What One Question Would You Ask Republicans Tonight? Here's Mine.....
Why do Democrats bring growth, and Republicans recessions?
Here’s my question:
Since 1989 and the end of Communism and the Cold War, 49 million jobs have been created in America over 18.5 years of Democratic Presidencies and 16 years of Republican Presidencies. 47 million of those, 96%, have been created under Democratic Presidents. Basically all of them.
Can you explain why Republican economic policies keep failing? Why your last 3 Presidents, in this new age of globalization, have brought recessions, two of the most severe in modern history, and higher deficits? And why do Democratic policies keep succeeding, repeatedly bringing growth, higher wages, and lower deficits?
Isn’t true that there is only one party that has been good at this capitalism thing over the last 35 years, and that party is the Democratic Party?
That’s my question for Republicans for tonight, and for the next 15 months. What’s your question?
Keep working hard all - S
"Who is the current president of the United States of America?"
My question...."How can you look in a mirror knowing you are responsible for more than 6,000 children killed, hurt by gunfire in 2022 and that, because of your votes to cut SNAP funds, millions of children go hungry every day?