Happy Birthday Simon! 🎂

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I live in VA in SD-31 and have been volunteering for Russet Perry's campaign. I've written 200 post cards, done one phone banking session, and one canvassing day. I will be canvassing again this weekend.

For reference, I'm 36 years old and have never actually volunteered for a political campaign. It feels good to actually channel the anxiety.

I am a little nervous about some middle eastern folks I've talked to while canvassing who are mad at Biden (whether rationally or irrationally) over Israel/Gaza and are voting Republican because of it. I'm not sure what to do about that.

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Tell them the world is slowly coming to see the plight of Palestinians & the duplicitousness of Netanyahu. Until now Israel has only gotten good press. Things change slowly, & Biden has Jewish AND Muslim constituants to fight for. Biden alone cannot change American policy towards Israel or Palestine. Why would these people vote Republican when Republicans don’t want to help anyone? That will only make things worse.

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Maybe mention that part of Trump's response was to ban any refugees from Gaza and re-implement a Muslim ban if he becomes president again?

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Brady, I am incredibly impressed with what you are doing, because I just can't do it myself--so take my words for what they are worth. I think listening sympathetically, acknowledging that there are deep roots to a difficult problem and suffering on both sides can be helpful. The problem is, and maybe in some cases asking questions can help them see it, that voting Republicans would make things worse for them. Here's an article about how very extreme the Republican candidates' responses are (banning pro-Palestinian protests, banning refugees, deporting grad studens sympathetic to Palestine, etc) https://iowacapitaldispatch.com/2023/10/20/presidential-candidates-call-for-banning-pro-palestine-protests-weigh-in-on-house-speaker-race/?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=4ed4f00f-2351-494c-8464-b27b099afeda

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There is this article which makes Trump's plans clear - and the Supreme Court upheld his Muslim ban. Republicans will follow his edicts https://theintercept.com/2023/07/11/trump-muslim-ban-gop/

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Brady, you give me such hope for the next generation. Thank you !

As to the those who are upset with Biden and would vote Republican,Trump is in legal peril and my😔Florida governor, currently second in the polls, has stated all Palestinians “are all anti-Semitic”.

Here’s a great article by a Jewish American who mentors young adult Gazan writers.


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Thank you! The ground game for Russet Perry seems to be run by mostly folks in their 20s and 30s. Lots of people coming in from MD to help canvass as well.

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Brady, first thank you. Grateful for all your work. As I wrote below and in my post we are in the very early days of a post Oct 7th Middle East, and we simply cannot forget that in his horrific attack on Israel Hamas killed 30 Americans; has another 10 hostage now; and is holding another 500 Americans who were living in Gaza hostage too. This is not about domestic politics right now - the President has to protect America and its allies, and work to prevent further escalation in the Middle East. That is what he is focused on.

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Very true! Thanks for the words of advice.

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Thank you, Simon, for saying out loud and in print what others are thinking but afraid to say or print. I especially liked the following, which I have not understood why more writers and speakers aren't saying: Trump and MAGA politicians are traitors and should be treated as such; the current Israeli political leadership is an anti-democratic disaster and taking Israel in the direction of a dictatorship.

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Using Vote Forward, Friends and I wrote 500 letters to registered voters in Virginia urging them to vote.

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Wow! Well done!!

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thank you!

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Hi Hopium community.

I am reading today's newsletter from Simon and I've gotta say. I'm a little worried that we have largely turned our focus away from Ohio and Ballot Question 1! I have friends on the ground there who say it's gone quiet at the polls. WAY fewer people and much less energy than they saw before the August 8 vote.

Virginia is obviously huge and pivotal. But let's not fall right before the finish line in Ohio. Women there need reproductive freedom!!!

Thanks all, for all you do.

Susan Singer


New Canaan, CT

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My sister teaches in OH (due to retire this year at 70 yo). She says there are sign’s everywhere in her area east of Columbus telling how to defeat this purposefully misleading legislation. She says, having been through this once already, women get it. It’s like one big giant eye roll to the right wingers. I hope she’s right.

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I would like to recommend this informative interview from NYTIMES blog Matter of Opinion with Thomas Friedman. His support for Israel’s right to exist is legendary but he wants Biden to lay down the law to Netanyahu


Re Biden’s proposed aid he said:

“And I’ll support that package under one condition: that Israel agrees that it will not build a single more settlement anywhere beyond the settlement blocks. Not one brick, not one nail, not one ounce of cement.” There’s much more...

