Please sign up for Tom Suozzi phone bank NY District 03 that starts tomorrow at 4-6pm. His special election for George Santos seat is on February 13, 2023.
As I've passionately advocated since I started following you at NDN in early 2022, the key is not just in what, but how, we communicate Biden and the Dems' economic prowess. We must reframe the economic debate on OUR terms, because Repubs currently own the macro-economic argument (even when they shouldn't!). We won't succeed by simply echoing or refuting their positions (again, this is based on the cognitive science research of George Lakoff); we need to carve out our own lane, where we are the undisputed leaders and champions.
It's key that we make clear that ONLY Biden and Dems have pursued efforts (and will again when elected) to make the lives of everyday working people—including small business owners and family farmers—tangibly better by providing them the opportunity to succeed, and the freedom to thrive, by recognizing and addressing their needs for affordable education, healthcare, and child care, so as working people, they can earn a return on their work and make the purchases for all the products and services that actually drive our economy.
Natalie and Simon; Well written piece by both of you. I've been harping on this subject for months. Where is the MSM and the DNC? Why isn't this material, showing what the Biden administration is accomplishing, being broadcast to the voters. Every person of voter age should be made aware of this. Instead, the public is bombarded with Fox lies, shaky polling, tRump legal gymnastics and constant worries about Biden's age. The NYT, WAPO, MSNBC, CNN are not helping the electorate, or our fragile democracy, by covering every hiccup from the repubs. How can we convince them to change?
Based on what I've seen - I fear the closest we get to "change" is the loud few op-ed writers / broadcasters (ex. Rachel Maddow, Jennifer Rubin, David Brooks etc...). That being said I think the number of reporters from each outlet whom shout the truth is growing - at least I hope so. I honestly don't know if writing/petitioning will change how these outlets as a whole do their coverage..
There is some change happening, if you're not familiar with these two and their work, you should be: George Lakoff (on how to NOT amplify Tr*mp and the MAGAs, and Jay Rosen on the need to cover the "stakes," not the "odds" of the election).
I've been meaning to compile a list of journalists and pieces shifting to this...
Finally, not sure if you're on Twitter, but Jay and George are both there. George Lakoff is also here on Substack ( and has long been sounding the alarm on how Dems should lead with our own moral values/frames and not try to refute/negate the Repubs, or spend so much time on their talking points in general.
And while demanding better media is an important effort, each of us can spread the message ourselves, too!
Your summary of Biden's accomplishments on the economy and the list of Trump's baggage and betrayal of the Country is presented in a way that makes it very helpful to pass on and discuss with others. Thank you!
Simon as you know Trump doesn’t have to win the popular vote to win the election. In fact it’s very likely he loses the popular vote regardless of who wins. Is the popular vote the right lens to view the election given the anti-majoritarian electoral college? Is there a world where we get to 55 and still lose the electoral college or is that math very improbable?
Simon will prob have a better answer but I'm skeptical there could be that large of a popular/electoral vote discrepancy. I think once you get past 4 or 5 points it starts becoming safer
Goal here is win by as much we can so none of this really matters. My own view is that we got stronger in the battleground in 2022, making his mountain in the battleground much higher. At the end of the day we don't really know the answer to your question. Some polls show Trump outperforming the national vote in the battlegrounds, some show us doing so. Don't compare 2024 to 2016 and 2020 - too much has changed, and this will be its own election, not like any other election. A general rule here at Hopium is that no election is like any other election, every election is unique and we need to stay close to the data of this election to understand what is happening this time. Wouldn't worry about it - it's not something that is knowable to the fall of 2024.
A comment from a reader and a proud Democrat in Louisiana
We just had a statewide election in 2023. Our Blue Dog, very competent and well regarded Democratic Governor, John Bel Edwards is term limited out. We’ll miss you, sir. You did an exceptional job working with a Republican and often openly hostile legislature
This was a cringe worthy election for me. Although the Louisiana Democrats fielded a decent slate of generic Dems, they all but ceded the contest going in
The R’s, led by election denying, ultra MAGA, Ron DeSantis aping Jeff Landry for Governor, swept their entire slate with scant opposition from the likes of us
They retained their thoroughly gerrymandered grip (pull up a map of LA’s congressional districts sometime) on the legislature
No good will come of this
But a great Republican victory? Hardly. We had one of the lowest (the lowest?) registered voter turnouts in Louisiana history.
