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Don't forget so called moderate Haley's word salad on abortion; she is for a national ban, full stop, and admits it. Should trump wind up in jail or something or croak from too many Big Macs and KFC, the Koch bros. and co. will be pushing hard for her to step in.

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I'm so tired of my coworkers' gloom about the 2024 election. They tell me they talk to people who don't like Joe Biden, we're all doomed, everything is over. They live in rich people areas, no wonder their neighbors have a bad view of Biden and love Trump, they're rich. It makes me think they're living in a reverse-Pauline Kael scenario in which they can't imagine how anyone could be supporting Joe Biden and are convinced Maryland of all states is about to turn red.

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I grew up in MD and still have relatives there. I think Western MD has always been red - I worked in Cumberland when I was just out of college in the early 80s - that was certainly eye-opening. The same is probably true for the eastern shore. But if you mean the central section, I would have to ask what they had been smoking :-)

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I get so frustrated with the gloom and complaining too. Best thing for me is to just keep post-carding and doing other GOTV efforts. The information bubbles are real.

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Meg, point out to the wealthy how good their stocks are doing right now. They should adore Biden. Highest the stock market has ever been.

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Hopium Chronicles is the best source of real news about what's really happening in this country and Democratic and democratic prospects. I have every confidence that you are right about the 2024 election, if we do the work, just as you and Tom Bonior were about the 2022 election.

However, there is one item in your list of accomplishments that I find problematic, at least as stated: "Renewable and domestic oil production set records in 2023, US more energy independent than its been in decades. In 2023 the US produced more oil than any country has in any year in history." That may be good in economic terms, at least in the short term, but that last sentence is bad for the planet, and it's not attractive to people, especially young people, concerned about climate change.

Renewable energy production set records in 2023 is something to be proud of. The "US produced more oil than any country has in any year in history" is something to be ashamed, and frightened, of.

I suspect it is intended to counter Republican arguments that Biden is bad for fossil fuel production and energy independence, and our oil and natural gas production has helped Europe weather the cut-off of natural gas as a result of the Ukraine war. But please reconsider touting record oil production.

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The sad fact is, a very large number of people are not willing to sacrifice much of anything for the environment. They're happy to vote for Democrats, but if they think the Democrats will increase their electric bill or gas prices they may be swayed to vote for Republicans instead. Record oil production is a bad thing, but it happened, and touting it as an accomplishment may help Democrats win - which would be good for the environment.

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I have lived near a refinery all my life. Taught at a school right next to one for ten years. Who knows what we were all exposed to. But a substantial number of voters are hearing that the Green initiatives are killing the economy; my son recently graduated from Miami U in OH ( masters, yay! ) and on the drive out there I kept seeing billboards from right wingers attacking Biden's green initiatives. So countering them with the fact that hey. yes, Joe is for green energy, but in the meantime "you all are lying about oil production and whatnot; it's actually been higher under Biden", has some resonance with the fence sitters and indies. We have to catch the nearest bus that's going where we want to go, and as Rebecca Solnit says, sometimes it takes slower but steady to get where we want. We can argue we don't have time for that, but history shows when Rs get into power they stop all progress. Remember Reagan tearing down the solar panels on the WH.

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The thing about climate change is, every little bit helps. Having Biden in office, making a lot of progress towards renewable energy, will save a large number of lives and future suffering. Even if Biden's policies won't reverse the damage we've done, they will still mitigate that damage. Trump's policies would actively increase that damage, cause a large number of deaths, and increase future suffering.

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"A Final Note To The Hopium Community - Stay Strong, Don’t Get Blown Around By All The BS Out There"

Louder, for the people in the back! Please keep emphasizing this. Pessimism and doom are self fulfilling prophecies, but so is optimism and hope.

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Happy to see MSNBC interview a Biden voter at the NH polls today. When asked why: "Honestly I think he's doing a better job than people give him credit for. He's got a lot done on infrastructure. I believe climate change is real. He's actually done something on it, which almost nobody else has."

Since 2016, we've read and seen far too many interviews with Trump voters in diners; it's well past time for the media to acknowledge the millions of us who support our wonderful President!

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Is there any new polling from Wisconsin?

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And may I add to that outstanding post, be openly proud and complimentary of President Biden’s leadership. There’s a bit of a “group think” mentality happening right now where it’s socially expedient to make him into a bit of a joke, even among a lot of folks in our own base and coalition. But most people simply need social permission to acknowledge the EXTRAORDINARY job he’s done in the face of EXTRAORDINARY challenges. Be the person that gives them that permission....you don’t have to sell them, just be genuine in your own appreciation of his performance and if a friend or acquaintance asks why, give them the one or two most personally compelling reasons for you. This can go so much farther than you think toward opening people’s minds, and it will be such a better election year if we can slowly coax our own coalition to a happier place about President Biden in addition to the sharp and brutal contrast we have to draw with Trump. I’ve never been prouder or more impressed with an administration in my 46 years when considering what he was and still is faced with, and as a keen student of American Political History, in my view his presidency already rivals Washington’s, Lincoln’s, and Roosevelt’s for the role it is playing in the survival and trajectory of the American experiment, but like Lincoln before him, he’s unlikely to receive the accolades, popularity, or appreciation he deserves during his actual presidency and lifetime.....but if we win big this year, I would stake my money on the fact that history will remember him as one of America’s true giants and heroes. Give yourselves and your personal network the pleasure of appreciating his historic contributions to the American Experiment now, while he’s in the middle of the work. #GoTeam! #GameOn! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸

