The Daily on the economy this morning … positive converge.

Credits Biden.

“Approval ratings and national mood improving.”


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Thank you, as always, for your timely work and encouragement. I really appreciate it. (Karen Agnifilo along the other Meidas Legal AF commentators Ben Meiselas and Micael Popok are providing me with excellent daily legal news coverage. During all of the "indictment" developments, I find myself wishing the Biden White House and Democratic members of Congress would speak up and out against the constant MAGA / Trump Lie-Speak. It should really be called "Lie Social" not "Truth Social." On a different track - On the very few occasions that I've heard President Biden compare his economic record with Trump's economic record (by name "Trump" "the former guy", etc.) I punch the air and say "YES!". Here, in my grass(roots) I appreciate that kind of talk.)

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Democratic surrogates need to be out in full force right now. The economic policies are taking hold and this is a good moment. Trump's attorney and other surrogates are flooding the zone with garbage and not just Fox and their ilk. There needs to be pushback. Other than Biden giving speeches on the attacks on our democracy (which by the way would also be great right now), he needs to stay out of Trump's legal troubles - but nothing stops Eric Swalwell, Jamie Raskin, Gavin Newsome and others from giving full throated defenses of Biden's policies and counteracting the lies about Trump's cases and the outrageous statements that he is making. Hoping to see a lot of this - and not just on Twitter.

Always appreciate your posts Simon - it lifts me up and gives me strength to do the work.

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The quote from Former prosecutor Karen Agnifilo at the end of this comment is undoubtedly true. It is also another reminder of how dictators can happen: They figure out how to sway enough people to believe their lies and that is the source of their horrible power. All of which makes me think that, while the legal system has a role to play, the larger role in defeating TFG and MAGA in general rests with We the (little) People, who must continue to work hard and win at the ballot box and begin to find ways to, somehow, break the "hold" all that cult-like negative thinking has on so many of our fellow Americans. "As a three-decade former state prosecutor in New York, I have never seen a defendant treated as leniently as defendant Trump. He has a rap sheet with 3 open felony indictments, 78-charges, in 3 separate jurisdictions. He has repeatedly threatened prosecutors, judges, and potential witnesses and has his own 757 jumbo jet at the ready to fly anywhere in the world and can abscond at any time. And the nature of his charges are among the most serious there are — he is accused of stealing our nation’s most sensitive secrets, trying to destroy evidence of his crimes, committing fraud in the oval office, and causing a violent insurrection in order to attempt to steal an election he lost, and our democracy. Imagine if he were Black or Muslim. There is no doubt he would be incarcerated pending trial."

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I've been saying all along, "How is young Jack Teixeira, the Army kid who shared classified info with his gaming buddies, being held in pre-trial confinement as a national security threat, any more dangerous than tfg??!?" It makes NO sense, and speaks VERY poorly on our judicial system. Tfg should have an adjoining cell!

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AWESOME CSPAN interview Simon! You did great!

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I am in West Yellowstone, Montana finishing up a cabin renovation and trying to understand right wing politics, which I understand from our friends is very much alive and well among tradespeople here. I am having a very difficult time wrapping my head around this. But I think we need to understand this if we are going to win in ‘24. We have to find and learn to use language to combat this. The language has to be clear and authentic. It has to follow the same lines as, “Biden is a good president.” Some folks won’t change no matter what, but some will if we can state what we are for and what we have done and continue to do to make our country stronger and more just.

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Did my calls for Ohio tonight! Go democracy Go Ohio!

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