My own rural and therefore Republican West Feliciana Parish, population about 20,000, saw a turnout of 38%
In our state, race is inescapable when considering party affiliation. Not all Louisiana Democrats are Black but damn few Louisiana Republicans are Black.
The R’s are composed of the ‘right’ people and they make sure only the ‘right’ people’s votes matter Thus as it has been for a very long time
That said, overwhelmingly Democratic Orleans Parish saw a voter turnout for a gubernatorial and legislative election of 19%. Elsewhere in America, that might be shocking but here in deepest Dixie, that’s how it’s rigged. The people know by long tradition that their votes won’t make a difference
Just don’t let any of my Republican neighbors crow about this recent election. They gonna get an earful from me
Sharing this ‘ news’on the highly suspect FB ( other notables too) , spreading our successes , somedays it’s easier especially after listening to Simon, thanks again.
The shortest days at hand I’ll try to send encouragement and thanks as briefly. Wishing for World Peace , that protests would discover the quietest way is walking to the ballot box , and that battery was never again an action word but rather an object that attains incredibly long life.
Happy Holidays to you all , thanks for wonderful hours of reading enjoyment and working for truth.
Thank you for your never ending optimism - it is so important now, but really always. Your list of good economic news and political victories are all too often overlooked. My wife and I spend a lot of time thinking about how to share this information with the general public, as well as friends and family, in a positive and non-confrontational way. The other night as we were heading to dinner at a nice restaurant my wife had an idea. At this particular restaurant, when they seat you they always ask if you are celebrating anything special. Typically we will reply, “No just a nice dinner”. This time, my wife suggested it would be fun to answer we were celebrating Biden’s accomplishments. So when they asked, she replied “Yes - a lot actually!”. When they asked what specifically we were celebrating, she said, “well for starters, there is that amazing jobs report that came out today!”. I then added “ and 14 million new jobs over that last 3 years is pretty amazing too. We’re feeling pretty good! ”. So starting with this holiday season and continuing into the next year we plan to celebrate and share your growing list of accomplishments with as many as we can.
Moments like this one are core to the theory of our info warrior concept here - we have more agency than we know; if millions spread good cheer every day it really matters; and yes together we all give ourselves permission structure to leave the poisoned discourse coming from the right and live in a world where progress is being made, our leaders are governing with integrity, this is a good and inspiring nation, and we can continue to do big things together and win the future.
Omgosh! Simon your interview with Vanity Fair Brian Stelter was FIRE!!!!!(as the young ones say :-)
Strongly recommend listening cuz Brian tries to push some of the same tired negative media arguments against Biden. These are worries that people share here too! Simon bends, pivots, and definitively slams common sense data backed Ace shots! It is incredibly persuasive for those whom may have never ‘heard’ you before Simon!
It seems like a Media Masterclass on how reporters MUST rethink how they are reporting. It needs to be proactive backed with positive data, not their goto shock doom and gloom unfairly unbalanced ignorance of Biden excellent governance!
Your point about bad polls polluting the media and the lack of reporter responsibility for running click bait instead of scrutinizing the 2 polls that show vastly different snapshots, this was sooo obvious but is NOT Happening! This should be discussed in news rooms BEFORE the broadcast and if the polls don’t make sense, don’t report it.
Here is JVL from Bulwark mentioning “Hopium” in the 20 seconds of this vid. He doesn’t mention you in it, but he imo weakly argues Biden case. Honestly not worth the time except hearing Hopium come off his lips!
You are having the positive IMPACT on media that our time needs. ENDLESS THANK YOUS Simon !!!
B Johnson, your review of Simon in Vanity Fair interview says very well what I was thinking! One additional thought that holds me back from sharing it with people in my circle who haven't signed on to Simon yet is he doesn't talk too much about our AGENCY, in the process going forward. Some of his other posts focus a bit more on that and I want people to be exposed strong suggestions to get active.