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Thank you for this, Steve – I wholeheartedly agree! Consistently underestimated, President Biden has done an extraordinary job against all odds, and he's far and away one of the best American Presidents in my lifetime. As if that's not enough, he's also restored honor and decency to the White House!

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I completely agree that there is "group think" even among our base and coalition. Even when I talk to groups of people who support Biden, they frequently start out talking hesitantly about him. Once I mention how much he has accomplished, I'm met with a lot of agreement. Like you said, it feels like they need permission to to be complimentary about Biden!

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Yup, and as leaders we need to give them that permission by simply expressing our appreciation for him unapologetically and without feeling awkward about it....they will follow suit to varying degrees over the course of this campaign year if we create that safe space for them 👍👍🇺🇸🇺🇸😎😎

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It might help to remind ourselves and others too that Biden is an introvert in a field (and culture) that relishes and rewards extraversion, even when it accompanies criminality.

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Although I have been happy with the Democratic presidents we have had, but as a former college instructor of U.S. History, I sincerely believe Biden and his administration tops them all.

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💯💯💯Agree....it might be 40 or 50 years before he is given adequate credit, but he has run an extraordinary administration in both policy and politics, against unbelievable headwinds

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What is your thinking about third party/no label candidates and what damage they might do in the election? (I’m embarrassed to admit Dean Phillips, MN-3, is my MOC and I voted for him! 🤬). How concerned should we be about these potential spoilers?

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It's a real concern; the money behind these clowns is mostly from the right, though Bill Ackman is a Dem and is backing Phillips ( who won't be running indie so less worry there, but he is a distraction, albeit a small one ) and they wouldn't be spending the cheddar if it wasn't helping trump. But I think the more deranged trump shows himself to be, the less this might be a problem. The odious Jill Stein can then hopefully retire to Russia and Cornel West can get back to writing long academic diatribes no one ever reads.

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Thank you for your thoughts. I’m living in a state of high anxiety over the election— as you can probably surmise from my “photo”. I need to chill. How about RFK Jr?

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He's the one guy that seems to attract trump voters for some reason.

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Jan 23Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Simon, my wish is that, in lieu of a podcast, your soothing voice would read these articles daily for the audio versions that I listen to on my walks! A boy can dream 😍

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Love this bit Steve

‘ just BE GENUINE in your own appreciation’ of Biden’s work.

This is the winning way to message. Pick your issue or issues, geek out on Simon’s data, then be Proud and consistent thru Nov and beyond. Others will pay attention to your commitment, get inspired, & join in the fight. The big ‘Mo seems to be shifting... elections, press coverage, tRumps demise.

We have so much to celebrate with Biden. Perfection, of course not. But as you correctly declare a top tier consequential President! With empathy for miles.

I suggest folks sign up for White House and Joe Biden YT channels. So much good material, like this ‘Has Joe kept his promises?’


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Very uplifting, informative and ready to work!!!!

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If we can get the message through that Trump wants to end the ACA and put women who have abortions in jail he’s toast.

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I now rarely read articles from Yahoo, Microsoft, and Apple News. I get all my news from Substack, as well as Raw Story, and Meidas Touch. Again thank you Simon and everyone here for all you do.

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FUD is the enemy. It stands, in marketing circles, for Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt, and it has been used successfully by companies with lots of money to spend to drown out other messages in campaigns to maintain market share for failing ideas, products and even entire companies. But the more agile, better alternatives have successfully beaten that strategy with facts and better communication. Time for Hopium information warriors to, as Simon says, Get Loud and Proud.

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There are also tens of thousands of Ukrainian-American voters, who have now heard Republicans like JD Vance tell Ukraine to give up, despite Putin's invasion and the gross nature of his war crimes. Not to mention all of us as voters who have heard Trump excuse Russia and ignore Ukraine, even as Russia stands with Iran, Hezbollah, Syria and increasingly North Korea.

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I am proud to be Ridin’ with Biden.

In late Jan 2020 I read an editorial in USA Today about Covid. Before we really were in it. And I remember thinking, such an informative piece. Ahhh Joe Biden. If only he had a chance...

And then .... the party rallied behind him and by Super Tuesday he had a clean sweep. We loved his calmness, experience and empathy. We knew he was the right guy for our time.

That hasn’t changed and now he has an incredible legacy that measures up exponentially head and shoulders about Trumps diabolical record of hate filled lies.

You’re right. Positive truthful messaging all the way. Even here in Florida. (DeSantistan again)

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