Here in Virginia, we have important elections THIS FALL for control of our State House and State Senate. Virginia is the last state in the South where women have access to abortion, but if that fleece-vest fascist, Glenn Youngkin, gets control of Richmond, he'll take it away. We need to stop his plans for the White House NOW. Voting starts in just one month. Please go to, pick a candidate, and start writing. Every postcard helps.
I'm writing for Rachel Levy now through Postcards4VA. There are lots of folks to write for in Virginia, and our postcards ARE effective, especially for the local races.
Greetings from central California and Congratulations on your fantastic wins in Virginia! 👋 Your message here inspired my friend Ruth and I to donate to Simon’s Va list of candidates and send 100 BlueWave postcards to youth voters in Va. along with our prayers. My friends in Santa Cruz Indivisible made/sold art items to sell for donations. I remember looking at a map of the United States and suddenly realizing the possibility of groups after groups like us in all our different states here focusing their efforts on Virginia and Ohio 🥹 Of course my brain knew the possibility but now my heart FELT it. This is just the rising wave of “passionate patriots” Simon has been talking and writing about. (and p.o.’d women!) 🤯mind blowing!
So glad Mr. Fleece vest spent his millions but you all persevered and WON!
We’re still celebrating your successes 💃and thrilled we could lend a helping hand but even more happy to know that everyone’s efforts, working together to save Democracy, both local and far away, could make a difference; that it worked! 🙌🏻
Irene, wow, thank you so much! Here in the Commonwealth, we're really grateful for all the help we got keeping that fleece-vest fascist out of the White House. VA Dems are already preparing bills to introduce on Day One in Richmond to ensure access to abortion, provide gun safety, and raise the minimum wage. We couldn't have done it without your help. I'm excited to hear what Simon's got in store for us as we all turn our focus to North Carolina. Tell me what democracy looks like? This is what democracy looks like!
I love hearing your Va. plans Catherine! Just like when Michigan took themselves out of the GOP hands🙌🏻State by hard fought state Hopium patriots will be there: Simon’s clearly on target for NC. Love it!
With the hope of not having each election be a cliff-hanger, 31st Street Swing Left ( has unique initatives: 1) combatting the right-wing propaganda machine, 2) supporting grassroots groups working on the ground year-round, and 3) Democratic State Parties. We also fundraise and engage voters to support Democrats running for the state legislature and U.S. House in battleground states. We are based in the DC area, but welcome members nationwide:
Markers For Democracy is a warm, inclusive community of activists who engage in postcarding, textbanking, phonebanking, and more to elect Dems up and down the ballot. We have a number of weekly zooms with guests, and we have a fantastic website that gives you all the info you need to join us. You can find us on Mobilize, or by going to
Thanks for opening up the conversation, Simon! Our group, Markers For Democracy,, started in 2018 by a group of friends who wanted to write Postcards To Voters together. Now, almost 5 years later, we still write postcards together both on Zoom with friends and fellow activists from around the country, and in person in NYC. We write for a bunch of different organizations. We've hosted over 600 candidates, authors, organizations on our Zooms to support them and learn more about critical issues facing democracy (and Democrats) around the country. We also started a giving circle with The States Project in 2029 to raise funds for Democrats running for state legislatures around the country. Even years we raise for Arizona and Pennsylvania. Odd years, including this year, we raise for Virginia. While we are focused on Virginia this fall, we are also focused on local elections in NY to try to lay the ground for taking back House seats that we lost in 2022 and because #LocalElectionsMatter. To that end, we are supporting several Democratic candidates running for Suffolk County Legislature (which flipped from blue to red in 2021) where the Republican majority refused to put a clean water referendum on the ballot in 2023. We are writing postcards for 5 of these Democratic candidates (as well as 2 Virginia School Board candidates) as part of our fall postcard program.
In South Portland, Maine. I am a LWV member prepping for two public forums. Board of Education and City Council candidates. Adding a meet and greet for any uncontested candidates.
On my street I’m organizing our third almost annual neighborhood party. ( minus pandemic years)
I believe ‘Go local, think global’ starts with the neighbors and citizens of my city of 27,000 pop.