Thanks for the link. I'm in NC and hadn't read the latest comminication from the NCDP. And it is ironic, that the GOP has left so many districts without a candidate. I dearly hope the extreme partisan gerrymander backfires on them,
thank you. Repetition is important, for it keeps important things top of mind. Journalism moves on to new things each day. I try to keep what's important, not necessarily new, front of mind each day. It's part of how we stay strong and grounded, and prevent the right wing noise machine from blowing us around.
Thank you, Simon. Between you and David Pepper, I never feel at a loss for firepower. Any chance you'll be in the SF Bay Area in the next couple of months? I would love to have you fire up the crowd at our 2024 "Let's Do This" kickoff event.
A Chicago friend forwarded your VF interview to my good fortunate. Calm and steady resolution is indeed the order of the day. Biden’s foreign policy and economic leadership (and the wisdom of Liz Cheney in choosing country over party) will dominant the news once the Supreme Court timely and resoundingly rejects Trump’s ridiculous assertion that he is above the law. As it must do.
Please sign up for Tom Suozzi phone bank NY District 03 that starts tomorrow at 4-6pm. His special election for George Santos seat is on February 13, 2023.
Added the link to my Suozzi page. Thank you, and good luck!
Thanks for another great recap, Simon.
Not sure if you saw this from Ronald Brownstein in The Atlantic—but it is a must read for Dems in 2024 (up and down the ballot).
As I've passionately advocated since I started following you at NDN in early 2022, the key is not just in what, but how, we communicate Biden and the Dems' economic prowess. We must reframe the economic debate on OUR terms, because Repubs currently own the macro-economic argument (even when they shouldn't!). We won't succeed by simply echoing or refuting their positions (again, this is based on the cognitive science research of George Lakoff); we need to carve out our own lane, where we are the undisputed leaders and champions.
It's key that we make clear that ONLY Biden and Dems have pursued efforts (and will again when elected) to make the lives of everyday working people—including small business owners and family farmers—tangibly better by providing them the opportunity to succeed, and the freedom to thrive, by recognizing and addressing their needs for affordable education, healthcare, and child care, so as working people, they can earn a return on their work and make the purchases for all the products and services that actually drive our economy.
Definitely hope you'll read the article - excellent Tweet thread by Brownstein here:
Natalie and Simon; Well written piece by both of you. I've been harping on this subject for months. Where is the MSM and the DNC? Why isn't this material, showing what the Biden administration is accomplishing, being broadcast to the voters. Every person of voter age should be made aware of this. Instead, the public is bombarded with Fox lies, shaky polling, tRump legal gymnastics and constant worries about Biden's age. The NYT, WAPO, MSNBC, CNN are not helping the electorate, or our fragile democracy, by covering every hiccup from the repubs. How can we convince them to change?
Based on what I've seen - I fear the closest we get to "change" is the loud few op-ed writers / broadcasters (ex. Rachel Maddow, Jennifer Rubin, David Brooks etc...). That being said I think the number of reporters from each outlet whom shout the truth is growing - at least I hope so. I honestly don't know if writing/petitioning will change how these outlets as a whole do their coverage..
I'll pull together a list of articles/journalists that are starting to shift this -- we for our part, should uplift their pieces with our circles.
Natalie - when you have this list of articles, will you be posting it here, or where? Thanks!
Yes, will reply here.
Hi Sally,
Here's the list (partial), but a good start:
Also, this entire series from The Atlantic:
There is some change happening, if you're not familiar with these two and their work, you should be: George Lakoff (on how to NOT amplify Tr*mp and the MAGAs, and Jay Rosen on the need to cover the "stakes," not the "odds" of the election).
I've been meaning to compile a list of journalists and pieces shifting to this...
Finally, not sure if you're on Twitter, but Jay and George are both there. George Lakoff is also here on Substack ( and has long been sounding the alarm on how Dems should lead with our own moral values/frames and not try to refute/negate the Repubs, or spend so much time on their talking points in general.
