Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

Love the economic recap, and I would only add that because wages are now increasing faster than inflation (as you noted), real purchasing power is up - a significant win for consumers. Also I saw a clip last night of Brian Tyler Cohen's most recent interview with Gavin Newsom who proved once again he's a proud summa cum laude graduate of Hopium University. We need far more of our Democratic elected officials to take note!

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Here's part of what Newsom said: "Since Reagan left office, there have been 50 million American jobs created; 48 million of them have been created under Democratic administrations. The last 3 Republican presidents have one thing in common: recessions."

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Good news on Florida Abortion Ballot Initiative !

We need to message that Texas is not an outlier, and DeSantis and Haley support a federal abortion ban.Of course Trump is noncommittal.

DeSantis claims exemptions for rape and incest in Fl law….but conveniently leaves out those exemptions are only until 15 weeks.

“ The most important lesson: The medical exemptions written into abortion-restricting laws in Texas, Florida and elsewhere are difficult to interpret, and offer little certainty for women seeking to end a dangerous pregnancy.”


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The exceptions are deliberately vague and designed make doctors err on the side of not getting into trouble. If Republicans win next year every state will look like Texas.

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I'll miss y'all tonight due to the St. Louis Co. Democrats holiday party. Greetings from Missouri, home of Josh Hawley, born in Arkansas, resident of Virginia, the least popular Republican incumbent in the US Senate up in 2024. Josh is the recent author of "Manhood: The Masculine Virtues America Needs." Josh has a 43% approval rating (Morning Consult). Democrats and Labor are United behind Marine Vet Lucas Kunce, www.lucaskunce.com The race is a statistical tie with Kunce still mostly unknown. We need a pickup to keep the Senate. This is it!

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Go Missouri Dems! This STL native is pulling for Kunce (and the Cardinals as well)!

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Totally agree about the outrageousness of the GOP actions re Ukraine funding. Would love to hear some expert insight into the likely end game of this funding bill. Is it likely that the funding will pass but Biden will have to give in on really bad border policy stuff? Or is it likely that funding for Ukraine is really dead on arrival? Or is it likely that Biden ends up playing their stupid game of chicken and ends up winning like he has in the past? Really would like to know others' thoughts.

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The economy seems to be turning toward a Goldilocks scenario right on time!

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I'll be watching the recap of your event tonight - sorry to have missed it but I had to work. I sincerely hope we can all find a way to break through with the reality of this good economic news ! I don't want to be in denial about bad or alarming polls, but it's essential we not let them cripple our spirit/enthusiasm.

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Florida is a joke, sadly. Women have to fly out of the state to save their own lives... Is that "Winning"?

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