What I am seeing from R's at the individual campaign levels, is not so much anti-woke messaging, but rather highly misleading attack ads alleging Dem candidates are soft on crime. And I believe it is working. In my view based on lots of conversations as the doors and working with campaigns is that the leading approach should be a counteroffensive aimed at base voters for turnout, but also the few swing voters, that extremist Republicans are trying to take you rights and freedom away. That begins with abortion and women's health, but also voting rights, what books are available in libraries and what's next? Our candidates will protect your rights, but you need to come out and vote for them.

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James, no doubt those will be well aired out issues… But personally, I feel this far out it’s of more utility to run positive ads about the economy in particular, because if we can improve our standing in the narrative on economic issues before the campaign hits, full tilt, it will pay big dividends… Even if we don’t come 100% even with them… If we just narrow the gap a little bit. I don’t have any worries whatsoever that by the spring this campaign will largely be fought about freedom, rights, and extremism versus normal. That will be a much easier campaign to run once we have an official opponent. If I had to guess, during the period between Trump sealing up the delegates for the nomination and the RNC convention, the Biden campaign will carpet bomb the swing states with negative ads about Trump to establish that narrative in full force.

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I was actually speaking of the Virginia, Steve, the main topic for the post and so near the election. Actually on the national level I largely agree with you, at this point of the cycle. I will also say I really believe targeting messaging to specific audiences is crucial - Jim Shelton, 31st St.

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My bad Jim… I should’ve picked up on that from context clues 🤦‍♂️😂. Appreciate your enthusiasm and insight 😎

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I thought Ds were prioritizing abortion rights, women's health, and democracy/voting rights in their VA messaging. Of course, that's crucial. Am I missing something?

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Yes they are prioritizing abortion to a good degree. But a lot of their messaging is what I would call deliveryism - that is they will improve education, etc. But what they can and do more of in my view, especially to motivate the crucial mid and lower propensity voters is to appeal more emotionally so they will turn out. The loss aversion of losing rights over abortion, but also coupled with other rights together as a package, is pretty motivating in my view.

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So they're not emphasizing potential loss of rights in your view? It's more a generic appeal rather than "OMG you could lose your fundamental rights if you don't vote and stop this"? Am I stating this fairly or not?

Yes, I agree, emotional appeals are important, no question.

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I can't say I have a wide, scientifically valid sample, but across a good number of campaigns, I see little or none of that collective loss aversion framing around rights, the gist of which you are pretty much capturing.

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The ad needs to be run in all 50 states, not just "the battle ground states." We need to keep reminding everyone what's going on.

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Simon, what must we do to overcome this nonsense that the GOP is better for the economy? I found this article a short time ago and it makes me howl in frustration:


After witnessing the 2008 near depression and of course the COVID screwup, I still can't believe this notion exists with the public that the GOP is better for economic growth than the Democrats. Any thoughts for how we reverse this belief would be appreciated.

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Thanks for including a link to yesterday's session which I missed. First, let's do more dancing!!! I loved the kickoff. Bring the energy up. Thank you all for this informative session. This really helps and I hope to make more of these in the future. When we vote, we win. So let's have at it. Cheers!

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Enjoyed the VA program last night--thanks to all!

As I write this (in what feels like a hopeless Texas currently, but it's my Texas so I'm still trying), I’m on a Dallas College campus for voter registration and, between conversations, writing postcards for Russett Perry. Thanks for the Postcards4VA recommendation--great to work with!

Another campus tomorrow, and postcards will again travel with me!

Cathy Murphree, Richardson, TX

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Just gave $100 to the Majority Project and still working on our 100 postcards for VA for Danica Roem SD30. We live in NY-19 and thrilled to help VA flip the house.

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This was the first ad VA Dems ran this cycle, starting a few weeks ago - https://thefranklinnewspost.com/va-house-dems-digital-ad-take-it-from-them/video_d18d9a44-66a4-5dc5-8deb-f0376287243c.html

It's all about abortion and the loss of rights.....

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