With Dems 1pm EST Today, More Pods, Posts, Press and Videos
Lots of new and interesting stuff on tap for our Hopium community
Friends, a few things for you today:
With Democrats Things Get Better - Dropping a new With Democrats Things Get Better today at 1pm EST. RSVP here. Join live, or catch a recording when you have time. With Dems is my data-filled meditation on US politics over the past 30 plus years, and many of the economic graphs you see here on the Hopium were originally built for this presentation. It takes about 30 minutes, and I promise it will leave you with a bit more pep in your step. If you like it please share it with others - it tells a story about our party that many of our friends and colleagues would love to hear. Loud and proud people!
My Monthly Political Briefing Next Tuesday, July 25th, 8pm EST - My monthly live political briefing and discussion for the broader Hopium community is next Tuesday night at 8pm EST. RSVP to join live, or catch a recording here when you have the time. Lots of political news to talk about for sure. My monthly political hangout with paid subscribers was on Tuesday night, and it was a great event. You can watch a recording here if you are a paid subscriber or want to become one today.
A few background reads/discussions for either political briefing:
Some early thoughts on the various 3rd party/rogue candidate efforts
Despite some recent news reports, 2022 was a very good year for Democrats
Two New Podcasts - I was the guest this week on two podcasts, and each was a fun, lively and terrific discussion. Fellow Substacker and important political commentator Aaron Rupar just dropped our talk this morning, and he’s calling it Simon Rosenberg on how Dems can finish off the MAGA movement in ‘24. Like the title!
I also sat down with my old friend Mara Dolan and her co-host Pam Rogers for their excellent new bi-partisan “Going Disparate” pod. They’re calling our discussion America’s Sunny Outlook - love that one too!
Know many of you are avid listeners to podcasts, and think you will enjoy either of these fun discussions. Thanks to Aaron and Mara and Pam for the opportunity to spread a bit of Hopium with them this week.
Upcoming Talks with Great Grassroots Groups
Thursday, July 20th 7pm EST - 31st Street Swing Left - Zoom Link
Friday, July 21st 7pm EST - Swing Left and Indivisible Oregon (COIN) - RSVP
Saturday, July 22nd 1pm EST - Network NOVA’s 7th Annual Women's Summit: ALL IN to WIN Virginia - Learn more and RSVP. Excited for this one - looking forward to seeing folks in person!
And I close out with two must watch videos:
Admiral Kirby at the White House press briefing explaining why the DOD covers the travel expenses of servicewomen in need of reproductive health care -
This inspirational video is Hayley Williams of the band Paramore making a powerful case for young people to register to vote -
Keep working hard all - Simon
"Some early thoughts on the various 3rd party/rouge candidate efforts." "Rouge" or "Rogue"? :) Rouge kinda works. also, Simon, I would have loved to share the Admiral Kirby video with my crowd on Linkedin, but it's not clippable. Is there a way for you to post videos so we can share 'em? Also, you might want to up your LinkedIn game. your profile still has you at NDN/NPI.
Simon, thank you for Aaron’s pod. I am literally savoring Hopium with homemade chocolate chip cookies, a glass of cold raw milk, no kids at home, and a cat on my lap! This is the kind of ecosystem and messages the US and the world needs more of! Enjoy family, it is great! Hug from NC.