I totally support your recommendation that we need to get young people registered to vote, so how about a program on that issue? There are several organizations around the country already working on this issue. Perhaps you feature speakers from one or more of them to tell us about the process, how to help, where they are having problems, etc. A quick google search on groups registering young people brought up new-voters.org, RocktheVote.org, campusvoteproject.org, studentvote.org, and thecivicscenter.org. There was also an article from Mashable on organizations getting out the vote. mashable.com/article/organizations-get-out-the-vote-donate that listed several other organizations focusing on registering young people as well as groups like League of Women Voters. And I have seen other groups doing this same work. We don’t need, or have time, to reinvent the wheel, so why not find out how we can help these groups increase their reach to more young people.

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I agree with Cathleen D's comment How about interviewing the new CEO, Mary-Pat Hector, of RISE, the most effective young voter turnout organization in the country? Also, you should invite the new Chair of the NC Democratic party on for an interview. Don't know if you have met her, but I saw her interviewed by Ali Velshi, substituting for Lawrence O'Donnell, on Friday night and she was terrific. Much better than I was at age 25. She encompasses a whole bunch of our issues as well, having moved up to State Chair from having been Chair of a rural NC County (person?), gearing up for the abortion fight in NC in 2024, and of course leading that state's effort to carry it for Biden.

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Also agree about the N.C. Dem chair, Anderson Clayton. Tried to a search on RISE ? Morley, can you share a link ?

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https://risefree.org/. The "Free" part is designed to make it a more unique name and reflects their early focus on making college tuition free.

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Cathleen, Simon has had Laura Brill from Civics Center on just a few weeks ago.

This is a link.


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Agree about the NC Dem chair. How about Nikki Fried, the new Florida Dem chair. She is resurrecting the Florida party, or at least trying to, and Donn Deegan’s win was the first of many I hope. Also don’t have a name but with the emphasis on running candidates in every election especially the state races, how about someone from “Run for Something” which helps support new candidates.

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How about Victor Shi?

Here is a link from a recent interview with politics girl.


I am also in full support of Anderson Clayton from NCDP. Curious about her activist boot camp and your national youth voter reg plan melding together. And anything else you super political brainiacs discuss!!! There for it all!

Simon, super SUPER! about Donna DEEGAN. I have heard and seen her on so many NATIONAL platforms getting the recognition of sticking it to DeSantis in his backyard....... JUST LIKE YOU SAID ALL ALONG before her win! You are so astute! I even pushed back against a negative Dem assessment from Oliver Willis on Substack mentioning how Donna took the high road in her campaign and stuck to that and had R’s, I’s and D’s vote her in. Thanks so much for your efforts and supporting Hopium.

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I very much appreciate what you are doing. I've always been asked for money but never felt connected to information I could trust or received any sign from the organizers that my ideas, and help matter. So, my question is this: what are some ways someone like me can get involved? I work in the service industry so am not able to display personal beliefs on social media and my hours prevent me from having much time to donate. I've done postcards and knocked on doors and made phone calls but because of the deficit of time I have to give I'm not getting to know anyone so I'm always the stranger in the room. How can I get loud? BTW I'm in Texas and most of my friends and all of my family are MAGA supports not interested in what I have to say. Thank you

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Dennet, there are so many ways to contribute that don't involve money or social media -- just plain old citizen activism.

For example, there's a movement to spread the use of ranked-choice voting which counters the effect of gerrymandering ( www.FairVote.com ) . There's Jessica Craven's substack publication with its daily menu of who to contact about which issues (www.ChopWoodCarryWaterDailyActions.substack.com). There's a movement for a Constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United (www.MoveToAmend.org). And there's the network I represent, working to help remove and replace Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House (FeathersOfHope.net )

If you're looking for something to do Right Now - Today , there's this regarding the debt limit "crisis" which Speaker McCarthy created and is solely responsible for:

Since moderate Republicans won't support all the cuts MAGA is demanding, only a bipartisan majority can pass a debt limit increase.  And the only way a bill to do that can come to the floor without the Speaker's approval is through what's called a "Discharge Petition".   Without going into all the details, the Discharge Petition needs signatures of 218 Representatives in order to pass.

Democrats are united in supporting the discharge petition, meaning only 5 or 6 Republican votes will be needed to bring a bill to the floor and pass it. So if you want to do something now, you can call or write to the following Republicans urging them to sign the petition when it comes up:

John Curtis (UT-3), Ashley Hinson (IA-2), Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1), David Joyce (OH 14), Victoria Spartz (IN-5), Don Bacon (NE-2), Mike Gallagher (WI-8), Andrew Garbarino (NY-2), Nancy Mace (SC-1), Dan Newhouse (WA-4), and David Valadao (CA-22)

Their contact information can be found here:


Just scroll down past the parts about our network's effort to remove and replace Speaker McCarthy, and you'll find all the info you need, including short bios of each.

The point is, no one can do everything. Everyone can do something.


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Jerry, omg thanks so much for this. Just got my money's worth and then some. We all get so much info about what's needed, but it's so hard, as Dennette says, to find The Thing I Can Do Right Now about it. Thanks!

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Hi Jerry, I truly appreciated your response. I plan to spend some time this weekend and really think about which of these things I can commit to and follow through to the end. It was encouraging to get your message. Thanks!

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I felt just like you: what can I do to make good use of my limited resources? I happen to visit my granddaughter in AZ and was overwhelmed by all the “Elect dt” signs plastered everywhere. But then I spoke with a hopeful democratic local who convinced me to support their hardworking efforts. Frankly, I was skeptical, but boy was I wrong! My simple choices are things of interest now; support Az voters in their major fight (and wins) I then added Nevada bc it’s a high risk swing state for Democrats. And the youth vote is now a top priority for me; even more so after reading Simons ideas for “Getting to 55”. That’s the beauty ( IMO) of these Chronicles- you can scan writers

interests/ ideas/passions and choose what makes most sense to you and your interest. I also chose a “ political guru” and wait until he directs where he sees dollars most needed. Then I donate. I see Simon assisting us in that area now, also.

It’s a great feeling to focus your efforts and dollars! Welcome to HC; I just joined this month too.

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Thanks Irene! I love the research you are willing to do to find who/what that is mentioned in these Chronicles that fits your interest. I do think I need to be excited to get engaged and feel my efforts are making a difference. And I'm intrigued by the 'political guru' idea. Good for you!

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I attended the "Launch Blue Tennessee" meeting a few nights ago. I'm interested in the Every State Blue idea. So far, there is Blue Ohio, Blue Missouri and Blue Texas. A big part of the problem with red states is that many Republicans run unopposed. As a result, they aren't accountable for their actions. I know that there is the States Project, and Giving Circles, but I'm thinking that Every State Blue may be a little different. At https://everystateblue.org/ it says they try to 'fund the races that are usually left behind using our unique “bottom-up bathtub” model.' I would suggest inviting Michele Hornish or David Pepper to talk about this. https://everystateblue.org/about/

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Ciao Simon, thanks for this schedule. Would it be at all possible to alternate the times of the paid subscriber briefings and have them occasionally CEST-friendly? I do appreciate I can follow the recorded briefings, but I would be great if I could attend a live one every so often. Thanks for all you do! Kelly

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Future speaker suggestion: Anand Giridharadas! Also, yes yes yes, young voter activists!

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