And while demanding better media is an important effort, each of us can spread the message ourselves, too!
I'm glad somebody is on this !
gQp are best at propaganda. Dems are best at governing and managing an economy. gQp owns the media.
Your summary of Biden's accomplishments on the economy and the list of Trump's baggage and betrayal of the Country is presented in a way that makes it very helpful to pass on and discuss with others. Thank you!
thank you! Was the goal!
Simon as you know Trump doesn’t have to win the popular vote to win the election. In fact it’s very likely he loses the popular vote regardless of who wins. Is the popular vote the right lens to view the election given the anti-majoritarian electoral college? Is there a world where we get to 55 and still lose the electoral college or is that math very improbable?
Simon will prob have a better answer but I'm skeptical there could be that large of a popular/electoral vote discrepancy. I think once you get past 4 or 5 points it starts becoming safer
Goal here is win by as much we can so none of this really matters. My own view is that we got stronger in the battleground in 2022, making his mountain in the battleground much higher. At the end of the day we don't really know the answer to your question. Some polls show Trump outperforming the national vote in the battlegrounds, some show us doing so. Don't compare 2024 to 2016 and 2020 - too much has changed, and this will be its own election, not like any other election. A general rule here at Hopium is that no election is like any other election, every election is unique and we need to stay close to the data of this election to understand what is happening this time. Wouldn't worry about it - it's not something that is knowable to the fall of 2024.
What a staggeringly impressive load of Trump baggage!
Ty Simon!
Peggy’s hubby John here
A comment from a reader and a proud Democrat in Louisiana
We just had a statewide election in 2023. Our Blue Dog, very competent and well regarded Democratic Governor, John Bel Edwards is term limited out. We’ll miss you, sir. You did an exceptional job working with a Republican and often openly hostile legislature
This was a cringe worthy election for me. Although the Louisiana Democrats fielded a decent slate of generic Dems, they all but ceded the contest going in
The R’s, led by election denying, ultra MAGA, Ron DeSantis aping Jeff Landry for Governor, swept their entire slate with scant opposition from the likes of us
They retained their thoroughly gerrymandered grip (pull up a map of LA’s congressional districts sometime) on the legislature
No good will come of this
But a great Republican victory? Hardly. We had one of the lowest (the lowest?) registered voter turnouts in Louisiana history.
My own rural and therefore Republican West Feliciana Parish, population about 20,000, saw a turnout of 38%
In our state, race is inescapable when considering party affiliation. Not all Louisiana Democrats are Black but damn few Louisiana Republicans are Black.
The R’s are composed of the ‘right’ people and they make sure only the ‘right’ people’s votes matter Thus as it has been for a very long time
That said, overwhelmingly Democratic Orleans Parish saw a voter turnout for a gubernatorial and legislative election of 19%. Elsewhere in America, that might be shocking but here in deepest Dixie, that’s how it’s rigged. The people know by long tradition that their votes won’t make a difference
Just don’t let any of my Republican neighbors crow about this recent election. They gonna get an earful from me
Luv y’all
Well said. Thank you.
Sharing this ‘ news’on the highly suspect FB ( other notables too) , spreading our successes , somedays it’s easier especially after listening to Simon, thanks again.
The shortest days at hand I’ll try to send encouragement and thanks as briefly. Wishing for World Peace , that protests would discover the quietest way is walking to the ballot box , and that battery was never again an action word but rather an object that attains incredibly long life.
Happy Holidays to you all , thanks for wonderful hours of reading enjoyment and working for truth.
Thank you for your never ending optimism - it is so important now, but really always. Your list of good economic news and political victories are all too often overlooked. My wife and I spend a lot of time thinking about how to share this information with the general public, as well as friends and family, in a positive and non-confrontational way. The other night as we were heading to dinner at a nice restaurant my wife had an idea. At this particular restaurant, when they seat you they always ask if you are celebrating anything special. Typically we will reply, “No just a nice dinner”. This time, my wife suggested it would be fun to answer we were celebrating Biden’s accomplishments. So when they asked, she replied “Yes - a lot actually!”. When they asked what specifically we were celebrating, she said, “well for starters, there is that amazing jobs report that came out today!”. I then added “ and 14 million new jobs over that last 3 years is pretty amazing too. We’re feeling pretty good! ”. So starting with this holiday season and continuing into the next year we plan to celebrate and share your growing list of accomplishments with as many as we can.