I've been *pining* for people on social media to post more about the pro-democracy work they're doing, even - or maybe especially - the low level volunteer work. I think people are afraid of looking like they're overly proud of their efforts, or something? But personally I take hope and inspiration from seeing posts about the phone bank you just did, pictures of events, postcards, etc. It's good for my morale, and it lets me know about opportunities I might otherwise not have been aware of.
For my part, I won't have much to post for the next couple of weeks, family stuff to take care of, but I've been writing stacks of postcards for Virginia, and intend to start phonebanking with the NWPC-VA when I get back.
A little off topic since you didn't mention PA. David McCormick here in CT is going to run for the Senate seat in PA who lives here but will try to convince voters that he is from PA. Has a home in Pittsburg bought just before he ran last time, born in PA etc. He was CEO for Bridgewater hedge fund, lives in Westport a very wealthy suburb. Ran against Mehmet Oz and lost the primary but not by a lot of votes. The utlra wealthy in this country who seek political power is so dangerous.
As an added note, a huge billboard went up recently on I95 not far from his home and very well traveled especially those from out of state that has his picture and says "Connecticut Home of David McCormick" Not sure but think the PA Democratic Party payed for that billboard. Kudos for them pushing back on those ultra wealthy who are looking for a power grab in another state where they have very little or no affiliation.
What are your thoughts of him beating Senator Casey?
I’m in Alameda California, part of a small but very active grassroots group: All Rise Alameda. Our latest event was a fundraiser on Sunday. We served delicious margaritas (virgin or otherwise!) to support a great organization that is very active in getting out the vote for this year’s Virginia election: The Center for Common Ground. The Center is playing a key role in pushing back radical right wing efforts to take away our freedoms. We figured out how to use Actblue for the donations. Here’s the link Our little organization raised over $5k!
Here in North Carolina, Carolina Forward ( is leading the way building the statewide center-left coalition. We conduct polling and message testing, we've built a powerful statewide communications engine, raise very significant financial support for state legislative candidates, and push back loudly on the Right's nonsense. I encourage everyone to go check out what Carolina Forward is up to, and sign up for updates!
It gives me great satisfaction to be part of this national community of like minded, committed democrats. When we founded Force Multiplier is 2017 we had little idea of what the future held. Hopium and this community offer such a positive vision of what we can do together. Thank you. Tonight, Force Multiplier will host a zoom fundraiser for three vulnerable House members: Reps Caraveo (CO 08), Salinas (OR 06), and Mrvan (IN 01). Join us. These are engaging, up close conversations with these three young leaders. steven krugman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Go to Thanks, Steven Krugman
We are building a blue voter guide to help voters know what their ballot will look like and who is endorsing which dem candidates. Working on 6 states for the general election this year and will be in all 50 states for 2024. Definitely looking for volunteers to help fill the guide with endorsement info! Contact us at
Consider including a sample ballot. In my canvassing, phone banking work it's clear a lot of folks don't have time/interest to do the homework. They want to make the right choices, but don't have time to research, especially running out of steam the lower level races which are crucial these days. The bottom of the ballot gets a huge drop off in number of votes.
Blue Voter Guide (BVG) is designed to help all voters, especially hesitant and first timers, to make smart, fast, confident choices. Check it out at -- if you're not in a state with an active election now, enter "California" or "Los Angeles" as your address--we've left the 2022 California data in place so you'll see what it looked like in California last November.
Texas is not a red state, it is a non-voting state and we at Women of Dallas United for Action are working to educate voters, promote great causes and learn about the candidates and issues. We started in 2016 and continue to move our mission with over 1200 members. Please join us - especially if you are in Texas and vote blue. You do not have to be a woman, you just have to know one. Don’t count Texas out!!! WDUA.
I remember Simon (or his colleague Tom Bonier) saying the same thing about Texas being a non-voting state in Oct 2022. Thanks for all you are doing to change that!
I am so proud of all this work. I write letters using the Vote Forward voter lists, right now VÁ is up, and I participate in Markers for Democracy weekly zooms when I can. I personally want to see more social media pushback with positive posts on Kamala Harris ( I have seen some great ones and post to social media but not seeing enough of that) and more posts on the incredible projects that are being undertaken because of the funding from (1) the Infrastructure bill ( 2) the CHIPS and Science act and (3) the inflation reduction act. I am starting to see some good posts on this but wondering how more of this type of messaging can be created and disseminated widely.