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I just mailed 20 vote forward letters and download another pack this morning.

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Well done!

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I'm getting ready to mail letters from Las Vegas to Virginians this week! Vote blue Virginia 💙

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thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Question: Is it possible that the RNC Chair and Senator Lyndsay Graham could be indicted? So far, I have not seen anything. I wish, though.

Thanks for getting us involved in these important states' elections. It is wonderful that we have raised $75K!

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There is no question that hundreds of Republican leaders have potential criminal exposure for Jan 6th. In GA alone 19 were indicted, 30 more were un-indicted co-conspirators. 50 in GA alone.

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Just mailed my last batch of postcards to Virginia voters! I hope, Simon, that you can help with a comment to help us understand something. In today’s Bulwark, Charlie Sykes presents a scary story entitled “Joe Biden has a problem on the left” in which Sykes says that large numbers of Muslim voters and their representatives in Congress are extremely angry at Biden’s support for Israel and non support for the Palestinians that this could jeopardize his reelection. With what you know about Democrats an you tell us if this is true and how we can best respond? Thanks.

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As with WAPO, NYT and others, Charlie Sykes regularly employs “both-siderism.” That’s an effort to stay relevant. Seeing “Biden has a problem on the left” is another way of yelling fire in theater. Deleted it.

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We will see. Far too early to tell how this plays out. We need to stay focused on making things better in the Middle East. In general Biden is getting good marks here from the public and support for Israel is rising, including with Democrats. But we have a long way to go here and a lot of work ahead of us.

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Annette, I agree with ‘OutofTx’. Becareful of the purposely contrary headlines even from Never-Trumpers like Bulwark folks. As contrast and proof of the both sideism here is Tim Miller of Bulwark discussing with NY Rep Goldman exactly what you are concerned about.

Goldman feels this is an issue of Terrorism vs misinformation about the area’s historical conflict being tied to this outlying vile attack. I encourage you to listen and see that Sykes vs Miller vs Goldman have opinions. All commentators and media to some extent are selling a product. Obviously the far right is FAR worse with flat out lies and had to pay $ for it after Dominion.

I sense Biden as Simon has said is Crucial for this moment. Goldman agrees and he is literally in this personally & professionally. .

Hope this helps.


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I'm in Ohio, but I'm writing VOTE FORWARD letters to Virginia voters encouraging them to vote.

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thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I made 200 call into VA during Sister District phone banks the past two weekends.

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You are a hero!

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thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I mailed 1000 postcards to Virginia on the 17th and will have 200 more to go on the 27th through Postcards to Swing States. I already had all of my address lists before Simon made his endorsements, but a lot of the addresses look like they may be in those districts.

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Brava! well done!

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thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hi if you are or know any VA voters living or studying abroad, there is still time (barely) to request an overseas ballot and return it. Go to https://votefromabroad.org to make your overseas absentee ballot request. You have until October 27 to do so. The process is simple and can be completed from your phone. Be sure to request that your ballot is sent to you by email!

Your ballot must be postmarked by November 7 and returned by postal mail no later than November 10.

There's no time to waste! Our overseas votes can be the margin of victory in tight races!

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I mailed my 300th postcard to VA this weekend. The window for postcards is over -- on to calls now!

Also, I wrote a letter to the NYTimes today (an almost weekly "practice"). They issued an acknowledgement (not an apology) for the mistaken coverage (including bold headlines for a while) of the Gaza Hospital bombing. While I appreciated their acknowledgement (all too infrequent when they get coverage wrong), I pointed out -- very pointedly, using some language of Simon's post today -- how maddeningly puny their coverage is of the Republican House dysfunction. Not to diminish the horror of the hospital attack, but the on-going dysfunction should be at the top - in bold -- pretty much daily. The Republicans are a grave danger to our Democracy and the world, as we know and more people need to be reminded of.

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thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I donated to the candidates this week. We have had some major upheaval in our lives so doing more has been difficult. I plan to do as much text/phone banking as I can between now and election day for VA and Ohio. Happy Birthday Simon.

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thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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