Moments like this one are core to the theory of our info warrior concept here - we have more agency than we know; if millions spread good cheer every day it really matters; and yes together we all give ourselves permission structure to leave the poisoned discourse coming from the right and live in a world where progress is being made, our leaders are governing with integrity, this is a good and inspiring nation, and we can continue to do big things together and win the future.
Omgosh! Simon your interview with Vanity Fair Brian Stelter was FIRE!!!!!(as the young ones say :-)
Strongly recommend listening cuz Brian tries to push some of the same tired negative media arguments against Biden. These are worries that people share here too! Simon bends, pivots, and definitively slams common sense data backed Ace shots! It is incredibly persuasive for those whom may have never ‘heard’ you before Simon!
It seems like a Media Masterclass on how reporters MUST rethink how they are reporting. It needs to be proactive backed with positive data, not their goto shock doom and gloom unfairly unbalanced ignorance of Biden excellent governance!
Your point about bad polls polluting the media and the lack of reporter responsibility for running click bait instead of scrutinizing the 2 polls that show vastly different snapshots, this was sooo obvious but is NOT Happening! This should be discussed in news rooms BEFORE the broadcast and if the polls don’t make sense, don’t report it.
Here is JVL from Bulwark mentioning “Hopium” in the 20 seconds of this vid. He doesn’t mention you in it, but he imo weakly argues Biden case. Honestly not worth the time except hearing Hopium come off his lips!
You are having the positive IMPACT on media that our time needs. ENDLESS THANK YOUS Simon !!!
this was a great interview and hope folks will listen.
And yes, Hopium is being spread far and wide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B Johnson, your review of Simon in Vanity Fair interview says very well what I was thinking! One additional thought that holds me back from sharing it with people in my circle who haven't signed on to Simon yet is he doesn't talk too much about our AGENCY, in the process going forward. Some of his other posts focus a bit more on that and I want people to be exposed strong suggestions to get active.
I know lots here sub to David Pepper but I had to repost. Way to go NC Chair Clayton and Texas! They nearly filled all the races with Dems!
Thanks for the link. I'm in NC and hadn't read the latest comminication from the NCDP. And it is ironic, that the GOP has left so many districts without a candidate. I dearly hope the extreme partisan gerrymander backfires on them,
lots of folks sending this around today. I ran out of room in today's newsletter but will share Monday. Chair Clayton is a bad ass.
Some great news here from David Pepper on candidate recruitment successes by the NC Dem Party that you’ve been highlighting, as well as by Dems in TX and AR: This was a key part of how VA Dems managed to initially take over the General Assembly a few years ago and just regain it last month - contest every race you can!
For the record, I appreciate your -endlessly- repeating things:
1). Phrases in your writings and your live chats… They get into my head and pour out of my mouth with ease.
2). Website links in your writings. So helpful and saves me time hunting for things that I knew I wanted to explore.
thank you. Repetition is important, for it keeps important things top of mind. Journalism moves on to new things each day. I try to keep what's important, not necessarily new, front of mind each day. It's part of how we stay strong and grounded, and prevent the right wing noise machine from blowing us around.
Thank you, Simon. Between you and David Pepper, I never feel at a loss for firepower. Any chance you'll be in the SF Bay Area in the next couple of months? I would love to have you fire up the crowd at our 2024 "Let's Do This" kickoff event.
A Chicago friend forwarded your VF interview to my good fortunate. Calm and steady resolution is indeed the order of the day. Biden’s foreign policy and economic leadership (and the wisdom of Liz Cheney in choosing country over party) will dominant the news once the Supreme Court timely and resoundingly rejects Trump’s ridiculous assertion that he is above the law. As it must do.