"Strive for 55" has a nice ring to it and includes subtle encouragement to work hard toward the goal ("strive" rather than "get")

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Yes I like it too.

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Definitely like “Strive for 55” better-and it rhymes! 🥰

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Definitely go with Strive for 55! Much more memorable.

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"Strive for 55" taps the brain's ability to more easily remember rhymes. Thank you, Simon, for working to make this memorable, DO-ABLE idea universal throughout the progressive grassroots!

More than 1100 unique visitors attended the Register Democrats Summit of Field Team 6 over its nine-hour agenda. Your messaging panel was one of the highlights, chock-full of insight and fresh perspective. Here's a link to the whole 58 minutes on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NluO9dnrnpQ&list=PLnMM7Ry0DW9YAlIYRL0EqauqlGPlDUk4O&index=6

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While "strive' leaves open the possibility we won't get there, :Get" is a command that doesn't put any responsibility on anyone. The rhyme wins the day...

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How about Drive for 55? Sounds a bit less passive and we already do voter "drives".

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Rhyming is great However, "strive" doesn't sound as strong. It sounds negotiable.

Is it correct that we actually need to GET to 55, based on your analysis?

Racking my brain for a definitive & active rhyming verb.

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