Agree 💯 on promoting the Vice President! At one zoom I was on recently, we chatted about referring to her as VP Harris rather than Kamala. I'm trying to train myself to do that...
Ciao from Democrats Abroad Italy - have you seen the premade content available from the DNC on Greenfly? Here's a link with info. You'll find premade materials for posting on social media. definitely making it easier to get the message out.
In Tennessee, we are fighting for laws for sensible & reasonable gun ownership. There is a special session today at the Capitol. The legislators passed a rules regulation (73-23) limiting the number of people who can enter and watch in the chambers. After the Covenant school shooting, Tennesseans want legislation similar to the Red Flag Laws. The Tennessee Republicans value guns and gun freedom more than our children.
Rallies for gun reform are taking place. Wrote my State Rep and Sen. to no avail. This issue is not going away and will continue for a long, long time.
Can you mobilize folks to call state legislators a lot?? The more people who make it a habit to call every day even, the better. They can ignore a random letter, but they count calls. The more of us who recognize and act on the power of noise, the sooner they will notice!
Such great info Meg. I’m building contacts and looking to register students in local schools. I have support materials from TCC.
This kind of info very helpful; thank you.
Here in Virginia, we have important elections THIS FALL for control of our State House and State Senate. Virginia is the last state in the South where women have access to abortion, but if that fleece-vest fascist, Glenn Youngkin, gets control of Richmond, he'll take it away. We need to stop his plans for the White House NOW. Voting starts in just one month. Please go to, pick a candidate, and start writing. Every postcard helps.
I'm writing for Rachel Levy now through Postcards4VA. There are lots of folks to write for in Virginia, and our postcards ARE effective, especially for the local races.
I am finishing up 100 this morning! go Rachel.
Virginia is our focus, thanks for the link!
Indivisible San Jose wrote GOTV postcards to VA. I sure hope they help get people to the polls.
Hi Catherine,
Greetings from central California and Congratulations on your fantastic wins in Virginia! 👋 Your message here inspired my friend Ruth and I to donate to Simon’s Va list of candidates and send 100 BlueWave postcards to youth voters in Va. along with our prayers. My friends in Santa Cruz Indivisible made/sold art items to sell for donations. I remember looking at a map of the United States and suddenly realizing the possibility of groups after groups like us in all our different states here focusing their efforts on Virginia and Ohio 🥹 Of course my brain knew the possibility but now my heart FELT it. This is just the rising wave of “passionate patriots” Simon has been talking and writing about. (and p.o.’d women!) 🤯mind blowing!
So glad Mr. Fleece vest spent his millions but you all persevered and WON!
We’re still celebrating your successes 💃and thrilled we could lend a helping hand but even more happy to know that everyone’s efforts, working together to save Democracy, both local and far away, could make a difference; that it worked! 🙌🏻
Thanks for leading the way🙏🏻
Irene, wow, thank you so much! Here in the Commonwealth, we're really grateful for all the help we got keeping that fleece-vest fascist out of the White House. VA Dems are already preparing bills to introduce on Day One in Richmond to ensure access to abortion, provide gun safety, and raise the minimum wage. We couldn't have done it without your help. I'm excited to hear what Simon's got in store for us as we all turn our focus to North Carolina. Tell me what democracy looks like? This is what democracy looks like!
I love hearing your Va. plans Catherine! Just like when Michigan took themselves out of the GOP hands🙌🏻State by hard fought state Hopium patriots will be there: Simon’s clearly on target for NC. Love it!
With the hope of not having each election be a cliff-hanger, 31st Street Swing Left ( has unique initatives: 1) combatting the right-wing propaganda machine, 2) supporting grassroots groups working on the ground year-round, and 3) Democratic State Parties. We also fundraise and engage voters to support Democrats running for the state legislature and U.S. House in battleground states. We are based in the DC area, but welcome members nationwide:
Thanks Simon,
‘Info Warrior’..such a nice ring to it, eh?
The kids are showing up, carrying a needed banner, winning BIG TIME! 🙌
This is your friendly WV 💙💙 Cheerleader for our wonderful grassroots movement , progress, and message :
Inclusion . Unity. Positive Progress. Love🫶 and WILLINGNESS.
