 months will be to remain aware enough of what MAGA is doing to respond as needed with specific things, but to not allow ourselves to become overwhelmed by the tornado of bullshit that will be flying at us from every conceivable direction. We are going to have to focus on the task at hand… Blocking, and tackling… Postcards, texting, phone calls, donations, canvassing… And it is absolutely imperative that we keep feeding ourselves every last grain of information about what Joe and team Democrats are doing well and reminding ourselves and our spheres of influence that we aren’t just fighting against a bad cause, but also for a good cause. Trump and the Republicans strategy is going to be to try to get us all in a doomsday spiral, and too many goddamn people on our side are so terrified that if we aren’t inundated with how terrible everything is that we won’t do the work. I personally believe that leads to more paralysis… Buckle up… We have to learn how to focus our attention on constructive things, and limit our attention given to the insanity that they are going to be engaging in, because we simply can’t fucking control it, and it is 100% designed to make us feel helpless and terrified. Don’t give in to this tactic… Every time you feel scared, shift your attention towards some thing you can do that will help. #GameOn.

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Twitter is a huge problem and danger to democracy:Too much power with no oversight. Are our legislators even aware of what is going on?

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We really enjoyed the May 3 briefing with Laura Brill of The Civics Center on boosting youth turnout; my Indivisible Group is thinkiing of using it to frame a project to do just that here in IL. I was so engaged that my notes are sketchy and I'm hoping that the recording will soon be available so I can transcribe it. Any idea when it might be posted? Any chance you could let me know so I can jump on it right away? That was one great program ... I couldn't sleep afterward! THANK YOU! mariann stephens (mariann.stephens@gmail.com)

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May 14, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

We need an opposition group to Maga. The Allies or The Allied Forces is a historical reference that we can proudly get behind. So many segments of the American opposition to Maga, like all the countries in WWII. The objective of this group is to save the country from the evil Maga,and those who’s aim is to take away out our hard won freedom and enslave us to their radical view of the world. Start this Simon. You have the platform and the experience to build a new coalition and a new hope.

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The Twitter/Turkey news is disturbing. It’s hard to believe Musk would NOT use his free hand to shut down Dem accounts right before 2024 elections and it’s impossible to see Congress acting in any meaningful way before that. Many, especially powerful Senators,seem mainly perplexed by social media, much less inclined to regulate it. Even though so many of us have left Twitter in droves, it’s still the most important mouthpiece for so many to communicate broadly. What to do? Does anyone think the new Twitter CEO will change the (horrifying) tone there?

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Just passing on some good international news on the pro-democracy battle.....we’re on the rise all over the globe 🌎😊


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I am not as sanguine about the PA election results. Holding on to the PA House was certainly good, and would have been disastrous otherwise, but this is a heavily Biden district. In Philly, what concerns me is that turnout was low. Low turnout in Philly (which was also a problem in 2022) is a warning sign for 2024. Philly is complicated, but increasing turnout in Philly should be a top priority. Like many things, there are a bunch of things that could be done to increase turnout, and I would argue that all of them should be done. This includes making sure that committee chairs are doing what they are suposed to do; making sure that there are plenty of drop boxes in 2024; hiring enough staff to get the elections board helpline answered in a prompt and constructive way; registering voters; and motivating voters.

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It is pretty well known. From today's Inquirer. "However, the Philadelphia mayoral contest was the marquee race, and a big topic of discussion among election workers was the turnout. Based on the unofficial results, it appeared that just under 30% of the city’s 770,000 Democrats voted in the primary." An article about the 2022 elections states that "Philadelphia’s turnout numbers are in free fall," This is from an Inquirer opinion piece. I am not sure how to attach it but if you email be at vthuronyi@gmail.com I can send you a PDF of the article.

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That's fine. If you need the data I will assemble it.

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