
In case the Zelenskyy video didn't come through, here' s a link - https://twitter.com/60Minutes/status/1703558950719795499

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Just a short comment to say I listened to both the Reed Galen and the Jennifer Rubin podcasts and they are well worth your time!

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Thanks for including Vice President Harris' college tour schedule. I saw her rapturous reception at one of the early colleges but didn't realize it was part of a larger tour. Glad to see it!

Each day from now through Nov. 5, 2024, I hope we'll remind everyone within earshot of Trump's brag: "I WAS ABLE TO KILL ROE V WADE." Coupled with trying to kill American democracy and running again to finish the job, it's a mighty terrifying strategy.

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Dangerous is right. As we write, DeSantis is committing homicide by advising FL people under 65 to skip the booster. His Surgeon General, Ladapo, is an anti-vax zealot and was a murderous herd immunity advocate in the early 2020 stages of the virus.

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Could he be killing off his own voters?

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He already is. Data shows deaths in red counties substantially outweigh blue counties.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Your podcast withJennifer Rubin’s Greenroom was, again, fantastic. You give so much valuable data and information about our current state of politics. And after your interviews, I’m always left thinking, Yes, this makes so much sense. This is what I see. This is what I hear when I talk to people. It’s very validating.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Hello Simon,

Serious question... are you at all concerned about the decline of support in some of the very strong Democratic areas? In the tracker to which you linked, you can see in a few very blue areas in NY, PA, CT, and VA the Democratic margins of victory have declined. Granted, they went from “overwhelming” to merely “strong”. But I wonder if that belies some weakening enthusiasm or potential backsliding on the part of independents.

Thank you.

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I’d love to congratulate the Democrats in NY and Tenn. Names please . Or how to access that info? Thanks

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As was predicted there’s a hoard of negative news. What I love to hear, to read, is the positive stats. The reputable news sources providing accurate and decent dialog. The difference is notable ,classy , well presented , factual. The saturation of lewd crass barkers is just that. And those who listen , cheer, defend, stoop to that level.

Keep the accomplishments vocal and frequent. The local actions news worthy notices.

We’re getting bridges replaced in WV, a new school for our students in flood ravaged rural Clendenin. Long overdue, but happening. That’s the slow and methodical transparency we need HEADLINING.

Thanks President Biden, VP Harris and the capable votes , pressure and hard work .

Registered? We need 🫵 vote🫶


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