Team ‘24 🤝
Markers For Democracy is a warm, inclusive community of activists who engage in postcarding, textbanking, phonebanking, and more to elect Dems up and down the ballot. We have a number of weekly zooms with guests, and we have a fantastic website that gives you all the info you need to join us. You can find us on Mobilize, or by going to
LOVE Markers for Democracy!
Thanks for opening up the conversation, Simon! Our group, Markers For Democracy,, started in 2018 by a group of friends who wanted to write Postcards To Voters together. Now, almost 5 years later, we still write postcards together both on Zoom with friends and fellow activists from around the country, and in person in NYC. We write for a bunch of different organizations. We've hosted over 600 candidates, authors, organizations on our Zooms to support them and learn more about critical issues facing democracy (and Democrats) around the country. We also started a giving circle with The States Project in 2029 to raise funds for Democrats running for state legislatures around the country. Even years we raise for Arizona and Pennsylvania. Odd years, including this year, we raise for Virginia. While we are focused on Virginia this fall, we are also focused on local elections in NY to try to lay the ground for taking back House seats that we lost in 2022 and because #LocalElectionsMatter. To that end, we are supporting several Democratic candidates running for Suffolk County Legislature (which flipped from blue to red in 2021) where the Republican majority refused to put a clean water referendum on the ballot in 2023. We are writing postcards for 5 of these Democratic candidates (as well as 2 Virginia School Board candidates) as part of our fall postcard program.
In South Portland, Maine. I am a LWV member prepping for two public forums. Board of Education and City Council candidates. Adding a meet and greet for any uncontested candidates.
On my street I’m organizing our third almost annual neighborhood party. ( minus pandemic years)
I believe ‘Go local, think global’ starts with the neighbors and citizens of my city of 27,000 pop.
Those League of Women Voters forums for local races are hugely important. Thank you.
I'm moving to Maine in a couple of years and I can't wait to get involved there!
I've been *pining* for people on social media to post more about the pro-democracy work they're doing, even - or maybe especially - the low level volunteer work. I think people are afraid of looking like they're overly proud of their efforts, or something? But personally I take hope and inspiration from seeing posts about the phone bank you just did, pictures of events, postcards, etc. It's good for my morale, and it lets me know about opportunities I might otherwise not have been aware of.
For my part, I won't have much to post for the next couple of weeks, family stuff to take care of, but I've been writing stacks of postcards for Virginia, and intend to start phonebanking with the NWPC-VA when I get back.
A little off topic since you didn't mention PA. David McCormick here in CT is going to run for the Senate seat in PA who lives here but will try to convince voters that he is from PA. Has a home in Pittsburg bought just before he ran last time, born in PA etc. He was CEO for Bridgewater hedge fund, lives in Westport a very wealthy suburb. Ran against Mehmet Oz and lost the primary but not by a lot of votes. The utlra wealthy in this country who seek political power is so dangerous.
As an added note, a huge billboard went up recently on I95 not far from his home and very well traveled especially those from out of state that has his picture and says "Connecticut Home of David McCormick" Not sure but think the PA Democratic Party payed for that billboard. Kudos for them pushing back on those ultra wealthy who are looking for a power grab in another state where they have very little or no affiliation.
What are your thoughts of him beating Senator Casey?
I’m in Alameda California, part of a small but very active grassroots group: All Rise Alameda. Our latest event was a fundraiser on Sunday. We served delicious margaritas (virgin or otherwise!) to support a great organization that is very active in getting out the vote for this year’s Virginia election: The Center for Common Ground. The Center is playing a key role in pushing back radical right wing efforts to take away our freedoms. We figured out how to use Actblue for the donations. Here’s the link Our little organization raised over $5k!
Here in North Carolina, Carolina Forward ( is leading the way building the statewide center-left coalition. We conduct polling and message testing, we've built a powerful statewide communications engine, raise very significant financial support for state legislative candidates, and push back loudly on the Right's nonsense. I encourage everyone to go check out what Carolina Forward is up to, and sign up for updates!
Just took a glance but the visuals are wonderful. I signed up for your email updates.
