thank you for putting this year instead of just on X. you give it much fuller treatment here.

well, I am surprised about the lack of reaching out to Gen Z in this early going. Hopefully that will change so that we can get to 55.

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Many grassroots run Gen Z campaigns to register Voters, The Civics Center, Blue Wave, NEAZ, Target Majority, and many additional grassroots activism groups visit high schools, colleges, community colleges, university campuses to register new Voters and encourage volunteer activism.

A recent new grassroots TurnUp.org encourages Gen Z candidates to run.

Perhaps this could somehow be brought to the attention of the Biden Administration.

Perhaps there is a way.

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Thank you for highlighting these, Nancy. As a mellenial trying to engage people under 35 in my rural area, I will have to look into these organizations to see if any of them have a presence in TN. Thanks again!

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Aug 20, 2023
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Thank you so much; I will look into their work 😁

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Thanks so much, Matthew, found the Edit dot!

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Great! And I sent an email to Markers For Democracy. It looks like their events are typically during weekdays, so I am teaching classes at that time. We will see what happens 😁 Thank you again, Nancy!

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Oopsy — please kindly excuse the correction.

TURNUP.US is the spectacular new youth activism Turn Up For Democracy grassroots.

(TurnUP, unrelated, is for sending donations for food insecurity.)

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If you view the comments on the website, you can use the 3 dots on the comment to edit. It is unfortunately not available on the app as far as I can tell.

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Great ads! The first one gave me chills. I will study them and create my talking points. Thanks for sharing Simon.

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I agree, Claudia! It is very clear Joe Biden does not see himself as our savior; he is just an American doing his job so Americans can do our jobs. We all get stronger when we work together.

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Great ads. Thanks for sharing them. Hoping to see ads targeting the student loan issue. I hearing from family about emails reporting forgiveness.

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I really enjoyed these. I don't know what else to say.

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Thanks, Simon! Markers For Democracy has been working with a great group, All in for NC, that has been hosting a series of events for Mecklenburg County, North Carolina which is home to the largest number of non-voting Democrats and supporting Unaffiliated voters in the state. . Glad to see that the Biden-Harris campaign is targeting ads there.

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Excellent ads and most helpful information about state placement. Zev Shapiro, http://TurnUp.org founder, whose work aims at registering college-age students, said they are presently focusing their work on swing states. Love that! Simon, your message today is so important, I for one would be pleased if you chose to post it again.

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I agree, these ads are a breath of fresh air in the red waters that are the ravenous Republican nomination debates. If you've ever heard the Nintendo (game company) strategy of seeking blue oceans rather than red oceans where everyone is fighting for dominance, that is what I am referring to.

It feels like the political market for calm, compassionate, freedom-focused, policy-directed governance is where Democratic candidates thrive.

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Thank you so much for sharing these! I’m so sick of people constantly attacking Dems for being horrible at messaging.

I think that what they really mean is that they’re not aggressive, attacking, negative, or effective at painting the other side as an existential threat hell bent on destroying America. But even if that stuff worked in the short term, it’s horrible for our psychology and out blood pressures!

The first ad made me cry. I cannot fathom how any sane person can compare Biden and Trump and their disparate messages and not reach the conclusion that only one of the two actually cares about improving the lives of American citizens.

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This is exactly how I feel, Maryah! 😁 There is one motivated by kindness, compassion, and love while the other is moved by selfishness, grudges, and hate.

Joe Biden has been a good president. He has encouraged us to see each other as neighbors again, not as enemies. We've banded together over the last few years as fellow Americans to defend our freedoms, strengthen our democracy, and improve all our lives.

Thanks so much for sharing, Maryah. 🌱

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Thanks! Knowing that there are so many people like us here gives me hope for the kind of country my kids will inherit.

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I'm glad to hear that. 😁 I also want to say, as a high school teacher I'm incredibly encouraged at how amazing our young people are. They are hard working, respectful, responsible, compassionate, considerate...they are great. They care about our communities just like we do.

And they are up to the challenge of partnering with us to make our communities better. 😁

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As a mother of two boys - one who cast his first vote for Joe Biden in 2020 and a high schooler who is looking forward to casting his first for Biden in 2024, I’m not surprised. This generation is so much more politically engaged and energized and motivated than I remember ever being at their age - and I was already fairly ahead of my peers. They are also some of the most caring, empathetic and generous kids I’ve met.

These kids are magic:


Thanks for helping to teach them the spells to end the reign of Voldemort ;)

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Thank you so much for sharing about your two sons. I try to talk up our young people every chance I get. Thank you so much for the article. It brought tears to my eyes.

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Simon, Sunday — was writing letters and postcards. Thank you so much for this — as usual — uplifting and articulate newsletter, and for posting the ads, which I very much look forward to watching on Monday.

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Poignant, uplifting, heartwarming ads, watched Monday. Will re-watch and take notes as directed.

Thank you so much, Simon, for posting these beautiful, factual Biden-Harris ads.

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The ads are quite good. Thanks for giving us the preview

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