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Apr 4, 2023
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Fixed it on line. Thank you. S

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Let’s make not obeying in advance our “new normal”

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As he has done since his War Room & DLC days, Simon shines a spotlight on the pernicious authoritarianism that threatens democracy as never before in American history. His post-NDN voice inspires the true patriots who sign up, speak out, protest, boycott, post card write, door knock, donate in support of ideals and candidates who are the essence of freedom. Fight on!

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Thank you for the list of what is not obeying that applies to this group-postcards, phone banking, donations etc.

I often feel like I can’t do enough, but then I see a list like that and see I am doing a lot from my desk, keyboard and phone.

I feel less defeated-more hopeful

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If 2-3-4 million people are doing it every day it becomes something truly powerful. We are not doing this alone - we are doing it all together. And thank you!

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Every time I attend a textbank and that zoom opens up to hundreds who are there to work... it’s a beautiful thing.

Also, I share your work with everyone I know. You and Joe Trippj got me through the midterms. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It’s good to be part of the pro-democracy coalition.

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Bravo on citing Timothy Snyder...he is one of the superior historians helping us through this turbulent time. I love your pictures...all are so truly representative of the not-obeying-in-advance concept. thank you

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Toward the end of my shift Sunday phonebanking for Judge Janet, I had an experience that was both wrenching and beautiful. I was crying.

The person I called was extremely angry in the beginning, saying that she would vote for the Republican because she was so mad at the Democrats "for doing nothing for people who look like me." (Black)

After a long conversation, very intense and deep, she ended up saying "If youre the kind of person who's supporting Janet, I'll vote for her. I'll put it on my social media and tell my family."


Scrolling through my FB posts, this voter will find my posts of With Dems and other Simon items. I wonder how she'll feel...

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Thank you for your important work.

Would you mind sharing the gist of what you discussed, or the most important persuasive argument?

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Gladly, later today. As a preview, the moment of empathy that shifted the conversation was probably when she was talking about friends of hers in Madison who could not even afford housing, and I said that that is a huge problem everywhere and that 60% of people in this country are living paycheck to paycheck.

My hearing her pain was key.

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Terrific, thank you.

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The conversation was rapid fire, really fast. In acknowledging economic suffering I talked about the 2016 book called EVICTED, that follows eight families in Milwaukee in their struggles. I think my knowing about the suffering of people in a city in her home state was also an important moment.

In such heated discussions, it's kind of like running through a burning building. You turn into one room to escape, and you find a fire flares up. So you run back out and down another direction. The decisions are all intuitive and made on the fly.

Well, thankfully, in this case the building did not burn down. We continued our conversation and made real progress. She was in touch just this morning about continuing our networking and possible collaboration on progressive projects such as restorative justice and practices, and supporting women of color entrepreneurs.

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This is just brilliant...kudos!

You have provided a very different model of engaging and persuading.

It entails a bit of homework, but taking the time to understand local issues, enables an in-depth discussion of issues (and paths toward solutions).

In the end, you've inspired not just one person...but her entire sphere of influence.

This is how grassroots movements begin.

Bravo...you should teach a class on this method of outreach.

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Well thanks, hw, for the encouraging and kind comments. There is actually a name for and decades of experience with such empathy-driven engagement: It's called Deep Canvassing. I hadn't heard of this until a few years ago and did one training online with People’s Action, before the Nov. 2020 election. The rest is pure intuition, heart and...thinking (and feeling!) on your feet, so to speak.

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In the 1980s I lived in Germany. I studied history. I understand how what happened in that country. In 2016 I saw what was coming in the US.

Greater civic engagement is required to fend off fascism.

Thank GOODNESS for Simon Rosenberg and Heather Cox Richardson and Joyce Vance and the millions more who are now politically active compared to 2015.

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Great message Simon and we need to be reminded often. Thank you for what you do and see you soon at Thursday’s Zoom ❤️

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In Wisconsin it's Judge Janet, not Judy. Thank you for all the coverage of this important election..

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This Hopium is some good shit. 💉😵‍💫💉

Thanks, Simon!!! I needed that! I’m gonna SHARE IT SO HARD!!!! 🤣

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I’m new to your Substack page. I’ve done postcards for Judge Janet and other over the years. The HubDialer platform is an awesome phone campaign tool. I hope it will become a tool for the 2024 campaign.

Democrats must become more active in the process. I’ve made that my focus for 2024, getting every Democrat and Independent I know to become active in whatever way they can. Thank you for the information you provide.

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This is a powerful concept-a mantra even.

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Thank you! It feels hopeless in Nashville lately, but we’re not giving up.

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Excellent piece, thanks. One note: in paragraph 3, we're getting more votes for Judge Janet, not Judge Judy, but the hardest part of writing the postcards was not making that mistake.

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Excellent pictures 📸 Enjoy learning how to not obey in advance 😀

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Love the list of Not obeying in advance!!!!

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