Please, please, please let some of the Congressional buffoons get caught up in this.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

I’ll miss you all tonight. Still camping and working on the restoration of a hundred year old cabin while the sun shines. Got another 50 postcard addresses for gun safety laws. Vote MAGA out. Vote Republicans out. Keep democracy alive and well.😊

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Who/what would be the legal entity that would begin to investigate the likes of Jordan, Greene, Gosar, Gaetz etc. for their roles in the insurrection/Republican coup?

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Someone please wake me up and tell me this isn’t happening. That we have so many trails of bad people willing to play a part in this corruption defies my sense of decency as I was brought up with. It says to me that the whole Republican Party has a warped moral code. And the religious right is devoid of morality. So often I just can’t wrap my head around it.

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Well, ‘fraid so Marie. I’d not even guess a number but somewhere around 12-14,000? There is/was of course 30 million tally of Republicans mentioned - thereabouts. But I’ve talked to a lot of them...that were honestly duped, blind-sided may be now a more appropriate term but there’s been time when those in that 12-14,000 had aplenty to see the light.

A solid conviction rate is needed. It’s unfortunate no doubt, it’s downright sad in fact!

But it THOROUGHLY says how dangerous a period we’ve been through. And as for the rest , it’s time to re-evaluate your ...your moral standards as well as your belief systems.

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You nailed it: R attempted overthrow of presidential election, not only grifter's attempt. Stuart Stephens, former life-long R operative, also continues to ID truths: "It Was All a Lie" [book]. I cannot agree with you on Reagan because I saw first-hand the destruction his cronies caused to governance and the country. Examples abound: mandated meat inspections shut down, EPA paralyzed. This is what the coming generations are inheriting while plutocrats entertain "dear friends" on SCOTUS.

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This is all absolutely true and catastrophic. But it's also true that many Republicans in GA, PA, MI, AZ, and other places stood for truth and reality against this scheme against incredible pressure. Those stalwart democrats (with a small d) also deserve to be recognized and celebrated, maybe even more than Democrats!

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Not all all more recognized than the Democratic Party, which has a sizable number of elected officials who challenge the 1) global banking cabal and 2) privatization efforts of conservatives

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Stuart Stevens’ comment accurately points out how big the set of indictments ought to

be. The MAGA movement sure looks like mass hysteria. Perhaps instead of reading about how democracies die we should be reading about the Dutch tulip mania. Spoiler alert: it didn’t end well. That aside, it’s obvious Stevens’ ire is really directed toward the people—hello, Lindsey Graham—who were not taken in but hopped on the bus for their own reasons.

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Ever since the January 6 insurrection in 2021, I’ve thought a lot about how we’re living in a moment reminiscent of the decades immediately following both the ratification of the constitution and the conclusion of the Civil War. When you read about them in textbooks, it’s so easy for them to just be dates printed on a page… but the truth is there were periods of 20 or 30 years after those historical milestones where our system was unstable, and our continuity as a liberal democracy and constitutional republic was shaky and far from certain. They were times when the American people were profoundly divided in their commitment and definition of the American idea. I don’t know how long the prosecutions will go on, but most likely for several years. But what I do know is, our American system is going to feel fragile and unstable, and our confidence in one another’s commitment to freedom and democracy will take decades to heal. These criminal proceedings are a necessary part of our national healing, but I take absolutely no pleasure in them. I think the situation is best summed up by the words of a character from my new favorite series, “Ted Lasso“.... Sports Psychologist Dr. Sharon Fieldstone says at one point, “the truth will set you free… But first, it will piss you off.“ I don’t think any collection of words could encapsulate how I feel better than those. Thanks everybody for being part of the effort to bring us to the other side of all of this… We have to keep winning, and we will have to keep winning for sometime to come.

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Totally agree about the entire Rethuglican party being complicit. Just today while I was driving I heard Tim Scott blame the "justice system" for its biased indictments. This is a man who wants to be president of the United States and he can't even tell the truth.

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I find it very hopeful that party officials and even election officials are being charged. It brings it closer to home when a “friend and neighbor” tries to takeaway one’s vote.

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The Attorney General of GA should be prosecuting this case. It's his job to deal with public corruption matters - but the local DA in Atlanta had to pick it up instead. Without her, there would be zero accountability for this attempt to invalidate votes of millions of Georgians.

Republicans won't protect the public interest, even when it's their job and sworn duty to do so.

It's not a party anymore. It's a crime spree.

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Great post except for that bit about Reagan being anything but a force for the increasing income disparities in our country. Let’s not extol Reagan.

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Reagan - left the country indebted to the rising global banking cabal

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