It gives me great satisfaction to be part of this national community of like minded, committed democrats. When we founded Force Multiplier is 2017 we had little idea of what the future held. Hopium and this community offer such a positive vision of what we can do together. Thank you. Tonight, Force Multiplier will host a zoom fundraiser for three vulnerable House members: Reps Caraveo (CO 08), Salinas (OR 06), and Mrvan (IN 01). Join us. These are engaging, up close conversations with these three young leaders. steven krugman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Go to Thanks, Steven Krugman
Love Force Multiplier!
We are building a blue voter guide to help voters know what their ballot will look like and who is endorsing which dem candidates. Working on 6 states for the general election this year and will be in all 50 states for 2024. Definitely looking for volunteers to help fill the guide with endorsement info! Contact us at
Consider including a sample ballot. In my canvassing, phone banking work it's clear a lot of folks don't have time/interest to do the homework. They want to make the right choices, but don't have time to research, especially running out of steam the lower level races which are crucial these days. The bottom of the ballot gets a huge drop off in number of votes.
I do believe sample ballots are part of Blue Voter Guide.
Sample ballots are part of the guide. You will be able to select candidates, build your own sample ballot, and print it to take with you to the polls.
You'll be able to share your own sample ballot with friends, relatives, on social media, etc.
Blue Voter Guide (BVG) is designed to help all voters, especially hesitant and first timers, to make smart, fast, confident choices. Check it out at -- if you're not in a state with an active election now, enter "California" or "Los Angeles" as your address--we've left the 2022 California data in place so you'll see what it looked like in California last November.
This is going to be available in ALL 50 STATES in 2024. Share widely.
Texas is not a red state, it is a non-voting state and we at Women of Dallas United for Action are working to educate voters, promote great causes and learn about the candidates and issues. We started in 2016 and continue to move our mission with over 1200 members. Please join us - especially if you are in Texas and vote blue. You do not have to be a woman, you just have to know one. Don’t count Texas out!!! WDUA.
I remember Simon (or his colleague Tom Bonier) saying the same thing about Texas being a non-voting state in Oct 2022. Thanks for all you are doing to change that!
I am so proud of all this work. I write letters using the Vote Forward voter lists, right now VÁ is up, and I participate in Markers for Democracy weekly zooms when I can. I personally want to see more social media pushback with positive posts on Kamala Harris ( I have seen some great ones and post to social media but not seeing enough of that) and more posts on the incredible projects that are being undertaken because of the funding from (1) the Infrastructure bill ( 2) the CHIPS and Science act and (3) the inflation reduction act. I am starting to see some good posts on this but wondering how more of this type of messaging can be created and disseminated widely.
Agree 💯 on promoting the Vice President! At one zoom I was on recently, we chatted about referring to her as VP Harris rather than Kamala. I'm trying to train myself to do that...
Ciao from Democrats Abroad Italy - have you seen the premade content available from the DNC on Greenfly? Here's a link with info. You'll find premade materials for posting on social media. definitely making it easier to get the message out.
Second that. They have a lot of great KH content.
I love the Democrats org Greenfly app. Wisconsin Dems use Greenfly, too.
Ciao Gail! I follow you on Instagram - I run the @students.votefromabroad & @votefromabroad accounts. Nice to virtually meet you! Kelly
I installed the app and it’s asking for an invite code?
Ciao the invite code is DEMSDEMS
Here's the info we were given:
Hope this helps!
In Tennessee, we are fighting for laws for sensible & reasonable gun ownership. There is a special session today at the Capitol. The legislators passed a rules regulation (73-23) limiting the number of people who can enter and watch in the chambers. After the Covenant school shooting, Tennesseans want legislation similar to the Red Flag Laws. The Tennessee Republicans value guns and gun freedom more than our children.
Rallies for gun reform are taking place. Wrote my State Rep and Sen. to no avail. This issue is not going away and will continue for a long, long time.
Moms Demand Action is the group organizing us.
I'm glad you're there fighting for this. Cheering you on from neighboring NC!
A poll was taken and 80% of Tennesseans support Red Flag laws; yet, the extreme Republican legislature won't listen to the majority.
I attended a GetontheBus rally in Chatt -- hope to get to Nashville this week!
Fantastic. Thank you.
Sandy, see my comment about Blue Tennessee.
I will. Thanks for notifying me.
Can you mobilize folks to call state legislators a lot?? The more people who make it a habit to call every day even, the better. They can ignore a random letter, but they count calls. The more of us who recognize and act on the power of noise, the sooner they will notice!